Module MAPLEAF.Motion.RigidBodyStates
Define standard and time-derivative rigid body states.
These are defined in such a way that, for the purposes of Runge-Kutta motion integration, they can be treated like scalars.
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Define standard and time-derivative rigid body states.
These are defined in such a way that, for the purposes of Runge-Kutta motion integration, they can be treated like scalars.
from MAPLEAF.Motion import Vector
from MAPLEAF.Motion import Quaternion
from MAPLEAF.Motion import AngularVelocity
__all__ = [ "RigidBodyState_3DoF", "RigidBodyStateDerivative_3DoF", "RigidBodyState", "RigidBodyStateDerivative", "interpolateRigidBodyStates", "StateList" ]
class RigidBodyState_3DoF():
""" Class created to be able to treat rigidBody states like scalars when integrating the movement of a rigid body
Pos/Vel are expected to be Vectors - Defined with reference to the global frame
Adding rigidBodyStates adds the vectors
Multiplying an rigidBodyState by a scalar scales the vectors
0.5 * = half the vector length
def __init__(self, position, velocity):
self.position = position
self.velocity = velocity
def __add__(self, rigidBodyState2):
''' Used in: initVal {+} timeStep * slope '''
newPos = self.position + rigidBodyState2.position
newVel = self.velocity + rigidBodyState2.velocity
return RigidBodyState_3DoF(newPos, newVel)
def __mul__(self, scalar):
''' Used to negate the rigid body state for subtractions '''
scalar = float(scalar)
newPos = self.position * scalar
newVel = self.velocity * scalar
return RigidBodyState_3DoF(newPos, newVel)
def __abs__(self):
''' Used to quantify the difference between two RigidBodyStates as a scalar value during error estimation in adaptive time stepping methods '''
#TODO: Ensure this scales properly with the version in the 6DoF IntegratbleRigidBodyState __abs__ function
return self.position.length() + self.velocity.length()
def __str__(self):
''' Called by print '''
return " {:>10.3f} {:>10.4f}".format(self.position, self.velocity)
def __neg__(self):
return self*-1
class RigidBodyStateDerivative_3DoF():
def __init__(self, velocity, acceleration):
self.velocity = velocity
self.acceleration = acceleration
def __add__(self, rigidBodyState2):
''' Used in: initVal {+} timeStep * slope '''
newPos = self.velocity + rigidBodyState2.velocity
newVel = self.acceleration + rigidBodyState2.acceleration
return RigidBodyStateDerivative_3DoF(newPos, newVel)
def __mul__(self, timeStep):
''' Used in: initVal + timeStep {*} slope '''
timeStep = float(timeStep)
dPos = self.velocity * timeStep
dVel = self.acceleration * timeStep
# After multiplying by a timestep, we get a regular (integrated) rigid body state back
return RigidBodyState_3DoF(dPos, dVel)
def __truediv__(self, invScalar):
Used in (k1 + k4) {/} 2
Does not 'integrate' the result to make a rigidBodyState, returns a new rigidBodyStateDerivative
invScalar = 1/float(invScalar)
vel = self.velocity * invScalar
accel = self.acceleration * invScalar
return RigidBodyStateDerivative_3DoF(vel, accel)
### Wrapper/Thin functions ###
def __rmul__(self, scalar):
return self * scalar
class RigidBodyState():
""" Class created to be able to treat rigidBody states like scalars when integrating the movement of a rigid body
Pos/Vel are expected to be Vectors - Defined with reference to the global frame
Orientation is expected to be a Quaternion - Defines the rotation from the global inertial reference frame to the rocket's local frame
(Orientation of the rocket in the global frame)
Angular Velocity is expected to be an Angular Velocity - Defined with reference to the local frame
Adding rigidBodyStates adds the vectors and multiplies the quaternions (which adds the rotations they represent)
Multiplying an rigidBodyState by a scalar scales the vectors and rotation defined by the quaternions
0.5 * = half the vector length, half the rotation size, directions the same
No other operations are defined
def __init__(self, position=None, velocity=None, orientation=None, angularVelocity=None):
self.position = Vector(0,0,0) if (position is None) else position
self.velocity = Vector(0,0,0) if (velocity is None) else velocity
self.orientation = Quaternion(1,0,0,0) if (orientation is None) else orientation
