Module MAPLEAF.IO.gridConvergenceFunctions
Functions to analyze grid convergence of simulations
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''' Functions to analyze grid convergence of simulations '''
import os
from math import log
from statistics import mean
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
#TODO: Create a class to hold convergence results?
############# Functions used internally by checkConvergence ################
def orderOfConvergence(coarseVal, medVal, fineVal, gridRefinementRatio, minOrder=0.5, maxOrder=2):
''' Function includes limiter '''
logBody = (coarseVal - medVal) / (medVal - fineVal)
if logBody <= 0:
return minOrder
p = log(logBody) / log(gridRefinementRatio)
#Apply Limits
p = max(minOrder, p)
p = min(maxOrder, p)
return p
def relError(coarserVal, finerVal):
return (coarserVal - finerVal) / finerVal
def GCI(coarserVal, finerVal, gridRefinementRatio, observedOrderOfConvergence, factorOfSafety=3, normalizationConstant=None):
if normalizationConstant == None:
normalizationConstant = finerVal
numerator = factorOfSafety * abs((coarserVal - finerVal)/normalizationConstant)
denominator = (gridRefinementRatio**observedOrderOfConvergence - 1)
return abs(numerator / denominator) * 100
def asymptoticCheck(GCIFiner, GCICoarser, refinementRatio, observedOrderOfConvergence):
return GCICoarser / (GCIFiner * refinementRatio**observedOrderOfConvergence)
def richardsonExtrap(finerVal, coarserVal, refinementRatio, orderOfConvergence=2):
return finerVal + (finerVal - coarserVal) / (refinementRatio**orderOfConvergence - 1)
def errorEstimate(order, fineVal, medVal, meshRatio):
return abs(fineVal - medVal) / (meshRatio**order - 1)
def interpolateDataToCoarseMesh(coarseX, medX, medY, fineX, fineY):
''' Uses cubic spline '''
medVal = interp1d(medX, medY, kind="cubic", fill_value="extrapolate", bounds_error=False)
fineVal = interp1d(fineX, fineY, kind="cubic", fill_value="extrapolate", bounds_error=False)
interpMed = [ medVal(x) for x in coarseX ]
interpFine = [ fineVal(x) for x in coarseX ]
return interpMed, interpFine
################ Uncertainty Calculation - Pass one of these into checkConvergence as uncertaintyEstimator ###################
def uncertainty_FS(order, fineVal, medVal, meshRatio, formalOrder=2):
''' Factor of Safety Method, Xing and Stern '''
P = order/formalOrder
if P > 0 and P <= 1:
FS = 1.6*P + 2.45*(1-P)
elif P > 1:
FS = 1.6*P + 14.8*(P-1)
return FS * errorEstimate(order, fineVal, medVal, meshRatio)
def uncertainty_GCIOR(order, fineVal, medVal, meshRatio, formalOrder=2):
if order > 1.8 and order < 2.2:
return 1.25 * errorEstimate(order, fineVal, medVal, meshRatio)
return 3 * errorEstimate(order, fineVal, medVal, meshRatio)
def uncertainty_GCI2g(order, fineVal, medVal, meshRatio, formalOrder=2):
return 3 * errorEstimate(formalOrder, fineVal, medVal, meshRatio)
def uncertainty_GCIglb(order, fineVal, medVal, meshRatio, formalOrder=2):
return 1.25 * errorEstimate(order, fineVal, medVal, meshRatio)
############# Main Convergence Check Function ################
def checkConvergence(coarseVals, medVals, fineVals, gridRefinementRatio, minConvergOrder=0.5, maxConvergOrder=2, orderTolerance=0.2, \
asympTolerance=0.05, theoreticalOrderOfConvergence=2, GCINormalizationConstant=None, \
uncertaintyEstimator=uncertainty_GCI2g, useAvgOrderOfConvergence=False, writeSummaryToConsole=False):
#minConvergOrder: limiter on convergence order, recommend 0.5
#maxConvergOrder: limiter on convergence order, recommend 2
#orderTolerance: tolerance to set the safety factor in grid convergence
# -> if orderTolerance=0.2, observed orders of 1.8-2.2 get a GCI safety factor of 1.25, others get 3
#asympTolerance: tolerance for asymptotic convergence, if out 1 +/- asympTolerance range, GCI safety factor is 3
def actuallyCheckConvergence(cV, mV, fV, p):
''' Pass in single coarse, medium and fine values, as well as the observed order of convergence '''
