Module MAPLEAF.Rocket.noseCone
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import math
import numpy as np
from MAPLEAF.Motion import AeroParameters, Interpolation
from MAPLEAF.Rocket import AeroFunctions, BodyComponent, FixedMass
__all__ = [ "NoseCone" ]
#TODO: Implement Barrowman's second-order shock expansion method for pressure drag at high mach numbers
def calcSonicPressureDragCoeff_Cone(AR: float) -> float:
''' AR: Apect/fineness ratio of the nosecone: Barrowman Eqn 4-42 '''
return 0.88 / ((AR + 0.7)**1.29)
def calcSonicPressureDragCoeff_Ogive(AR:float) -> float:
''' AR: Apect/fineness ratio of the nosecone: Barrowman Eqn 4-43 '''
return 0.88 / ((AR + 1)**2.22)
def calculatePrandtlFactorCorrection(wettedArea, sonicSkinFrictionCoeff, rocketFinenessRatio, Aref, sonicPressureDragCoeff):
''' Calculate the correction constant K: Barrowman Eqn 4-44 '''
return 1 + (6 * wettedArea * sonicSkinFrictionCoeff / (rocketFinenessRatio**3 * Aref * sonicPressureDragCoeff))**(5/3)
def getSubsonicPressureDragCoeff_Barrowman(wettedArea, skinFrictionCoeff, rocketFinenessRatio, Aref, K, Mach):
''' Barrowman Eqn 4-41 '''
return 6 * wettedArea * skinFrictionCoeff / (rocketFinenessRatio**3 * Aref * (K - Mach**2)**0.6)
def getSupersonicPressureDragCoeff_Hoerner(coneHalfAngle, Mach):
''' Niskanen Eqn B.4, Hoerner pg. 16-18 to 16-20 '''
return 2.1 * (math.sin(coneHalfAngle))**2 + 0.5 * math.sin(coneHalfAngle) / math.sqrt(Mach**2 - 1)
def computeSubsonicPolyCoeffs(coneHalfAngle):
Computes coefficients for a power law drag relationship up to Mach 1 (Niskanen Appendix B eq. B.5)
Pass in half angle in radians
gamma = AeroFunctions.getGamma()
dCd_dMa_M1 = 4 / (gamma + 1) * (1 - 0.5 * math.sin(coneHalfAngle))
Cd_M1 = math.sin(coneHalfAngle)
return [ Cd_M1, (dCd_dMa_M1/Cd_M1) ]
def computeTransonicPolyCoeffs(coneHalfAngle):
Computes coefficients for a cubic drag interpolation based on Mach Number b/w Mach 1 and 1.3 (Niskanen Appendix B eq. B.5)
Pass in half angle in radians
gamma = AeroFunctions.getGamma()
dCd_dMa_M1 = 4 / (gamma + 1) * (1 - 0.5 * math.sin(coneHalfAngle))
Cd_M1 = math.sin(coneHalfAngle)
Cd_M13 = getSupersonicPressureDragCoeff_Hoerner(coneHalfAngle, 1.3)
Cd_M1301 = getSupersonicPressureDragCoeff_Hoerner(coneHalfAngle, 1.301)
dCd_dMa_M13 = (Cd_M1301 - Cd_M13) / 0.001
return Interpolation.calculateCubicInterpCoefficients(1.0, 1.3, Cd_M1, Cd_M13, dCd_dMa_M1, dCd_dMa_M13)
class NoseCone(FixedMass, BodyComponent):
''' Represent a Tangent Ogive Nosecone '''
canConnectToComponentAbove = False # Overrides attribute from BodyComponent -> Nosecone must be at top of rocket
#### Initialization Functions ####
def __init__(self, componentDictReader, rocket, stage):
FixedMass.__init__(self, componentDictReader, rocket, stage)
self.aspectRatio = componentDictReader.getFloat("aspectRatio")
''' Length over diameter - aka fineness ratio (of exposed surface area) '''
self.baseDiameter = componentDictReader.getFloat("baseDiameter")
''' Diameter at base of nosecone (m) '''
self.length = self.aspectRatio * self.baseDiameter
''' Length from tip to tail, of external surface (m) '''
self.shape = componentDictReader.getString("shape")
''' Description of nosecone shape - something like 'Ogive' or 'Cone' '''