self.angularVelocity = AngularVelocity(0,0,0) if (angularVelocity is None) else angularVelocity
def __add__(self, rigidBodyState2):
''' Used in: initVal {+} (timeStep * slope) '''
newPos = self.position + rigidBodyState2.position
newVel = self.velocity + rigidBodyState2.velocity
newAngVel = self.angularVelocity + rigidBodyState2.angularVelocity
newOrientation = rigidBodyState2.orientation * self.orientation.normalize()
return RigidBodyState(newPos, newVel, newOrientation.normalize(), newAngVel)
def __mul__(self, timeStep):
Used in: initVal + timeStep {*} slope
Expected to always be multiplied by a scalar
timeStep = float(timeStep)
newPos = self.position * timeStep
newVel = self.velocity * timeStep
newAngVel = self.angularVelocity * timeStep
newOrientation = self.orientation.scaleRotation(timeStep)
return RigidBodyState(newPos, newVel, newOrientation, newAngVel)
def __abs__(self):
''' Used to quantify the difference between two RigidBodyStates as a scalar value during error estimation in adaptive time stepping methods '''
positionMag = self.position.length() + self.velocity.length()
orientationMag = abs(self.orientation.rotationAngle()) + self.angularVelocity.angVel()
return orientationMag*100 + positionMag
def __eq__(self, iRBS2):
properties = [ self.position, self.velocity, self.orientation, self.angularVelocity ]
otherProperties = [ iRBS2.position, iRBS2.velocity, iRBS2.orientation, iRBS2.angularVelocity ]
return all([ x == y for (x,y) in zip(properties, otherProperties) ])
except AttributeError:
return False
def __str__(self):
''' Called by print function '''
return " {:>10.3f} {:>10.4f} {:>11.7f} {:>9.4f}".format(self.position, self.velocity, self.orientation, self.angularVelocity)
### Wrapper/Thin functions ###
def __neg__(self):
return RigidBodyState(self.position*-1, self.velocity*-1, self.orientation.conjugate(), self.angularVelocity*-1)
class RigidBodyStateDerivative():
def __init__(self, velocity, acceleration, angularVelocity, angularAccel):
self.velocity = velocity
self.acceleration = acceleration
self.angularVelocity = angularVelocity
self.angularAccel = angularAccel
def __add__(self, state2):
''' Used in: initVal {+} (timeStep * slope) '''
newVel = self.velocity + state2.velocity
newAccel = self.acceleration + state2.acceleration
newAngVel = self.angularVelocity + state2.angularVelocity
newAngAccel = self.angularAccel + state2.angularAccel
return RigidBodyStateDerivative(newVel, newAccel, newAngVel, newAngAccel)
def __mul__(self, timeStep):
Used in: timeStep {*} slope
Expected to always be multiplied by a scalar, timestep
Returns integrated change in rigid body state over given time step
timeStep = float(timeStep)
dPos = self.velocity * timeStep
dVel = self.acceleration * timeStep
dOrientation = (self.angularVelocity * timeStep).toQuaternion()
dAngVel = self.angularAccel * timeStep
# After integration over a time step, get a regular rigid body state back
return RigidBodyState(dPos, dVel, dOrientation, dAngVel)
def __truediv__(self, invScalar):
Used in (k1 + k4) {/} 2
Does not 'integrate' the result to make a rigidBodyState, returns a new rigidBodyStateDerivative
invScalar = 1/float(invScalar)
vel = self.velocity * invScalar
accel = self.acceleration * invScalar
angVel = self.angularVelocity * invScalar
angAccel = self.angularAccel * invScalar
return RigidBodyStateDerivative(vel, accel, angVel, angAccel)
def __abs__(self):
''' Used to quantify the difference between two RigidBodyStates as a scalar value during error estimation in adaptive time stepping methods '''
# positionMag = self.position.length() + self.velocity.length()
orientationMag = self.angularVelocity.angVel() + self.angularAccel.angVel()
return orientationMag*100
def __eq__(self, state2):
properties = [ self.velocity, self.acceleration, self.angularVelocity, self.angularAccel ]
otherProperties = [ state2.velocity, state2.acceleration, state2.angularVelocity, state2.angularAccel ]
return all([ x == y for (x,y) in zip(properties, otherProperties) ])
except AttributeError:
return False
### Wrapper/Thin functions ###
def __rmul__(self, scalar):
return self * scalar
class StateList(list):
Purpose is to provide a generalized version of RigidBodyState, which can be integrated like a scalar, but allows MAPLEAF to integrate arbitrary additional parameters.