# Calculate GCI12 & GCI23
if GCINormalizationConstant == None:
GCI12 = GCI(mV, fV, gridRefinementRatio, p)
GCI23 = GCI(cV, mV, gridRefinementRatio, p)
GCI12 = GCI(mV, fV, gridRefinementRatio, p)
GCI23 = GCI(cV, mV, gridRefinementRatio, p)
# Check whether asymptotic
asympCheck = asymptoticCheck(GCI12, GCI23, gridRefinementRatio, p)
# If results match tolerances, recalculate GCI's with 1.25 factor of safety
matchesExpectedOrderOfConvergence = (p < theoreticalOrderOfConvergence + orderTolerance and p > theoreticalOrderOfConvergence - orderTolerance)
isAsymptotic = abs(asympCheck - 1) < asympTolerance
if matchesExpectedOrderOfConvergence and isAsymptotic:
GCI12 = GCI(mV, fV, gridRefinementRatio, p, factorOfSafety=1.25)
GCI23 = GCI(cV, mV, gridRefinementRatio, p, factorOfSafety=1.25)
# Calculate richardson value and uncertainty estimate
richardsonVal = richardsonExtrap(fV, mV, gridRefinementRatio, orderOfConvergence=p)
uncertaintyEstimate = uncertaintyEstimator(p, fV, mV, gridRefinementRatio, theoreticalOrderOfConvergence)
# Return results
return [p, GCI12, GCI23, asympCheck, richardsonVal, uncertaintyEstimate]
# If single values are passed in for coarse/med/fine values, put them in 1-length lists
t = iter(coarseVals)
t = iter(medVals)
t = iter(fineVals)
except TypeError:
# Items passed in are not lists, they are single values
# So make them lists
coarseVals = [ coarseVals ]
medVals = [ medVals ]
fineVals = [ fineVals ]
# Calculate local and average orders of convergence
ordersOfConvergence = [ orderOfConvergence(cV, mV, fV, gridRefinementRatio, minOrder=minConvergOrder, maxOrder=maxConvergOrder) for cV, mV, fV in zip(coarseVals, medVals, fineVals) ]
avgP = mean(ordersOfConvergence)
# Create empty lists to hold convergence data for each point
GCI12s = []
GCI23s = []
asymptoticChecks = []
richardsonExtrapVals = []
uncertainties = []
# Call actuallyCheckConvergence for each point
for cV, mV, fV, aP in zip(coarseVals, medVals, fineVals, ordersOfConvergence):
# Call actualluCheckConvergence
if useAvgOrderOfConvergence:
# Pass in average order of convergence
p, G1, G2, asymp, rVal, u = actuallyCheckConvergence(cV, mV, fV, avgP)
# Pass in local order of convergence
p, G1, G2, asymp, rVal, u = actuallyCheckConvergence(cV, mV, fV, aP)
# Store results
### Output/Return results ###
if writeSummaryToConsole:
print("Avg observed order of convergence: {}".format(mean(ordersOfConvergence)))
print("Avg GCI(Fine): {}%".format(mean(GCI12s)))
print("Avg GCI(Medium): {}%".format(mean(GCI23s)))
print("Avg asymptotic check: {}".format(mean(asymptoticChecks)))
print("Avg uncertainty: +/-{}".format(mean(uncertainties)))
# If there was only a single data point passed in, return values instead of lists
if len(ordersOfConvergence) == 1:
ordersOfConvergence = ordersOfConvergence[0]
GCI12s = GCI12s[0]
GCI23s = GCI23s[0]
asymptoticChecks = asymptoticChecks[0]
richardsonExtrapVals = richardsonExtrapVals[0]
uncertainties = uncertainties[0]
return [ ordersOfConvergence, GCI12s, GCI23s, asymptoticChecks, richardsonExtrapVals, uncertainties ]
############# Calculate & Plot Results ################
def plotConvergence(coarseX, coarseY, medX, medY, fineX, fineY, \
minConvergOrder=0.5, maxConvergOrder=2, writeSummaryToConsole=True, useAvgOrderOfConvergence=False, refinementRatio=1.5, \
xLabel=r"Plate location (m)", yLabel=r"Wall Heat Flux (W)", xLim=None, yLim=None, showRichardson=True, showUncertainty=True, figSize=(6,4), \
saveToDirectory=None, overwrite=False, showPlot=True, lineLabelPrefix="", lineLabels=["C", "M", "F"], lineColor="k", \
createZoomedInset=False, insetZoom=20, insetLoc=4, insetXLim=[1.16, 1.26], insetYLim=[10.25, 10.75], mark_insetLoc1=1, mark_insetLoc2=3, \
resultsAxes=None, resultsAxins=None, resultsFig=None, convergenceAxes=None, convergenceFig=None, uncertaintyAxes=None, uncertaintyFig=None, showCoarse=True, showMedium=True, showFine=True):