self.surfaceRoughness = componentDictReader.tryGetFloat("surfaceRoughness", defaultValue=self.rocket.surfaceRoughness)
''' (m) '''
def _precomputeGeometry(self):
self.length = self.baseDiameter * self.aspectRatio
self.volume = self._getVolume()
self.planformArea = self._getPlanformArea()
self.wettedArea = self._getWettedArea()
# Using Barrowman's method, the CP Location is a constant
self.baseArea = self.baseDiameter**2 * math.pi / 4
self.CPLocation = AeroFunctions.Barrowman_GetCPLocation(self.length, 0, self.baseArea, self.volume)
# Precompute coefficients for pressure drag interpolation-------------------------------------------
# Niskanen 3.4 and Appendix B
self.coneHalfAngle = abs(math.atan((self.baseDiameter/2) / self.length))
self.SubsonicCdPolyCoeffs = computeSubsonicPolyCoeffs(self.coneHalfAngle)
self.TransonicCdPolyCoeffs = computeTransonicPolyCoeffs(self.coneHalfAngle)
def _getVolume(self):
if self.shape == "tangentOgive":
baseRadius = self.baseDiameter / 2
length = self.baseDiameter * self.aspectRatio
noseconeRadiusOfCurvature = (baseRadius**2 + length**2) / (2*baseRadius)
return math.pi * ( length * noseconeRadiusOfCurvature**2 - length**3 / 3 - (noseconeRadiusOfCurvature - baseRadius) *
noseconeRadiusOfCurvature**2 * (math.asin(length / noseconeRadiusOfCurvature)))
elif self.shape == "cone":
return math.pi * (self.baseDiameter)**2 * self.length / 3
elif self.shape == "halfSeries":
baseRadius = self.baseDiameter / 2
length = self.baseDiameter * self.aspectRatio
return math.pi * baseRadius**2 * length / 2
raise TypeError("The nosecone shape {} is not recognized".format(self.shape))
def _getPlanformArea(self):
if self.shape == "tangentOgive":
baseRadius = self.baseDiameter / 2
length = self.baseDiameter * self.aspectRatio
noseconeRadiusOfCurvature = (baseRadius**2 + length**2) / (2*baseRadius)
arcSectorAngle = math.asin(length / noseconeRadiusOfCurvature)
arcSectorArea = arcSectorAngle * noseconeRadiusOfCurvature**2 / 2
return 2 * (arcSectorArea - (length * (noseconeRadiusOfCurvature - baseRadius) / 2))
elif self.shape == "cone":
return self.baseDiameter * self.length / 2
raise TypeError("The nosecone shape {} is not recognized".format(self.shape))
def _getWettedArea(self):
if self.shape == "tangentOgive":
#TODO Analytical Solution:
baseRadius = self.baseDiameter / 2
length = self.baseDiameter * self.aspectRatio
noseconeRadiusOfCurvature = (baseRadius**2 + length**2) / (2*baseRadius)
a = noseconeRadiusOfCurvature
numSteps = 2000
stepSize = length / numSteps
wettedArea = 0
for x in range(numSteps + 1):
wettedArea += 2 * math.pi * ((math.sqrt(a**2 - (length - x*stepSize)**2)) + baseRadius - a) * stepSize
return wettedArea
elif self.shape == "cone":
baseRad = self.baseDiameter/2
return math.pi * baseRad * math.sqrt(baseRad**2 + self.length**2)
raise TypeError("The nosecone shape {} is not recognized".format(self.shape))
#### Operation Functions ####
def getAppliedForce(self, rocketState, time, environment, CG):
Aref = self.rocket.Aref
Mach = AeroParameters.getMachNumber(rocketState, environment)
# Normal Force --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TODO: Account for rate of pitch/yaw rotation in AOA calculation? Or do separate Pitch/Yaw damping moments?