Contains a list of parameters that define the (rocket) state, all of which are to be integrated
Overrides operators to make +-* operations elementwise
Capable of representing a StateList and the derivative of a StateList
Called StateList instead of StateVector because it can contain objects of any type, like a Python list, and unlike a Vector.
..note: If we want to compile this object w/ Cython in the future, We may want to restrict ourselves to scalars
Example: RocketState([ initRigidBodyState, tankLevel1, actuatorPosition1 ])
#### Initialization and setting/getting attributes ####
def __init__(self, stateVariables, variableNames=None, _nameToIndexMap=None):
stateVariables: (`list`) of state variable values (RigidBodyState assumed to be in position 0)
variableNames: (`list[str]`) of state variable names. If passed in, can access values as attributes: stateList.varName
_ nameToIndexMap:(`dict[str:int]`) maps variable names to indices in the itemList. If not provided, but a nameList is, will be generated from the nameList
Pass in a nameList to be able to access variables by name - order must match that of the itemList.
For unnamed variables, put None in the namelist
Only pass in one of nameList or _nameToIndexMap. When both are passed in, _nameToIndexMap takes precedence.
_nameToIndexMap intended for internal use only, no correctness checks performed on it
super().__init__(stateVariables) # Pass itemList to parent (list) constructor
if _nameToIndexMap != None:
# Does not check whether each variable is in the nameToIndexMap - could omit some if desired
self.nameToIndexMap = _nameToIndexMap
elif variableNames != None:
# Generate nameToIndexMap from variableNames list
if len(variableNames) == len(stateVariables):
forbiddenVarNames = [ "position", "velocity", "orientation", "angularVelocity" ]
for forbiddenName in forbiddenVarNames:
if forbiddenName in variableNames:
raise ValueError("ERROR: The following variable names are reserved for rigid body states: {}".format(forbiddenVarNames))
self.nameToIndexMap = { variableNames[i]:i for i in range(len(variableNames)) }
if len(variableNames) != len(self.nameToIndexMap.keys()):
raise ValueError("ERROR: Duplicate state variable name in: {}".format(variableNames))
raise ValueError("ERROR: Number of state variables must match number of variable names provided")
self.nameToIndexMap = dict()
def __getattr__(self, name):
# Check if the attribute name is in the nameToIndexMap - return item from that index
return self[self.nameToIndexMap[name]]
except KeyError:
# Try getting the attribute from the rigidBodyState (assumed first element)
return getattr(self[0], name)
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name in self.__dict__ or name == "nameToIndexMap":
self.__dict__[name] = value
elif name in self.nameToIndexMap:
# Check if the attribute name is in the nameToIndexMap - set item at that index
indexToSet = self.nameToIndexMap[name]
self[indexToSet] = value
elif name in self[0].__dict__:
# Try getting the attribute from the rigidBodyState (assumed first element)
setattr(self[0], name, value)
def addStateVariable(self, name, currentValue):
self.nameToIndexMap[name] = len(self)-1
#### Arithmetic ####
def __add__(self, state2):
return StateList([ x + y for x, y in zip(self, state2) ], _nameToIndexMap=self.nameToIndexMap)
def __sub__(self, state2):
return StateList([ x - y for x, y in zip(self, state2) ], _nameToIndexMap=self.nameToIndexMap)
def __mul__(self, scalar):
return StateList([ x*scalar for x in self ], _nameToIndexMap=self.nameToIndexMap)
def __truediv__(self, scalar):
return StateList([ x/scalar for x in self ], _nameToIndexMap=self.nameToIndexMap)
def __rmul__(self, scalar):
return self * scalar # Call regular __mul__ function
def __abs__(self):
return sum([ abs(x) for x in self ])
def __eq__(self, state2):
return all([ x == y for x,y in zip(self, state2) ])
except TypeError:
return False
def __neg__(self):
return StateList([ -x for x in self ], _nameToIndexMap=self.nameToIndexMap)
#### String functions ####
# TODO: Convert to new logging framework
def getLogHeader(self):
header = ""
for i in range(len(self)):
# If the variable defines a getLogHeader function, use it
header += self[i].getLogHeader()
except AttributeError:
# Item doesn't have a getLogHeader function (ex. it's a float)
# Try to find it in nameToIndexMap
varName = None
for key, val in self.nameToIndexMap.items():
if val == i:
varName = " " + key
# Otherwise just call it stateVariableN
if varName == None:
varName = " StateVariable{}".format(i)
header += varName
return header
def __str__(self):
varStrings = [ x.__str__() for x in self ]
return " ".join(varStrings)
def interpolateRigidBodyStates(state1, state2, state1Weight):
Linearly interpolates between state 1 and state2.