Saves .png/.eps/.pdf figures in saveToDirectory folder, if one is specified
Show figures if showPlot is true
x/yLim: (List or None) List should be lower, then upper limit for x or y Axis ex: [0, 1]
x/yLabel: (string or None)
Inputs are organized by line:
Convergence Settings
Plotting Settings
Plotting Settings
Zoomed inset settings
Fig/Axes inputs (to have lines plotted on existing graphs)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Import statement here because the rest of this module it doesn't need it and it's a big dependency
LLP = lineLabelPrefix
# Make sure we have data at the same x-locations
interpMedY, interpFineY = interpolateDataToCoarseMesh(coarseX, medX, medY, fineX, fineY)
# Calculate mesh convergence
observedOrder, GCI12, GCI23, asymptCheck, richardsonVal, uncertainties = checkConvergence(coarseY, interpMedY, interpFineY, refinementRatio, \
minConvergOrder=minConvergOrder, maxConvergOrder=maxConvergOrder, uncertaintyEstimator=uncertainty_FS, \
writeSummaryToConsole=writeSummaryToConsole, useAvgOrderOfConvergence=useAvgOrderOfConvergence)
print("\nPlotting Data\n")
# Determine whether to save figures
saveFigures = False
if saveToDirectory != None:
if os.path.isdir(saveToDirectory):
saveFigures = True
print("Error: {} is not a directory. Plots will not be saved.".format(saveToDirectory))
######## Figure 1 - Results ########
if resultsAxes == None or (resultsFig == None and saveFigures):
resultsFig, resultsAxes = plt.subplots(figsize=figSize)
# Plot uncertainty range
if showUncertainty:
maxEst = [ f + e for f,e in zip(interpFineY, uncertainties)]
minEst = [ f - e for f,e in zip(interpFineY, uncertainties)]
resultsAxes.fill_between(coarseX, minEst, maxEst, facecolor=lineColor, alpha=0.2, antialiased=True, label=LLP+"Uncertainty")
# Plot coarse/med/fine lines
coarseLineStyle = "-."
medLineStyle = "--"
fineLineStyle = ":"
if showCoarse:
resultsAxes.plot(coarseX, coarseY, coarseLineStyle, label=LLP+lineLabels[0], color=lineColor, alpha=0.5)
if showMedium:
resultsAxes.plot(medX, medY, medLineStyle, label=LLP+lineLabels[1], color=lineColor, lw=2)
if showFine:
resultsAxes.plot(fineX, fineY, fineLineStyle, label=LLP+lineLabels[2], color=lineColor, lw=2)
if showRichardson:
resultsAxes.plot(coarseX, richardsonVal, lineColor, label=LLP+"_R")
if yLabel != None:
if yLim != None:
resultsAxes.set_ylim(top=yLim[1], bottom=yLim[0])
# Create zoomed inset
if createZoomedInset:
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import zoomed_inset_axes, mark_inset
if resultsAxins == None:
resultsAxins = zoomed_inset_axes(resultsAxes, insetZoom, loc=4) # zoom-factor: 2.5, location: upper-left
if showUncertainty:
resultsAxins.fill_between(coarseX, minEst, maxEst, facecolor=lineColor, alpha=0.15, antialiased=True)
if showCoarse:
resultsAxins.plot(coarseX, coarseY, coarseLineStyle, color=lineColor, alpha=0.5)
if showMedium:
resultsAxins.plot(medX, medY, medLineStyle, color=lineColor, lw=2)
if showFine:
resultsAxins.plot(fineX, fineY, fineLineStyle, color=lineColor, lw=2)
if showRichardson:
resultsAxins.plot(coarseX, richardsonVal, color=lineColor)
resultsAxins.set_xlim(insetXLim[0], insetXLim[1]) # apply the x-limits
resultsAxins.set_ylim(insetYLim[0], insetYLim[1]) # apply the y-limits
# plt.xticks(visible=False)
# plt.yticks(visible=False)
plt.setp(resultsAxins.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
plt.setp(resultsAxins.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
mark_inset(resultsAxes, resultsAxins, loc1=mark_insetLoc1, loc2=mark_insetLoc2, fc="none", ec="0.5")
#### Set up figure 2 - convergence properties ####
if convergenceAxes == None or (convergenceFig == None and saveFigures):
convergenceFig, convergenceAxes = plt.subplots(figsize=figSize)
convergenceAxes.plot(coarseX, observedOrder, fineLineStyle, label=LLP+"Observed order of convergence")
convergenceAxes.plot(coarseX, asymptCheck, color=lineColor, label=LLP+"Asymptotic check")