AOA = AeroParameters.getTotalAOA(rocketState, environment)
normalForceCoefficient = AeroFunctions.Barrowman_GetCN(AOA, Aref, 0, self.baseArea)
# Drag Force ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#### Skin Friction ####
skinFrictionDragCoefficient, rollDampingMoment = AeroFunctions.getCylindricalSkinFrictionDragCoefficientAndRollDampingMoment(rocketState, environment, self.length, Mach, \
self.surfaceRoughness, self.wettedArea, Aref, self.rocket.finenessRatio, self.rocket.fullyTurbulentBL)
#### Pressure ####
pressureDragCoefficient = self._getCd_Pressure(Mach)
totalDragCoefficient = pressureDragCoefficient + skinFrictionDragCoefficient
# Damping moments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Roll damping due to skin friction
dampingMoments = rollDampingMoment
# Combine forces and return total -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
return AeroFunctions.forceFromCdCN(rocketState, environment, totalDragCoefficient, normalForceCoefficient, self.CPLocation, Aref, moment=dampingMoments)
def _getCd_Pressure(self, Mach):
if Mach < 1:
# Niskanen pg. 48 eq. 3.87 - Power law interpolation
pressureDragCoefficient = self.SubsonicCdPolyCoeffs[0] * Mach**self.SubsonicCdPolyCoeffs[1]
elif Mach > 1 and Mach < 1.3:
# Interpolate in transonic region - derived from Niskanen Appendix B, Eqns B.3 - B.6
pressureDragCoefficient = self.TransonicCdPolyCoeffs[0] + self.TransonicCdPolyCoeffs[1]*Mach + \
self.TransonicCdPolyCoeffs[2]*Mach**2 + self.TransonicCdPolyCoeffs[3]*Mach**3
pressureDragCoefficient = getSupersonicPressureDragCoeff_Hoerner(self.coneHalfAngle, Mach)
return pressureDragCoefficient * self.baseArea/self.rocket.Aref
def getMaxDiameter(self):
return self.baseDiameter
def getRadius(self, distanceFromTip: float) -> float:
if self.shape == "cone":
return (self.baseDiameter/2) * (distanceFromTip/self.length)
elif self.shape == "tangentOgive":
curveRadius = ((self.baseDiameter/2)**2 + self.length**2) / (self.baseDiameter)
yComponent = math.sqrt(curveRadius**2 - (self.length - distanceFromTip)**2)
return yComponent - (curveRadius - (self.baseDiameter/2))
def plotShape(self) -> None:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
SubComponentPos = self.position.Z
length = self.baseDiameter * self.aspectRatio
ConeRad = self.baseDiameter/2
Rho = (ConeRad**2 + length**2)/(2*ConeRad) # values for tangent ogive equation
Xvals = list(np.linspace(0,length, num=100)) # create 50 element tuple from 0 to length
Yvals = [] # create y list
for x in Xvals:
# populate y list
Xvals = [-1*i + SubComponentPos for i in Xvals] # these were positive. Need them to be negative to point correct way
# top line, body tube to tip
XvalsTop = list(Xvals)
YvalsTop = list(Yvals)
# bottom line, tip to body tube
XvalsBot = list(Xvals)
YvalsBot = list(Yvals)
YvalsBot = [-1*i for i in YvalsBot] # so the yvals are negative
# put it all together now
Xvals = XvalsTop + XvalsBot
Yvals = YvalsTop + YvalsBot
plt.plot(Xvals,Yvals, color = 'k')
class NoseCone (componentDictReader, rocket, stage)
Represent a Tangent Ogive Nosecone
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class NoseCone(FixedMass, BodyComponent): ''' Represent a Tangent Ogive Nosecone ''' canConnectToComponentAbove = False # Overrides attribute from BodyComponent -> Nosecone must be at top of rocket #### Initialization Functions #### def __init__(self, componentDictReader, rocket, stage): FixedMass.__init__(self, componentDictReader, rocket, stage) self.aspectRatio = componentDictReader.getFloat("aspectRatio") ''' Length over diameter - aka fineness ratio (of exposed surface area) ''' self.baseDiameter = componentDictReader.getFloat("baseDiameter") ''' Diameter at base of nosecone (m) ''' self.length = self.aspectRatio * self.baseDiameter ''' Length from tip to tail, of external surface (m) ''' self.shape = componentDictReader.getString("shape") ''' Description of nosecone shape - something like 'Ogive' or 'Cone' ''' self.surfaceRoughness = componentDictReader.tryGetFloat("surfaceRoughness", defaultValue=self.rocket.surfaceRoughness) ''' (m) ''' self._precomputeGeometry() def _precomputeGeometry(self): self.length = self.baseDiameter * self.aspectRatio self.volume = self._getVolume() self.planformArea = self._getPlanformArea() self.wettedArea = self._getWettedArea() # Using Barrowman's method, the CP Location is a constant self.baseArea = self.baseDiameter**2 * math.pi / 4 self.CPLocation = AeroFunctions.Barrowman_GetCPLocation(self.length, 0, self.baseArea, self.volume) # Precompute coefficients for pressure drag interpolation------------------------------------------- # Niskanen 3.4 and Appendix B self.coneHalfAngle = abs(math.atan((self.baseDiameter/2) / self.length)) self.SubsonicCdPolyCoeffs = computeSubsonicPolyCoeffs(self.coneHalfAngle) self.TransonicCdPolyCoeffs = computeTransonicPolyCoeffs(self.coneHalfAngle) def _getVolume(self): if self.shape == "tangentOgive": # baseRadius = self.baseDiameter / 2 length = self.baseDiameter * self.aspectRatio noseconeRadiusOfCurvature = (baseRadius**2 + length**2) / (2*baseRadius) return math.pi * ( length * noseconeRadiusOfCurvature**2 - length**3 / 3 - (noseconeRadiusOfCurvature - baseRadius) * noseconeRadiusOfCurvature**2 * (math.asin(length / noseconeRadiusOfCurvature))) elif self.shape == "cone": return math.pi * (self.baseDiameter)**2 * self.length / 3 elif self.shape == "halfSeries": # baseRadius = self.baseDiameter / 2 length = self.baseDiameter * self.aspectRatio return math.pi * baseRadius**2 * length / 2 else: raise TypeError("The nosecone shape {} is not recognized".format(self.shape)) def _getPlanformArea(self): if self.shape == "tangentOgive": baseRadius = self.baseDiameter / 2 length = self.baseDiameter * self.aspectRatio noseconeRadiusOfCurvature = (baseRadius**2 + length**2) / (2*baseRadius) arcSectorAngle = math.asin(length / noseconeRadiusOfCurvature) arcSectorArea = arcSectorAngle * noseconeRadiusOfCurvature**2 / 2 return 2 * (arcSectorArea - (length * (noseconeRadiusOfCurvature - baseRadius) / 2)) elif self.shape == "cone": return self.baseDiameter * self.length / 2 else: raise TypeError("The nosecone shape {} is not recognized".format(self.shape)) def _getWettedArea(self): if self.shape == "tangentOgive": #TODO Analytical Solution: baseRadius = self.baseDiameter / 2 length = self.baseDiameter * self.aspectRatio noseconeRadiusOfCurvature = (baseRadius**2 + length**2) / (2*baseRadius) a = noseconeRadiusOfCurvature numSteps = 2000 stepSize = length / numSteps wettedArea = 0 for x in range(numSteps + 1): wettedArea += 2 * math.pi * ((math.sqrt(a**2 - (length - x*stepSize)**2)) + baseRadius - a) * stepSize return wettedArea elif self.shape == "cone": baseRad = self.baseDiameter/2 return math.pi * baseRad * math.sqrt(baseRad**2 + self.length**2) else: raise TypeError("The nosecone shape {} is not recognized".format(self.shape)) #### Operation Functions #### def getAppliedForce(self, rocketState, time, environment, CG): Aref = self.rocket.Aref Mach = AeroParameters.getMachNumber(rocketState, environment) # Normal Force -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: Account for rate of pitch/yaw rotation in AOA calculation? Or do separate Pitch/Yaw damping moments? AOA = AeroParameters.getTotalAOA(rocketState, environment) normalForceCoefficient = AeroFunctions.Barrowman_GetCN(AOA, Aref, 0, self.baseArea) # Drag Force --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #### Skin Friction #### skinFrictionDragCoefficient, rollDampingMoment = AeroFunctions.getCylindricalSkinFrictionDragCoefficientAndRollDampingMoment(rocketState, environment, self.length, Mach, \ self.surfaceRoughness, self.wettedArea, Aref, self.rocket.finenessRatio, self.rocket.fullyTurbulentBL) #### Pressure #### pressureDragCoefficient = self._getCd_Pressure(Mach) totalDragCoefficient = pressureDragCoefficient + skinFrictionDragCoefficient # Damping moments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Roll damping due to skin friction dampingMoments = rollDampingMoment # Combine forces and return total ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return AeroFunctions.forceFromCdCN(rocketState, environment, totalDragCoefficient, normalForceCoefficient, self.CPLocation, Aref, moment=dampingMoments) def _getCd_Pressure(self, Mach): if Mach < 1: # Niskanen pg. 48 eq. 3.87 - Power law interpolation pressureDragCoefficient = self.SubsonicCdPolyCoeffs[0] * Mach**self.SubsonicCdPolyCoeffs[1] elif Mach > 1 and Mach < 1.3: # Interpolate in transonic region - derived from Niskanen Appendix B, Eqns B.3 - B.6 pressureDragCoefficient = self.TransonicCdPolyCoeffs[0] + self.TransonicCdPolyCoeffs[1]*Mach + \ self.TransonicCdPolyCoeffs[2]*Mach**2 + self.TransonicCdPolyCoeffs[3]*Mach**3 else: pressureDragCoefficient = getSupersonicPressureDragCoeff_Hoerner(self.coneHalfAngle, Mach) return