state1Weight should be a decimal value between 0 and 1.
state2Weight = 1 - state1Weight
# Properties of all rigid body states
pos = state1.position*state1Weight + state2.position*state2Weight
vel = state1.velocity*state1Weight + state2.velocity*state2Weight
# 6DoF Properties
orientationDelta = state1.orientation.slerp(state2.orientation, state1Weight) # Use spherical linear interpolation for quaternions
orientation = state1.orientation * orientationDelta
angVel = state1.angularVelocity*state1Weight + state2.angularVelocity*state2Weight
return RigidBodyState(pos, vel, orientation, angVel)
except AttributeError:
# 3DoF doesn't include orientation / angVel
return RigidBodyState_3DoF(pos, vel)
def interpolateRigidBodyStates(state1, state2, state1Weight)
Linearly interpolates between state 1 and state2. state1Weight should be a decimal value between 0 and 1.
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def interpolateRigidBodyStates(state1, state2, state1Weight): ''' Linearly interpolates between state 1 and state2. state1Weight should be a decimal value between 0 and 1. ''' state2Weight = 1 - state1Weight # Properties of all rigid body states pos = state1.position*state1Weight + state2.position*state2Weight vel = state1.velocity*state1Weight + state2.velocity*state2Weight try: # 6DoF Properties orientationDelta = state1.orientation.slerp(state2.orientation, state1Weight) # Use spherical linear interpolation for quaternions orientation = state1.orientation * orientationDelta angVel = state1.angularVelocity*state1Weight + state2.angularVelocity*state2Weight return RigidBodyState(pos, vel, orientation, angVel) except AttributeError: # 3DoF doesn't include orientation / angVel return RigidBodyState_3DoF(pos, vel)
class RigidBodyState (position=None, velocity=None, orientation=None, angularVelocity=None)
Class created to be able to treat rigidBody states like scalars when integrating the movement of a rigid body Pos/Vel are expected to be Vectors - Defined with reference to the global frame Orientation is expected to be a Quaternion - Defines the rotation from the global inertial reference frame to the rocket's local frame (Orientation of the rocket in the global frame) Angular Velocity is expected to be an Angular Velocity - Defined with reference to the local frame
Adding rigidBodyStates adds the vectors and multiplies the quaternions (which adds the rotations they represent)
Multiplying an rigidBodyState by a scalar scales the vectors and rotation defined by the quaternions 0.5 * = half the vector length, half the rotation size, directions the same
No other operations are defined
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class RigidBodyState(): """ Class created to be able to treat rigidBody states like scalars when integrating the movement of a rigid body Pos/Vel are expected to be Vectors - Defined with reference to the global frame Orientation is expected to be a Quaternion - Defines the rotation from the global inertial reference frame to the rocket's local frame (Orientation of the rocket in the global frame) Angular Velocity is expected to be an Angular Velocity - Defined with reference to the local frame Adding rigidBodyStates adds the vectors and multiplies the quaternions (which adds the rotations they represent) Multiplying an rigidBodyState by a scalar scales the vectors and rotation defined by the quaternions 0.5 * = half the vector length, half the rotation size, directions the same No other operations are defined """ def __init__(self, position=None, velocity=None, orientation=None, angularVelocity=None): self.position = Vector(0,0,0) if (position is None) else position self.velocity = Vector(0,0,0) if (velocity is None) else velocity self.orientation = Quaternion(1,0,0,0) if (orientation is None) else orientation self.angularVelocity = AngularVelocity(0,0,0) if (angularVelocity is None) else angularVelocity def __add__(self, rigidBodyState2): ''' Used in: initVal {+} (timeStep * slope) ''' newPos = self.position + rigidBodyState2.position newVel = self.velocity + rigidBodyState2.velocity newAngVel = self.angularVelocity + rigidBodyState2.angularVelocity newOrientation = rigidBodyState2.orientation * self.orientation.normalize() return RigidBodyState(newPos, newVel, newOrientation.normalize(), newAngVel) def __mul__(self, timeStep): ''' Used in: initVal + timeStep {*} slope Expected to always be multiplied by a scalar ''' timeStep = float(timeStep) newPos = self.position * timeStep newVel = self.velocity * timeStep newAngVel = self.angularVelocity * timeStep newOrientation = self.orientation.scaleRotation(timeStep) return RigidBodyState(newPos, newVel, newOrientation, newAngVel) def __abs__(self): ''' Used to quantify the difference between two RigidBodyStates as a scalar value during error estimation in adaptive time stepping methods ''' positionMag = self.position.length() + self.velocity.length() orientationMag = abs(self.orientation.rotationAngle()) + self.angularVelocity.angVel() return orientationMag*100 + positionMag def __eq__(self, iRBS2): try: properties = [ self.position, self.velocity, self.orientation, self.angularVelocity ] otherProperties = [ iRBS2.position, iRBS2.velocity, iRBS2.orientation, iRBS2.angularVelocity ] return all([ x == y for (x,y) in zip(properties, otherProperties) ]) except AttributeError: return False def __str__(self): ''' Called by print function ''' return " {:>10.3f} {:>10.4f} {:>11.7f} {:>9.4f}".format(self.position, self.velocity, self.orientation, self.angularVelocity) ### Wrapper/Thin functions ### def __neg__(self): return RigidBodyState(self.position*-1, self.velocity*-1, self.orientation.conjugate(), self.angularVelocity*-1)
class RigidBodyStateDerivative (velocity, acceleration, angularVelocity, angularAccel)
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class RigidBodyStateDerivative(): def __init__(self, velocity, acceleration, angularVelocity, angularAccel): self.velocity = velocity self.acceleration = acceleration self.angularVelocity = angularVelocity self.angularAccel = angularAccel def __add__(self, state2): ''' Used in: initVal {+} (timeStep * slope) ''' newVel = self.velocity + state2.velocity newAccel = self.acceleration + state2.acceleration newAngVel = self.angularVelocity + state2.angularVelocity newAngAccel = self.angularAccel + state2.angularAccel return RigidBodyStateDerivative(newVel, newAccel, newAngVel, newAngAccel) def __mul__(self, timeStep): ''' Used in: timeStep {*} slope Expected to always be multiplied by a scalar, timestep Returns integrated change in rigid body state over given time step ''' timeStep = float(timeStep) dPos = self.velocity * timeStep dVel = self.acceleration * timeStep dOrientation = (self.angularVelocity * timeStep).toQuaternion() dOrientation.normalize() dAngVel = self.angularAccel * timeStep # After integration over a time step, get a regular rigid body state back return RigidBodyState(dPos, dVel, dOrientation, dAngVel) def __truediv__(self, invScalar): ''' Used in (k1 + k4) {/} 2 Does not 'integrate' the result to make a rigidBodyState, returns a new rigidBodyStateDerivative ''' invScalar = 1/float(invScalar) vel = self.velocity * invScalar accel = self.acceleration * invScalar angVel = self.angularVelocity * invScalar angAccel = self.angularAccel * invScalar return RigidBodyStateDerivative(vel, accel, angVel, angAccel) def __abs__(self): ''' Used to quantify the difference between two RigidBodyStates as a scalar value during error estimation in adaptive time stepping methods ''' # positionMag = self.position.length() + self.velocity.length() orientationMag = self.angularVelocity.angVel() + self.angularAccel.angVel() return orientationMag*100 def __eq__(self, state2): try: properties = [ self.velocity, self.acceleration, self.angularVelocity, self.angularAccel ] otherProperties = [ state2.velocity, state2.acceleration, state2.angularVelocity, state2.angularAccel ] return all([ x == y for (x,y) in zip(properties, otherProperties) ]) except AttributeError: return False ### Wrapper/Thin functions ### def __rmul__(self, scalar): return self * scalar
class RigidBodyStateDerivative_3DoF (velocity, acceleration)
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class RigidBodyStateDerivative_3DoF(): def __init__(self, velocity, acceleration): self.velocity = velocity self.acceleration = acceleration def __add__(self, rigidBodyState2): ''' Used in: initVal {+} timeStep * slope ''' newPos = self.velocity + rigidBodyState2.velocity newVel = self.acceleration + rigidBodyState2.acceleration return RigidBodyStateDerivative_3DoF(newPos, newVel) def __mul__(self, timeStep): ''' Used in: initVal + timeStep {*} slope ''' timeStep = float(timeStep) dPos = self.velocity * timeStep dVel = self.acceleration * timeStep # After multiplying by a timestep, we get a regular (integrated) rigid body state back return RigidBodyState_3DoF(dPos, dVel) def __truediv__(self, invScalar): ''' Used in (k1 + k4) {/} 2 Does not 'integrate' the result to make a rigidBodyState, returns a new rigidBodyStateDerivative ''' invScalar = 1/float(invScalar) vel = self.velocity * invScalar accel = self.acceleration * invScalar return RigidBodyStateDerivative_3DoF(vel, accel) ### Wrapper/Thin functions ### def __rmul__(self, scalar): return self * scalar