convergenceAxes.set_ylim(top=5, bottom=0)
#### Set up figure 3 - Uncertainty ####
if uncertaintyAxes == None or (uncertaintyAxes == None and saveFigures):
uncertaintyFig, uncertaintyAxes = plt.subplots(figsize=figSize)
uncertaintyAxes.plot(coarseX, uncertainties, color=lineColor, label=LLP+"Uncertainty")
# The embedded axes output warnings about tight_layout
# for fig in [ resultsFig, convergenceFig, uncertaintyFig ]:
# fig.tight_layout()
# Create legends
for ax in [ resultsAxes, convergenceAxes, uncertaintyAxes ]:
if xLim != None:
resultsAxes.set_xlim(left=xLim[0], right=xLim[1])
convergenceAxes.set_xlim(left=xLim[0], right=xLim[1])
uncertaintyAxes.set_xlim(left=xLim[0], right=xLim[1])
if xLabel != None:
#### Save / Show / Return Figures ####
if saveFigures:
saveFigureAndPrintNotification("Results", resultsFig, saveToDirectory, overwrite=overwrite)
saveFigureAndPrintNotification("Convergence", convergenceFig, saveToDirectory, overwrite=overwrite)
saveFigureAndPrintNotification("Uncertainty", uncertaintyFig, saveToDirectory, overwrite=overwrite)
if showPlot:
return resultsAxes, resultsFig, resultsAxins, convergenceAxes, convergenceFig, uncertaintyAxes, uncertaintyFig
def saveFigureAndPrintNotification(fileName, figure, saveToDirectory, overwrite=False, pngVersion=True, epsVersion=True, pdfVersion=True, printStatementPrefix=""):
def saveFigure(filePath):
if overwrite or not os.path.exists(filePath):
print("{}Saved Image: {}".format(printStatementPrefix, filePath))
elif not overwrite and os.path.exists(filePath):
print("{}WARNING: Did not save image: {} - file already exists".format(printStatementPrefix, filePath))
def getNoExtensionFilePath(filePath):
noExtensionPath = filePath
# Remove extension if it exists
if '.' in filePath:
dotIndex = filePath.rfind('.')
noExtensionPath = filePath[:dotIndex]
return noExtensionPath
filePath = saveToDirectory + '/' + fileName
noExtensionPath = getNoExtensionFilePath(filePath)
savedFiles = []
# Save each desired version of the figure
if pngVersion:
pngFilePath = noExtensionPath + ".png"
if epsVersion:
epsFilePath = noExtensionPath + ".eps"
if pdfVersion:
pdfFilePath = noExtensionPath + ".pdf"
return savedFiles
def GCI(coarserVal, finerVal, gridRefinementRatio, observedOrderOfConvergence, factorOfSafety=3, normalizationConstant=None)
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def GCI(coarserVal, finerVal, gridRefinementRatio, observedOrderOfConvergence, factorOfSafety=3, normalizationConstant=None): if normalizationConstant == None: normalizationConstant = finerVal numerator = factorOfSafety * abs((coarserVal - finerVal)/normalizationConstant) denominator = (gridRefinementRatio**observedOrderOfConvergence - 1) return abs(numerator / denominator) * 100
def asymptoticCheck(GCIFiner, GCICoarser, refinementRatio, observedOrderOfConvergence)
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def asymptoticCheck(GCIFiner, GCICoarser, refinementRatio, observedOrderOfConvergence): return GCICoarser / (GCIFiner * refinementRatio**observedOrderOfConvergence)
def checkConvergence(coarseVals, medVals, fineVals, gridRefinementRatio, minConvergOrder=0.5, maxConvergOrder=2, orderTolerance=0.2, asympTolerance=0.05, theoreticalOrderOfConvergence=2, GCINormalizationConstant=None, uncertaintyEstimator=<function uncertainty_GCI2g>, useAvgOrderOfConvergence=False, writeSummaryToConsole=False)
minConvergOrder: limiter on convergence order, recommend 0.5
maxConvergOrder: limiter on convergence order, recommend 2
orderTolerance: tolerance to set the safety factor in grid convergence
-> if orderTolerance=0.2, observed orders of 1.8-2.2 get a GCI safety factor of 1.25, others get 3
asympTolerance: tolerance for asymptotic convergence, if out 1 +/- asympTolerance range, GCI safety factor is 3
Expand source code
