Module MAPLEAF.Rocket.Propulsion
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import re
from MAPLEAF.Motion import ForceMomentSystem, Inertia, Vector, linInterp
from MAPLEAF.Rocket import RocketComponent
__all__ = [ "TabulatedMotor" ]
class TabulatedMotor(RocketComponent):
In rocket text file, attribute: "path", pointing at a motor definition text file
.Thrust(time) returns current thrust level
.OxWeight(time) returns current oxidizer weight
.FuelWeight(time) returns current fuel weight
All in same units as in the motor definition file (linearly interpolated)
The motor is assumed to apply zero moment to the rocket, thrust is applied in z-direction
#### Init Functions ####
def __init__(self, componentDictReader, rocket, stage):
#TODO: Oxidizer and Fuel CG Locations should be defined relative to the motor location
self.rocket = rocket
self.stage = stage
self.componentDictReader = componentDictReader = componentDictReader.getDictName()
stage.motor = self
self.classType = componentDictReader.getString("class")
self.ignitionTime = 0 # Modified by Rocket._initializeStaging and Rocket._stageSeparation
# Impulse adjustments (mostly for Monte Carlo sims)
self.impulseAdjustFactor = componentDictReader.getFloat("impulseAdjustFactor")
self.burnTimeAdjustFactor = componentDictReader.getFloat("burnTimeAdjustFactor")
motorFilePath = componentDictReader.getString("path")
# Set the position to the initial CG location
initInertia = self.getInertia(0, "fakeState")
self.position = initInertia.CG
#TODO: Build converter/parser for standard engine format like rasp/.eng or something like that
def _parseMotorDefinitionFile(self, motorFilePath):
''' Parses a motor definition text file. See MAPLEAF/Examples/Motors for examples '''
# Get motor definition text
with open(motorFilePath, "r") as motorFile:
motorFileText =
# Remove all comment rows
comment = re.compile("#.*")
motorFileText = re.sub(comment, "", motorFileText)
#Remove blank lines
motorFileText = [line for line in motorFileText.split('\n') if line.strip() != '']
# Parse CG locations
# TODO: Future motors should be able to exist off the rocket's center axis
self.initOxCG_Z = float(motorFileText[0].split()[1]) + self.stage.position.Z
self.finalOxCG_Z = float(motorFileText[1].split()[1]) + self.stage.position.Z
self.initFuelCG_Z = float(motorFileText[2].split()[1]) + self.stage.position.Z
self.finalFuelCG_Z = float(motorFileText[3].split()[1]) + self.stage.position.Z
motorFileText = motorFileText[4:]
# Parse data; Columns defined in MAPLEAF/Examples/Motors/test.txt
# Gets defined values for: Time, thrust, oxFlowRate, fuelFlowRate, oxMOI, fuelMOI
self.times = []
self.thrustLevels = []
oxFlowRate = []
fuelFlowRate = []
self.oxMOIs = []
self.fuelMOIs = []
for dataLine in motorFileText:
# Splits line at each white space
info = dataLine.split()
oxVecStartIndex = dataLine.index('(')
oxVecEndIndex = dataLine.index(')', oxVecStartIndex)+1
oxVecString = dataLine[oxVecStartIndex:oxVecEndIndex]
oxMOIVec = Vector(oxVecString)
fuelVecStartIndex = dataLine.index('(', oxVecEndIndex)
fuelVecEndIndex = dataLine.index(')', fuelVecStartIndex)+1
fuelVecString = dataLine[fuelVecStartIndex:fuelVecEndIndex]
fuelMOIVec = Vector(fuelVecString)
# Tell the rocket and stage when their engines shut off -> used for flight animations
self.stage.engineShutOffTime = self.times[-1]
if self.rocket.engineShutOffTime == None:
self.rocket.engineShutOffTime = self.times[-1]
self.rocket.engineShutOffTime = max(self.rocket.engineShutOffTime, self.times[-1])
# Apply adjustment factors for monte carlo sims
self.thrustLevels = [ thrust*self.impulseAdjustFactor/self.burnTimeAdjustFactor for thrust in self.thrustLevels ]
self.times = [ t*self.burnTimeAdjustFactor for t in self.times ]
# Calculate initial fuel and oxidizer masses through trapezoid rule
# Trapezoid rule matches the linear interpolation used to find thrust values
self.initialOxidizerWeight = 0
self.initialFuelWeight = 0
self.oxWeights = [ 0 ]
self.fuelWeights = [ 0 ]
for i in range(len(self.times)-1, 0, -1):
deltaT = self.times[i] - self.times[i-1]
def integrateVal(value, sum, timeSeries):
sum += deltaT * (value[i-1] + value[i]) / 2