class RigidBodyState_3DoF (position, velocity)
Class created to be able to treat rigidBody states like scalars when integrating the movement of a rigid body Pos/Vel are expected to be Vectors - Defined with reference to the global frame
Adding rigidBodyStates adds the vectors
Multiplying an rigidBodyState by a scalar scales the vectors 0.5 * = half the vector length
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class RigidBodyState_3DoF(): """ Class created to be able to treat rigidBody states like scalars when integrating the movement of a rigid body Pos/Vel are expected to be Vectors - Defined with reference to the global frame Adding rigidBodyStates adds the vectors Multiplying an rigidBodyState by a scalar scales the vectors 0.5 * = half the vector length """ def __init__(self, position, velocity): self.position = position self.velocity = velocity def __add__(self, rigidBodyState2): ''' Used in: initVal {+} timeStep * slope ''' newPos = self.position + rigidBodyState2.position newVel = self.velocity + rigidBodyState2.velocity return RigidBodyState_3DoF(newPos, newVel) def __mul__(self, scalar): ''' Used to negate the rigid body state for subtractions ''' scalar = float(scalar) newPos = self.position * scalar newVel = self.velocity * scalar return RigidBodyState_3DoF(newPos, newVel) def __abs__(self): ''' Used to quantify the difference between two RigidBodyStates as a scalar value during error estimation in adaptive time stepping methods ''' #TODO: Ensure this scales properly with the version in the 6DoF IntegratbleRigidBodyState __abs__ function return self.position.length() + self.velocity.length() def __str__(self): ''' Called by print ''' return " {:>10.3f} {:>10.4f}".format(self.position, self.velocity) def __neg__(self): return self*-1
class StateList (stateVariables, variableNames=None)
Purpose is to provide a generalized version of RigidBodyState, which can be integrated like a scalar, but allows MAPLEAF to integrate arbitrary additional parameters.
Contains a list of parameters that define the (rocket) state, all of which are to be integrated Overrides operators to make +-* operations elementwise Capable of representing a StateList and the derivative of a StateList
Called StateList instead of StateVector because it can contain objects of any type, like a Python list, and unlike a Vector.
..note: If we want to compile this object w/ Cython in the future, We may want to restrict ourselves to scalars
Example: RocketState([ initRigidBodyState, tankLevel1, actuatorPosition1 ])
stateVariables: (
) of state variable values (RigidBodyState assumed to be in position 0) variableNames: (list[str]
) of state variable names. If passed in, can access values as attributes: stateList.varName _ nameToIndexMap:(dict[str:int]
) maps variable names to indices in the itemList. If not provided, but a nameList is, will be generated from the nameListPass in a nameList to be able to access variables by name - order must match that of the itemList. For unnamed variables, put None in the namelist
Only pass in one of nameList or _nameToIndexMap. When both are passed in, _nameToIndexMap takes precedence. _nameToIndexMap intended for internal use only, no correctness checks performed on it
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class StateList(list): ''' Purpose is to provide a generalized version of RigidBodyState, which can be integrated like a scalar, but allows MAPLEAF to integrate arbitrary additional parameters. Contains a list of parameters that define the (rocket) state, all of which are to be integrated Overrides operators to make +-* operations elementwise Capable of representing a StateList and the derivative of a StateList Called StateList instead of StateVector because it can contain objects of any type, like a Python list, and unlike a Vector. ..note: If we want to compile this object w/ Cython in the future, We may want to restrict ourselves to scalars Example: RocketState([ initRigidBodyState, tankLevel1, actuatorPosition1 ]) ''' #### Initialization and setting/getting attributes #### def __init__(self, stateVariables, variableNames=None, _nameToIndexMap=None): ''' stateVariables: (`list`) of state variable values (RigidBodyState assumed to be in position 0) variableNames: (`list[str]`) of state variable names. If passed in, can access values as attributes: stateList.varName _ nameToIndexMap:(`dict[str:int]`) maps variable names to indices in the itemList. If not provided, but a nameList is, will be generated from the nameList Pass in a nameList to be able to access variables by name - order must match that of the itemList. For unnamed variables, put None in the namelist Only pass in one of nameList or _nameToIndexMap. When both are passed in, _nameToIndexMap takes precedence. _nameToIndexMap intended for internal use only, no correctness checks performed on it ''' super().