def checkConvergence(coarseVals, medVals, fineVals, gridRefinementRatio, minConvergOrder=0.5, maxConvergOrder=2, orderTolerance=0.2, \ asympTolerance=0.05, theoreticalOrderOfConvergence=2, GCINormalizationConstant=None, \ uncertaintyEstimator=uncertainty_GCI2g, useAvgOrderOfConvergence=False, writeSummaryToConsole=False): ''' #minConvergOrder: limiter on convergence order, recommend 0.5 #maxConvergOrder: limiter on convergence order, recommend 2 #orderTolerance: tolerance to set the safety factor in grid convergence # -> if orderTolerance=0.2, observed orders of 1.8-2.2 get a GCI safety factor of 1.25, others get 3 #asympTolerance: tolerance for asymptotic convergence, if out 1 +/- asympTolerance range, GCI safety factor is 3 ''' def actuallyCheckConvergence(cV, mV, fV, p): ''' Pass in single coarse, medium and fine values, as well as the observed order of convergence ''' # Calculate GCI12 & GCI23 if GCINormalizationConstant == None: GCI12 = GCI(mV, fV, gridRefinementRatio, p) GCI23 = GCI(cV, mV, gridRefinementRatio, p) else: GCI12 = GCI(mV, fV, gridRefinementRatio, p) GCI23 = GCI(cV, mV, gridRefinementRatio, p) # Check whether asymptotic asympCheck = asymptoticCheck(GCI12, GCI23, gridRefinementRatio, p) # If results match tolerances, recalculate GCI's with 1.25 factor of safety matchesExpectedOrderOfConvergence = (p < theoreticalOrderOfConvergence + orderTolerance and p > theoreticalOrderOfConvergence - orderTolerance) isAsymptotic = abs(asympCheck - 1) < asympTolerance if matchesExpectedOrderOfConvergence and isAsymptotic: GCI12 = GCI(mV, fV, gridRefinementRatio, p, factorOfSafety=1.25) GCI23 = GCI(cV, mV, gridRefinementRatio, p, factorOfSafety=1.25) # Calculate richardson value and uncertainty estimate richardsonVal = richardsonExtrap(fV, mV, gridRefinementRatio, orderOfConvergence=p) uncertaintyEstimate = uncertaintyEstimator(p, fV, mV, gridRefinementRatio, theoreticalOrderOfConvergence) # Return results return [p, GCI12, GCI23, asympCheck, richardsonVal, uncertaintyEstimate] # If single values are passed in for coarse/med/fine values, put them in 1-length lists try: t = iter(coarseVals) t = iter(medVals) t = iter(fineVals) except TypeError: # Items passed in are not lists, they are single values # So make them lists coarseVals = [ coarseVals ] medVals = [ medVals ] fineVals = [ fineVals ] # Calculate local and average orders of convergence ordersOfConvergence = [ orderOfConvergence(cV, mV, fV, gridRefinementRatio, minOrder=minConvergOrder, maxOrder=maxConvergOrder) for cV, mV, fV in zip(coarseVals, medVals, fineVals) ] avgP = mean(ordersOfConvergence) # Create empty lists to hold convergence data for each point GCI12s = [] GCI23s = [] asymptoticChecks = [] richardsonExtrapVals = [] uncertainties = [] # Call actuallyCheckConvergence for each point for cV, mV, fV, aP in zip(coarseVals, medVals, fineVals, ordersOfConvergence): # Call actualluCheckConvergence if useAvgOrderOfConvergence: # Pass in average order of convergence p, G1, G2, asymp, rVal, u = actuallyCheckConvergence(cV, mV, fV, avgP) else: # Pass in local order of convergence p, G1, G2, asymp, rVal, u = actuallyCheckConvergence(cV, mV, fV, aP) # Store results GCI12s.append(G1) GCI23s.append(G2) asymptoticChecks.append(asymp) richardsonExtrapVals.append(rVal) uncertainties.append(u) ### Output/Return results ### if writeSummaryToConsole: print("Avg observed order of convergence: {}".format(mean(ordersOfConvergence))) print("Avg GCI(Fine): {}%".format(mean(GCI12s))) print("Avg GCI(Medium): {}%".format(mean(GCI23s))) print("Avg asymptotic check: {}".format(mean(asymptoticChecks))) print("Avg uncertainty: +/-{}".format(mean(uncertainties))) # If there was only a single data point passed in, return values instead of lists if len(ordersOfConvergence) == 1: ordersOfConvergence = ordersOfConvergence[0] GCI12s = GCI12s[0] GCI23s = GCI23s[0] asymptoticChecks = asymptoticChecks[0] richardsonExtrapVals = richardsonExtrapVals[0] uncertainties = uncertainties[0] return [ ordersOfConvergence, GCI12s, GCI23s, asymptoticChecks, richardsonExtrapVals, uncertainties ]