pressureDragCoefficient * self.baseArea/self.rocket.Aref def getMaxDiameter(self): return self.baseDiameter def getRadius(self, distanceFromTip: float) -> float: if self.shape == "cone": return (self.baseDiameter/2) * (distanceFromTip/self.length) elif self.shape == "tangentOgive": curveRadius = ((self.baseDiameter/2)**2 + self.length**2) / (self.baseDiameter) yComponent = math.sqrt(curveRadius**2 - (self.length - distanceFromTip)**2) return yComponent - (curveRadius - (self.baseDiameter/2)) def plotShape(self) -> None: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt SubComponentPos = self.position.Z length = self.baseDiameter * self.aspectRatio ConeRad = self.baseDiameter/2 Rho = (ConeRad**2 + length**2)/(2*ConeRad) # values for tangent ogive equation Xvals = list(np.linspace(0,length, num=100)) # create 50 element tuple from 0 to length Yvals = [] # create y list for x in Xvals: # populate y list Yvals.append(self.getRadius(x)) Xvals = [-1*i + SubComponentPos for i in Xvals] # these were positive. Need them to be negative to point correct way # top line, body tube to tip XvalsTop = list(Xvals) YvalsTop = list(Yvals) XvalsTop.reverse() YvalsTop.reverse() # bottom line, tip to body tube XvalsBot = list(Xvals) YvalsBot = list(Yvals) YvalsBot = [-1*i for i in YvalsBot] # so the yvals are negative # put it all together now Xvals = XvalsTop + XvalsBot Yvals = YvalsTop + YvalsBot plt.plot(Xvals,Yvals, color = 'k')
- FixedMass
- RocketComponent
- BodyComponent
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var canConnectToComponentAbove
Instance variables
var aspectRatio
Length over diameter - aka fineness ratio (of exposed surface area)
var baseDiameter
Diameter at base of nosecone (m)
var length
Length from tip to tail, of external surface (m)
var shape
Description of nosecone shape - something like 'Ogive' or 'Cone'
var surfaceRoughness
def getAppliedForce(self, rocketState, time, environment, CG)
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def getAppliedForce(self, rocketState, time, environment, CG): Aref = self.rocket.Aref Mach = AeroParameters.getMachNumber(rocketState, environment) # Normal Force -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: Account for rate of pitch/yaw rotation in AOA calculation? Or do separate Pitch/Yaw damping moments? AOA = AeroParameters.getTotalAOA(rocketState, environment) normalForceCoefficient = AeroFunctions.Barrowman_GetCN(AOA, Aref, 0, self.baseArea) # Drag Force --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #### Skin Friction #### skinFrictionDragCoefficient, rollDampingMoment = AeroFunctions.getCylindricalSkinFrictionDragCoefficientAndRollDampingMoment(rocketState, environment, self.length, Mach, \ self.surfaceRoughness, self.wettedArea, Aref, self.rocket.finenessRatio, self.rocket.fullyTurbulentBL) #### Pressure #### pressureDragCoefficient = self._getCd_Pressure(Mach) totalDragCoefficient = pressureDragCoefficient + skinFrictionDragCoefficient # Damping moments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Roll damping due to skin friction dampingMoments = rollDampingMoment # Combine forces and return total ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return AeroFunctions.forceFromCdCN(rocketState, environment, totalDragCoefficient, normalForceCoefficient, self.CPLocation, Aref, moment=dampingMoments)
def plotShape(self) ‑> None
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def plotShape(self) -> None: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt SubComponentPos = self.position.Z length = self.baseDiameter * self.aspectRatio ConeRad = self.baseDiameter/2 Rho = (ConeRad**2 + length**2)/(2*ConeRad) # values for tangent ogive equation Xvals = list(np.linspace(0,length, num=100)) # create 50 element tuple from 0 to length Yvals = [] # create y list for x in Xvals: # populate y list Yvals.append(self.getRadius(x)) Xvals = [-1*i + SubComponentPos for i in Xvals] # these were positive. Need them to be negative to point correct way # top line, body tube to tip XvalsTop = list(Xvals) YvalsTop = list(Yvals) XvalsTop.reverse() YvalsTop.reverse() # bottom line, tip to body tube XvalsBot = list(Xvals) YvalsBot = list(Yvals) YvalsBot = [-1*i for i in YvalsBot] # so the yvals are negative # put it all together now Xvals = XvalsTop + XvalsBot Yvals = YvalsTop + YvalsBot plt.plot(Xvals,Yvals, color = 'k')
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