Module MAPLEAF.IO.CythonLog


class Log (...)

Class manages logs for any number of states that need to be logged. Each state/parameter that needs to be logged is given its own column in the log (represented as a python list) Each row holds values from a single time. When a new row is added to the log, any empty values in the previous row will be filled with the fill value.

Internally, the log is represented as a dict containing a list for each log column

columnNames should be a list of strings To get references to the log columns, initialize the log as empty and then use the addColumn(s) functions. Those return the list(s) they add to the log for direct access


Instance variables

var fillValues

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var logColumns

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.


def addColumn(...)

Returns reference to the log column (list)

def addColumns(...)

Returns list of references to the log columns (list[list])

def deleteLastRow(...)
def expandIterableColumns(...)

Look for columns containing vector values, convert them into a triplet of values

def getValue(...)
def logValue(...)

Throws KeyError if colName is not a valid column name

def newLogRow(...)

Start a new row in the log. Typically called after a time step or force evaluation is completed

def writeToCSV(...)
class TimeStepLog (...)

Adds functionality for post processing specific to time step logs for mapleaf

columnNames should be a list of strings To get references to the log columns, initialize the log as empty and then use the addColumn(s) functions. Those return the list(s) they add to the log for direct access



def writeToCSV(...)

Inherited members