def errorEstimate(order, fineVal, medVal, meshRatio)
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def errorEstimate(order, fineVal, medVal, meshRatio): return abs(fineVal - medVal) / (meshRatio**order - 1)
def interpolateDataToCoarseMesh(coarseX, medX, medY, fineX, fineY)
Uses cubic spline
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def interpolateDataToCoarseMesh(coarseX, medX, medY, fineX, fineY): ''' Uses cubic spline ''' medVal = interp1d(medX, medY, kind="cubic", fill_value="extrapolate", bounds_error=False) fineVal = interp1d(fineX, fineY, kind="cubic", fill_value="extrapolate", bounds_error=False) interpMed = [ medVal(x) for x in coarseX ] interpFine = [ fineVal(x) for x in coarseX ] return interpMed, interpFine
def orderOfConvergence(coarseVal, medVal, fineVal, gridRefinementRatio, minOrder=0.5, maxOrder=2)
Function includes limiter
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def orderOfConvergence(coarseVal, medVal, fineVal, gridRefinementRatio, minOrder=0.5, maxOrder=2): ''' Function includes limiter ''' logBody = (coarseVal - medVal) / (medVal - fineVal) if logBody <= 0: return minOrder else: p = log(logBody) / log(gridRefinementRatio) #Apply Limits p = max(minOrder, p) p = min(maxOrder, p) return p
def plotConvergence(coarseX, coarseY, medX, medY, fineX, fineY, minConvergOrder=0.5, maxConvergOrder=2, writeSummaryToConsole=True, useAvgOrderOfConvergence=False, refinementRatio=1.5, xLabel='Plate location (m)', yLabel='Wall Heat Flux (W)', xLim=None, yLim=None, showRichardson=True, showUncertainty=True, figSize=(6, 4), saveToDirectory=None, overwrite=False, showPlot=True, lineLabelPrefix='', lineLabels=['C', 'M', 'F'], lineColor='k', createZoomedInset=False, insetZoom=20, insetLoc=4, insetXLim=[1.16, 1.26], insetYLim=[10.25, 10.75], mark_insetLoc1=1, mark_insetLoc2=3, resultsAxes=None, resultsAxins=None, resultsFig=None, convergenceAxes=None, convergenceFig=None, uncertaintyAxes=None, uncertaintyFig=None, showCoarse=True, showMedium=True, showFine=True)
Saves .png/.eps/.pdf figures in saveToDirectory folder, if one is specified Show figures if showPlot is true
x/yLim: (List or None) List should be lower, then upper limit for x or y Axis ex: [0, 1] x/yLabel: (string or None)
Inputs are organized by line: Data Convergence Settings Plotting Settings Plotting Settings Zoomed inset settings Fig/Axes inputs (to have lines plotted on existing graphs)
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def plotConvergence(coarseX, coarseY, medX, medY, fineX, fineY, \ minConvergOrder=0.5, maxConvergOrder=2, writeSummaryToConsole=True, useAvgOrderOfConvergence=False, refinementRatio=1.5, \ xLabel=r"Plate location (m)", yLabel=r"Wall Heat Flux (W)", xLim=None, yLim=None, showRichardson=True, showUncertainty=True, figSize=(6,4), \ saveToDirectory=None, overwrite=False, showPlot=True, lineLabelPrefix="", lineLabels=["C", "M", "F"], lineColor="k", \ createZoomedInset=False, insetZoom=20, insetLoc=4, insetXLim=[1.16, 1.26], insetYLim=[10.25, 10.75], mark_insetLoc1=1, mark_insetLoc2=3, \ resultsAxes=None, resultsAxins=None, resultsFig=None, convergenceAxes=None, convergenceFig=None, uncertaintyAxes=None, uncertaintyFig=None, showCoarse=True, showMedium=True, showFine=True): ''' Saves .png/.eps/.pdf figures in saveToDirectory folder, if one is specified Show figures if showPlot is true Inputs: x/yLim: (List or None) List should be lower, then upper limit for x or y Axis ex: [0, 1] x/yLabel: (string or None) Inputs are organized by line: Data Convergence Settings Plotting Settings Plotting Settings Zoomed inset settings Fig/Axes inputs (to have lines plotted on existing graphs) ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Import statement here because the rest of this module it doesn't need it and it's a big dependency LLP = lineLabelPrefix # Make sure we have data at the same x-locations