timeSeries.insert(0, sum)
return sum
self.initialOxidizerWeight = integrateVal(oxFlowRate, self.initialOxidizerWeight, self.oxWeights)
self.initialFuelWeight = integrateVal(fuelFlowRate, self.initialFuelWeight, self.fuelWeights)
#### Operational Functions ####
def getInertia(self, time, state):
timeSinceIgnition = max(0, time - self.ignitionTime)
oxInertia = self._getOxInertia(timeSinceIgnition)
fuelInertia = self._getFuelInertia(timeSinceIgnition)
return oxInertia + fuelInertia
def getAppliedForce(self, state, time, environment, CG):
#TODO: Model "thrust damping" - where gases moving quickly in the engine act to damp out rotation about the x and y axes
#TODO: Thrust vs altitude compensation
timeSinceIgnition = max(0, time - self.ignitionTime)
# Determine thrust magnitude
if timeSinceIgnition < 0 or timeSinceIgnition > self.times[-1]:
thrustMagnitude = 0
thrustMagnitude = linInterp(self.times, self.thrustLevels, timeSinceIgnition)
# Create Vector
thrust = Vector(0,0, thrustMagnitude)
return ForceMomentSystem(thrust)
def updateIgnitionTime(self, ignitionTime, fakeValue=False):
self.ignitionTime = ignitionTime
if not fakeValue:
self.rocket.engineShutOffTime = max(self.rocket.engineShutOffTime, self.ignitionTime + self.times[-1])
self.stage.engineShutOffTime = self.ignitionTime + self.times[-1]
def getTotalImpulse(self):
# Integrate the thrust - assume linear interpolations between points given -> midpoint rule integrates this perfectly
totalImpulse = 0
for i in range(1, len(self.times)):
deltaT = self.times[i] - self.times[i-1]
totalImpulse += deltaT * (self.thrustLevels[i-1] + self.thrustLevels[i]) / 2
return totalImpulse
def _getMass(self, timeSinceIgnition):
return self.OxWeight(timeSinceIgnition) + self.FuelWeight(timeSinceIgnition)
def _getOxInertia(self, timeSinceIgnition):
if self.initialOxidizerWeight == 0:
return Inertia(Vector(0,0,0), Vector(0,0,0), 0)
oxWeight = linInterp(self.times, self.oxWeights, timeSinceIgnition)
# Find fraction of oxidizer burned
oxBurnedFrac = 1 - (oxWeight/self.initialOxidizerWeight)
#Linearly interpolate CG location based on fraction of oxidizer burned
oxCG_Z = self.initOxCG_Z*(1 - oxBurnedFrac) + self.finalOxCG_Z*oxBurnedFrac
#TODO: Allow motor(s) to be defined off-axis
oxCG = Vector(0,0,oxCG_Z)
# Get MOI
oxMOI = linInterp(self.times, self.oxMOIs, timeSinceIgnition)
return Inertia(oxMOI, oxCG, oxWeight)
def _getFuelInertia(self, timeSinceIgnition):
if self.initialFuelWeight == 0:
return Inertia(Vector(0,0,0), Vector(0,0,0), 0)
#See comments in _getOxInertia()
fuelWeight = linInterp(self.times, self.fuelWeights, timeSinceIgnition)
fuelBurnedFrac = 1 - (fuelWeight / self.initialFuelWeight)
fuelCG_Z = self.initFuelCG_Z*(1 - fuelBurnedFrac) + self.finalFuelCG_Z*fuelBurnedFrac
fuelCG = Vector(0,0,fuelCG_Z)
fuelMOI = linInterp(self.times, self.fuelMOIs, timeSinceIgnition)
return Inertia(fuelMOI, fuelCG, fuelWeight)
class TabulatedMotor (componentDictReader, rocket, stage)
Initialization: In rocket text file, attribute: "path", pointing at a motor definition text file Format:"test/testMotorDefintion.txt" Functions: .Thrust(time) returns current thrust level .OxWeight(time) returns current oxidizer weight .FuelWeight(time) returns current fuel weight Attributes: .initialOxidizerWeight .initialFuelWeight
All in same units as in the motor definition file (linearly interpolated) The motor is assumed to apply zero moment to the rocket, thrust is applied in z-direction
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class TabulatedMotor(RocketComponent): ''' Interface: Initialization: In rocket text file, attribute: "path", pointing at a motor definition text file Format:"test/testMotorDefintion.txt" Functions: .Thrust(time) returns current thrust level .OxWeight(time) returns current oxidizer weight .FuelWeight(time) returns current fuel weight Attributes: .initialOxidizerWeight .initialFuelWeight All in same units as in the motor definition file (linearly interpolated) The motor is assumed to apply zero moment to the rocket, thrust is applied in z-direction ''' #### Init Functions #### def __init__(self, componentDictReader, rocket, stage): #TODO: Oxidizer and Fuel CG Locations