__init__(stateVariables) # Pass itemList to parent (list) constructor if _nameToIndexMap != None: # Does not check whether each variable is in the nameToIndexMap - could omit some if desired self.nameToIndexMap = _nameToIndexMap elif variableNames != None: # Generate nameToIndexMap from variableNames list if len(variableNames) == len(stateVariables): forbiddenVarNames = [ "position", "velocity", "orientation", "angularVelocity" ] for forbiddenName in forbiddenVarNames: if forbiddenName in variableNames: raise ValueError("ERROR: The following variable names are reserved for rigid body states: {}".format(forbiddenVarNames)) self.nameToIndexMap = { variableNames[i]:i for i in range(len(variableNames)) } if len(variableNames) != len(self.nameToIndexMap.keys()): raise ValueError("ERROR: Duplicate state variable name in: {}".format(variableNames)) else: raise ValueError("ERROR: Number of state variables must match number of variable names provided") else: self.nameToIndexMap = dict() def __getattr__(self, name): try: # Check if the attribute name is in the nameToIndexMap - return item from that index return self[self.nameToIndexMap[name]] except KeyError: # Try getting the attribute from the rigidBodyState (assumed first element) return getattr(self[0], name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name in self.__dict__ or name == "nameToIndexMap": self.__dict__[name] = value elif name in self.nameToIndexMap: # Check if the attribute name is in the nameToIndexMap - set item at that index indexToSet = self.nameToIndexMap[name] self[indexToSet] = value elif name in self[0].__dict__: # Try getting the attribute from the rigidBodyState (assumed first element) setattr(self[0], name, value) def addStateVariable(self, name, currentValue): self.append(currentValue) self.nameToIndexMap[name] = len(self)-1 #### Arithmetic #### def __add__(self, state2): return StateList([ x + y for x, y in zip(self, state2) ], _nameToIndexMap=self.nameToIndexMap) def __sub__(self, state2): return StateList([ x - y for x, y in zip(self, state2) ], _nameToIndexMap=self.nameToIndexMap) def __mul__(self, scalar): return StateList([ x*scalar for x in self ], _nameToIndexMap=self.nameToIndexMap) def __truediv__(self, scalar): return StateList([ x/scalar for x in self ], _nameToIndexMap=self.nameToIndexMap) def __rmul__(self, scalar): return self * scalar # Call regular __mul__ function def __abs__(self): return sum([ abs(x) for x in self ]) def __eq__(self, state2): try: return all([ x == y for x,y in zip(self, state2) ]) except TypeError: return False def __neg__(self): return StateList([ -x for x in self ], _nameToIndexMap=self.nameToIndexMap) #### String functions #### # TODO: Convert to new logging framework def getLogHeader(self): header = "" for i in range(len(self)): try: # If the variable defines a getLogHeader function, use it header += self[i].getLogHeader() except AttributeError: # Item doesn't have a getLogHeader function (ex. it's a float) # Try to find it in nameToIndexMap varName = None for key, val in self.nameToIndexMap.items(): if val == i: varName = " " + key # Otherwise just call it stateVariableN if varName == None: varName = " StateVariable{}".format(i) header += varName return header def __str__(self): varStrings = [ x.__str__() for x in self ] return " ".join(varStrings)
- builtins.list
def addStateVariable(self, name, currentValue)
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def addStateVariable(self, name, currentValue): self.append(currentValue) self.nameToIndexMap[name] = len(self)-1
def getLogHeader(self)
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def getLogHeader(self): header = "" for i in range(len(self)): try: # If the variable defines a getLogHeader function, use it header += self[i].getLogHeader() except AttributeError: # Item doesn't have a getLogHeader function (ex. it's a float) # Try to find it in nameToIndexMap varName = None for key, val in self.nameToIndexMap.items(): if val == i: varName = " " + key # Otherwise just call it stateVariableN if varName == None: varName = " StateVariable{}".format(i) header += varName return header