interpMedY, interpFineY = interpolateDataToCoarseMesh(coarseX, medX, medY, fineX, fineY) # Calculate mesh convergence observedOrder, GCI12, GCI23, asymptCheck, richardsonVal, uncertainties = checkConvergence(coarseY, interpMedY, interpFineY, refinementRatio, \ minConvergOrder=minConvergOrder, maxConvergOrder=maxConvergOrder, uncertaintyEstimator=uncertainty_FS, \ writeSummaryToConsole=writeSummaryToConsole, useAvgOrderOfConvergence=useAvgOrderOfConvergence) print("\nPlotting Data\n") # Determine whether to save figures saveFigures = False if saveToDirectory != None: if os.path.isdir(saveToDirectory): saveFigures = True else: print("Error: {} is not a directory. Plots will not be saved.".format(saveToDirectory)) ######## Figure 1 - Results ######## if resultsAxes == None or (resultsFig == None and saveFigures): resultsFig, resultsAxes = plt.subplots(figsize=figSize) # Plot uncertainty range if showUncertainty: maxEst = [ f + e for f,e in zip(interpFineY, uncertainties)] minEst = [ f - e for f,e in zip(interpFineY, uncertainties)] resultsAxes.fill_between(coarseX, minEst, maxEst, facecolor=lineColor, alpha=0.2, antialiased=True, label=LLP+"Uncertainty") # Plot coarse/med/fine lines coarseLineStyle = "-." medLineStyle = "--" fineLineStyle = ":" if showCoarse: resultsAxes.plot(coarseX, coarseY, coarseLineStyle, label=LLP+lineLabels[0], color=lineColor, alpha=0.5) if showMedium: resultsAxes.plot(medX, medY, medLineStyle, label=LLP+lineLabels[1], color=lineColor, lw=2) if showFine: resultsAxes.plot(fineX, fineY, fineLineStyle, label=LLP+lineLabels[2], color=lineColor, lw=2) if showRichardson: resultsAxes.plot(coarseX, richardsonVal, lineColor, label=LLP+"_R") if yLabel != None: resultsAxes.set_ylabel(yLabel) if yLim != None: resultsAxes.set_ylim(top=yLim[1], bottom=yLim[0]) # Create zoomed inset if createZoomedInset: from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import zoomed_inset_axes, mark_inset if resultsAxins == None: resultsAxins = zoomed_inset_axes(resultsAxes, insetZoom, loc=4) # zoom-factor: 2.5, location: upper-left if showUncertainty: resultsAxins.fill_between(coarseX, minEst, maxEst, facecolor=lineColor, alpha=0.15, antialiased=True) if showCoarse: resultsAxins.plot(coarseX, coarseY, coarseLineStyle, color=lineColor, alpha=0.5) if showMedium: resultsAxins.plot(medX, medY, medLineStyle, color=lineColor, lw=2) if showFine: resultsAxins.plot(fineX, fineY, fineLineStyle, color=lineColor, lw=2) if showRichardson: resultsAxins.plot(coarseX, richardsonVal, color=lineColor) resultsAxins.set_xlim(insetXLim[0], insetXLim[1]) # apply the x-limits resultsAxins.set_ylim(insetYLim[0], insetYLim[1]) # apply the y-limits # plt.xticks(visible=False) # plt.yticks(visible=False) plt.setp(resultsAxins.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(resultsAxins.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) mark_inset(resultsAxes, resultsAxins, loc1=mark_insetLoc1, loc2=mark_insetLoc2, fc="none", ec="0.5") #### Set up figure 2 - convergence properties #### if convergenceAxes == None or (convergenceFig == None and saveFigures): convergenceFig, convergenceAxes = plt.subplots(figsize=figSize) convergenceAxes.plot(coarseX, observedOrder, fineLineStyle, label=LLP+"Observed order of convergence") convergenceAxes.plot(coarseX, asymptCheck, color=lineColor, label=LLP+"Asymptotic check") convergenceAxes.set_ylim(top=5, bottom=0) #### Set up figure 3 - Uncertainty #### if uncertaintyAxes == None or (uncertaintyAxes == None and saveFigures): uncertaintyFig, uncertaintyAxes = plt.subplots(figsize=figSize) uncertaintyAxes.plot(coarseX, uncertainties, color=lineColor, label=LLP+"Uncertainty") # The embedded axes output warnings about tight_layout # for fig in [ resultsFig, convergenceFig, uncertaintyFig ]: # fig.tight_layout() # Create legends for ax in [ resultsAxes, convergenceAxes, uncertaintyAxes ]: ax.legend() if xLim != None: resultsAxes.set_xlim(left=xLim[0], right=xLim[1]) convergenceAxes.set_xlim(left=xLim[0], right=xLim[1]) uncertaintyAxes.set_xlim(left=xLim[0], right=xLim[1]) if xLabel != None: resultsAxes.set_xlabel(xLabel) convergenceAxes.set_xlabel(xLabel) uncertaintyAxes.set_xlabel(xLabel) #### Save / Show / Return Figures #### if saveFigures: saveFigureAndPrintNotification("Results", resultsFig, saveToDirectory, overwrite=overwrite) saveFigureAndPrintNotification("Convergence", convergenceFig, saveToDirectory, overwrite=overwrite) saveFigureAndPrintNotification("Uncertainty", uncertaintyFig, saveToDirectory, overwrite=overwrite) if showPlot: return resultsAxes, resultsFig, resultsAxins, convergenceAxes, convergenceFig, uncertaintyAxes, uncertaintyFig
def relError(coarserVal, finerVal)
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def relError(coarserVal, finerVal): return (coarserVal - finerVal) / finerVal
def richardsonExtrap(finerVal, coarserVal, refinementRatio, orderOfConvergence=2)
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def richardsonExtrap(finerVal, coarserVal, refinementRatio, orderOfConvergence=2): return finerVal + (finerVal - coarserVal) / (refinementRatio**orderOfConvergence - 1)
def saveFigureAndPrintNotification(fileName, figure, saveToDirectory, overwrite=False, pngVersion=True, epsVersion=True, pdfVersion=True, printStatementPrefix='')
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def saveFigureAndPrintNotification(fileName, figure, saveToDirectory, overwrite=False, pngVersion=True, epsVersion=True, pdfVersion=True, printStatementPrefix=""): def saveFigure(filePath): if overwrite or not os.path.exists(filePath): figure.savefig(filePath) print("{}Saved Image: {}".format(printStatementPrefix, filePath)) elif not overwrite and os.path.exists(filePath): print("{}WARNING: Did not save image: {} - file already exists".format(printStatementPrefix, filePath)) def getNoExtensionFilePath(filePath): noExtensionPath = filePath # Remove extension if it exists if '.' in filePath: dotIndex = filePath.rfind('.') noExtensionPath = filePath[:dotIndex] return noExtensionPath filePath = saveToDirectory + '/' + fileName noExtensionPath = getNoExtensionFilePath(filePath) savedFiles = [] # Save each desired version of the figure if pngVersion: pngFilePath = noExtensionPath + ".png" saveFigure(pngFilePath) savedFiles.append(pngFilePath) if epsVersion: epsFilePath = noExtensionPath + ".eps" saveFigure(epsFilePath) savedFiles.append(epsFilePath) if pdfVersion: pdfFilePath = noExtensionPath + ".pdf" saveFigure(pdfFilePath) savedFiles.append(pdfFilePath) return savedFiles
def uncertainty_FS(order, fineVal, medVal, meshRatio, formalOrder=2)
Factor of Safety Method, Xing and Stern
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def uncertainty_FS(order, fineVal, medVal, meshRatio, formalOrder=2): ''' Factor of Safety Method, Xing and Stern ''' P = order/formalOrder if P > 0 and P <= 1: FS = 1.6*P + 2.45*(1-P) elif P > 1: FS = 1.6*P + 14.8*(P-1) return FS * errorEstimate(order, fineVal, medVal, meshRatio)
def uncertainty_GCI2g(order, fineVal, medVal, meshRatio, formalOrder=2)
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def uncertainty_GCI2g(order, fineVal, medVal, meshRatio, formalOrder=2): return 3 * errorEstimate(formalOrder, fineVal, medVal, meshRatio)
def uncertainty_GCIOR(order, fineVal, medVal, meshRatio, formalOrder=2)
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def uncertainty_GCIOR(order, fineVal, medVal, meshRatio, formalOrder=2): if order > 1.8 and order < 2.2: return 1.25 * errorEstimate(order, fineVal, medVal, meshRatio) else: return 3 * errorEstimate(order, fineVal, medVal, meshRatio)
def uncertainty_GCIglb(order, fineVal, medVal, meshRatio, formalOrder=2)
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def uncertainty_GCIglb(order, fineVal, medVal, meshRatio, formalOrder=2): return 1.25 * errorEstimate(order, fineVal, medVal, meshRatio)