should be defined relative to the motor location self.rocket = rocket self.stage = stage self.componentDictReader = componentDictReader = componentDictReader.getDictName() stage.motor = self self.classType = componentDictReader.getString("class") self.ignitionTime = 0 # Modified by Rocket._initializeStaging and Rocket._stageSeparation # Impulse adjustments (mostly for Monte Carlo sims) self.impulseAdjustFactor = componentDictReader.getFloat("impulseAdjustFactor") self.burnTimeAdjustFactor = componentDictReader.getFloat("burnTimeAdjustFactor") motorFilePath = componentDictReader.getString("path") self._parseMotorDefinitionFile(motorFilePath) # Set the position to the initial CG location initInertia = self.getInertia(0, "fakeState") self.position = initInertia.CG #TODO: Build converter/parser for standard engine format like rasp/.eng or something like that def _parseMotorDefinitionFile(self, motorFilePath): ''' Parses a motor definition text file. See MAPLEAF/Examples/Motors for examples ''' # Get motor definition text with open(motorFilePath, "r") as motorFile: motorFileText = # Remove all comment rows comment = re.compile("#.*") motorFileText = re.sub(comment, "", motorFileText) #Remove blank lines motorFileText = [line for line in motorFileText.split('\n') if line.strip() != ''] # Parse CG locations # TODO: Future motors should be able to exist off the rocket's center axis self.initOxCG_Z = float(motorFileText[0].split()[1]) + self.stage.position.Z self.finalOxCG_Z = float(motorFileText[1].split()[1]) + self.stage.position.Z self.initFuelCG_Z = float(motorFileText[2].split()[1]) + self.stage.position.Z self.finalFuelCG_Z = float(motorFileText[3].split()[1]) + self.stage.position.Z motorFileText = motorFileText[4:] # Parse data; Columns defined in MAPLEAF/Examples/Motors/test.txt # Gets defined values for: Time, thrust, oxFlowRate, fuelFlowRate, oxMOI, fuelMOI self.times = [] self.thrustLevels = [] oxFlowRate = [] fuelFlowRate = [] self.oxMOIs = [] self.fuelMOIs = [] for dataLine in motorFileText: # Splits line at each white space info = dataLine.split() self.times.append(float(info[0])) self.thrustLevels.append(float(info[1])) oxFlowRate.append(float(info[2])) fuelFlowRate.append(float(info[3])) oxVecStartIndex = dataLine.index('(') oxVecEndIndex = dataLine.index(')', oxVecStartIndex)+1 oxVecString = dataLine[oxVecStartIndex:oxVecEndIndex] oxMOIVec = Vector(oxVecString) self.oxMOIs.append(oxMOIVec) fuelVecStartIndex = dataLine.index('(', oxVecEndIndex) fuelVecEndIndex = dataLine.index(')', fuelVecStartIndex)+1 fuelVecString = dataLine[fuelVecStartIndex:fuelVecEndIndex] fuelMOIVec = Vector(fuelVecString) self.fuelMOIs.append(fuelMOIVec) # Tell the rocket and stage when their engines shut off -> used for flight animations self.stage.engineShutOffTime = self.times[-1] if self.rocket.engineShutOffTime == None: self.rocket.engineShutOffTime = self.times[-1] else: self.rocket.engineShutOffTime = max(self.rocket.engineShutOffTime, self.times[-1]) # Apply adjustment factors for monte carlo sims self.thrustLevels = [ thrust*self.impulseAdjustFactor/self.burnTimeAdjustFactor for thrust in self.thrustLevels ] self.times = [ t*self.burnTimeAdjustFactor for t in self.times ] # Calculate initial fuel and oxidizer masses through trapezoid rule # Trapezoid rule matches the linear interpolation used to find thrust values self.initialOxidizerWeight = 0 self.initialFuelWeight = 0 self.oxWeights = [ 0 ] self.fuelWeights = [ 0 ] for i in range(len(self.times)-1, 0, -1): deltaT = self.times[i] - self.times[i-1] def integrateVal(value, sum, timeSeries): sum += deltaT * (value[i-1] + value[i]) / 2 timeSeries.insert(0, sum) return sum self.initialOxidizerWeight = integrateVal(oxFlowRate, self.initialOxidizerWeight, self.oxWeights) self.initialFuelWeight = integrateVal(fuelFlowRate, self.initialFuelWeight, self.fuelWeights) #### Operational Functions #### def getInertia(self, time, state): timeSinceIgnition = max(0, time - self.ignitionTime) oxInertia = self._getOxInertia(timeSinceIgnition) fuelInertia = self._getFuelInertia(timeSinceIgnition) return oxInertia + fuelInertia def getAppliedForce(self, state, time, environment, CG): #TODO: Model "thrust damping" - where gases moving quickly in the engine act to damp out rotation about the x and y axes #TODO: Thrust vs altitude compensation timeSinceIgnition = max(0, time - self.ignitionTime) # Determine thrust magnitude if timeSinceIgnition < 0 or timeSinceIgnition > self.times[-1]: thrustMagnitude = 0 else: thrustMagnitude = linInterp(self.times, self.thrustLevels, timeSinceIgnition) # Create Vector thrust = Vector(0,0, thrustMagnitude) return ForceMomentSystem(thrust) def updateIgnitionTime(self, ignitionTime, fakeValue=False): self.ignitionTime = ignitionTime if not fakeValue: self.rocket.engineShutOffTime = max(self.rocket.engineShutOffTime, self.ignitionTime + self.times[-1]) self.stage.engineShutOffTime = self.ignitionTime + self.times[-1] def getTotalImpulse(self): # Integrate the thrust - assume linear interpolations between points given -> midpoint rule integrates this perfectly totalImpulse = 0 for i in range(1, len(self.times)): deltaT = self.times[i] - self.times[i-1] totalImpulse += deltaT * (self.thrustLevels[i-1] + self.thrustLevels[i]) / 2 return totalImpulse def _getMass(self, timeSinceIgnition): return self.OxWeight(timeSinceIgnition) + self.FuelWeight(timeSinceIgnition) def _getOxInertia(self, timeSinceIgnition): if self.initialOxidizerWeight == 0: return Inertia(Vector(0,0,0), Vector(0,0,0), 0) oxWeight = linInterp(self.times, self.oxWeights, timeSinceIgnition) # Find fraction of oxidizer burned oxBurnedFrac = 1 - (oxWeight/self.initialOxidizerWeight) #Linearly interpolate CG location based on fraction of oxidizer burned oxCG_Z = self.initOxCG_Z*(1 - oxBurnedFrac) + self.finalOxCG_Z*oxBurnedFrac #TODO: Allow motor(s) to be defined off-axis oxCG = Vector(0,0,oxCG_Z) # Get MOI oxMOI = linInterp(self.times, self.oxMOIs, timeSinceIgnition) return Inertia(oxMOI, oxCG, oxWeight) def _getFuelInertia(self, timeSinceIgnition): if self.initialFuelWeight == 0: return Inertia(Vector(0,0,0), Vector(0,0,0), 0) #See comments in _getOxInertia() fuelWeight = linInterp(self.times, self.fuelWeights, timeSinceIgnition) fuelBurnedFrac = 1 - (fuelWeight / self.initialFuelWeight) fuelCG_Z = self.initFuelCG_Z*(1 - fuelBurnedFrac) + self.finalFuelCG_Z*fuelBurnedFrac fuelCG = Vector(0,0,fuelCG_Z) fuelMOI = linInterp(self.times, self.fuelMOIs, timeSinceIgnition) return Inertia(fuelMOI, fuelCG, fuelWeight)
- RocketComponent
- abc.ABC
def getAppliedForce(self, state, time, environment, CG)
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def getAppliedForce(self, state, time, environment, CG): #TODO: Model "thrust damping" - where gases moving quickly in the engine act to damp out rotation about the x and y axes #TODO: Thrust vs altitude compensation timeSinceIgnition = max(0, time - self.ignitionTime) # Determine thrust magnitude if timeSinceIgnition < 0 or timeSinceIgnition > self.times[-1]: thrustMagnitude = 0 else: thrustMagnitude = linInterp(self.times, self.thrustLevels, timeSinceIgnition) # Create Vector thrust = Vector(0,0, thrustMagnitude) return ForceMomentSystem(thrust)
def getInertia(self, time, state)
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def getInertia(self, time, state): timeSinceIgnition = max(0, time - self.ignitionTime) oxInertia = self._getOxInertia(timeSinceIgnition) fuelInertia = self._getFuelInertia(timeSinceIgnition) return oxInertia + fuelInertia
def getTotalImpulse(self)
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def getTotalImpulse(self): # Integrate the thrust - assume linear interpolations between points given -> midpoint rule integrates this perfectly totalImpulse = 0 for i in range(1, len(self.times)): deltaT = self.times[i] - self.times[i-1] totalImpulse += deltaT * (self.thrustLevels[i-1] + self.thrustLevels[i]) / 2 return totalImpulse
def updateIgnitionTime(self, ignitionTime, fakeValue=False)
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def updateIgnitionTime(self, ignitionTime, fakeValue=False): self.ignitionTime = ignitionTime if not fakeValue: self.rocket.engineShutOffTime = max(self.rocket.engineShutOffTime, self.ignitionTime + self.times[-1]) self.stage.engineShutOffTime = self.ignitionTime + self.times[-1]