Environmental modelling: main class is Environment
wraps the atmospheric models, gravity models, mean wind models, and turbulence models.
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Environmental modelling: main class is `MAPLEAF.ENV.Environment`.
`MAPLEAF.ENV.Environment` wraps the atmospheric models, gravity models, mean wind models, and turbulence models.
.. image::
# Make the classes in all submodules importable directly from MAPLEAF.Rocket
from .launchRail import *
from .MeanWindModelling import *
from .EarthModelling import *
from .AtmosphereModelling import *
from .TurbulenceModelling import *
from .environment import *
subModules = [ environment, launchRail, MeanWindModelling, EarthModelling, AtmosphereModelling, TurbulenceModelling ]
__all__ = []
for subModule in subModules:
__all__ += subModule.__all__
These classes model the change of air properties (Pressure, Density, etc… with altitude)
These classes model the earth's gravity and perform some coordinate transformations between the global inertial frame and the ENU/launch tower frame
Modeling of the mean / average component of wind velocity
Modeling of turbulent, fluctuating component of wind velocity
Main wrapper and data classes that tie together all of the environmental models and are queried by instances of
Modeling of the effects of a Launch Rail on rocket launches
def atmosphericModelFactory(envDictReader=None) ‑> MAPLEAF.ENV.AtmosphereModelling.AtmosphericModel
Provide either an atmosphericModel name ('USStandardAtmosphere' is only option right now that doesn't require additional info, or provide an envDictReader (
)Expand source code
def atmosphericModelFactory(envDictReader=None) -> AtmosphericModel: ''' Provide either an atmosphericModel name ('USStandardAtmosphere' is only option right now that doesn't require additional info, or provide an envDictReader (`MAPLEAF.IO.SubDictReader`) ''' if envDictReader == None: modelType = defaultConfigValues["Environment.AtmosphericPropertiesModel"] else: modelType = envDictReader.getString("AtmosphericPropertiesModel") if modelType == "Constant": if envDictReader == None: raise ValueError("envDictReader required to initialize Constant atm properties model") # Get values from ConstantAtmosphere subDictionary envDictReader.simDefDictPathToReadFrom = "Environment.ConstantAtmosphere" constTemp = envDictReader.getFloat("temp") + 273.15 # Convert to Kelvin (Expecting Celsius input) constPressure = envDictReader.getFloat("pressure") constDensity = envDictReader.getFloat("density") constViscosity = envDictReader.getFloat("viscosity") # Return to reading from Environment for any subsequent parsing envDictReader.simDefDictPathToReadFrom = "Environment" return ConstantAtmosphere(constTemp, constPressure, constDensity, constViscosity) elif modelType == "TabulatedAtmosphere": try: tableFilePath = envDictReader.getString("TabulatedAtmosphere.filePath") except AttributeError: tableFilePath = defaultConfigValues["Environment.TabulatedAtmosphere.filePath"] tableFilePath = getAbsoluteFilePath(tableFilePath) return TabulatedAtmosphere(tableFilePath) elif modelType == "USStandardAtmosphere": return USStandardAtmosphere() else: raise ValueError("Atmospheric model: {} not implemented, try using 'USStandardAtmosphere'".format(modelType))
def earthModelFactory(envDictReader=None) ‑> MAPLEAF.ENV.EarthModelling.EarthModel
Provide an envDictReader (
). If none is provided, returns a FlatEarth modelExpand source code
def earthModelFactory(envDictReader=None) -> EarthModel: ''' Provide an envDictReader (`MAPLEAF.IO.SubDictReader`). If none is provided, returns a FlatEarth model ''' if envDictReader == None: return FlatEarth() earthModel = envDictReader.getString("EarthModel") if earthModel == "Flat": return FlatEarth() elif earthModel == "Round": return SphericalEarth() elif earthModel == "WGS84": return WGS84() elif earthModel == "None": return NoEarth() else: raise NotImplementedError("Earth model: {} not found. Try 'Flat', 'Round' or 'WGS84'".format(earthModel))
def meanWindModelFactory(envReader=None, silent=False) ‑> MAPLEAF.ENV.MeanWindModelling.MeanWindModel
Instantiates a mean wind model
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def meanWindModelFactory(envReader=None, silent=False) -> MeanWindModel: ''' Instantiates a mean wind model ''' if envReader == None: # Return default zero-wind model constWind = Vector(defaultConfigValues["Environment.ConstantMeanWind.velocity"]) return ConstantWind(constWind) meanWindModel = None meanWindModelType = envReader.getString("MeanWindModel") if meanWindModelType == "Constant": meanGroundWind = envReader.getVector("ConstantMeanWind.velocity") if not silent: print("Constant ground wind: {:1.2f} m/s".format(meanGroundWind)) meanWindModel = ConstantWind(meanGroundWind) elif meanWindModelType in [ "SampledGroundWindData", "Hellman" ]: def getLocationSampledGroundWindVel(): #### Get list of, and weights of, locations to sample wind rose from GroundWindLocationsSampled = envReader.getString("SampledGroundWindData.locationsToSample").split() locationsSampled = [] locationWeights = [] # Parse into locations (1st, 3rd, 5th... values) and weights (2nd, 4th, 6th... values) for i in range(0, len(GroundWindLocationsSampled), 2): locationsSampled.append(GroundWindLocationsSampled[i]) locationWeights.append(float(GroundWindLocationsSampled[i+1])) launchMonth = envReader.getString("SampledGroundWindData.launchMonth") # Sample wind rose(s) sampler = WindRoseDataSampler(silent=silent) meanGroundWind = sampler.sampleWindRoses(locationsSampled, locationWeights, launchMonth) # Output choices parsed from input file and resulting wind if not silent: if envReader.simDefinition.monteCarloLogger != None: envReader.simDefinition.monteCarloLogger.log("Sampling ground winds from: {}".format(locationsSampled)) envReader.simDefinition.monteCarloLogger.log("Sampling weights for each location: {}".format(locationWeights)) envReader.simDefinition.monteCarloLogger.log("Sampling wind distribution from month of: {}".format(launchMonth)) envReader.simDefinition.monteCarloLogger.log("Sampled mean ground wind: {:1.2f} m/s".format(meanGroundWind)) else: print("Sampling ground winds from: {}".format(locationsSampled)) print("Sampling weights for each location: {}".format(locationWeights)) print("Sampling wind distribution from month of: {}".format(launchMonth)) print("Sampled mean ground wind: {:1.2f} m/s".format(meanGroundWind)) return meanGroundWind ### Create and return appropriate wind vs altitude model ### if meanWindModelType == "SampledGroundWindData": meanGroundWind = getLocationSampledGroundWindVel() if not silent: print("Wind is not a function of altitude") meanWindModel = ConstantWind(meanGroundWind) elif meanWindModelType == "Hellman": groundWindModel = envReader.getString("Hellman.groundWindModel") # Get ground wind if groundWindModel == "Constant": meanGroundWind = envReader.getVector("ConstantMeanWind.velocity") elif groundWindModel == "SampledGroundWindData": meanGroundWind = getLocationSampledGroundWindVel() HellmanAlphaCoeff = envReader.getFloat("Hellman.alphaCoeff") HellmanAltitudeLimit = envReader.getFloat("Hellman.altitudeLimit") if not silent: print("Constant ground wind: {:1.2f} m/s".format(meanGroundWind)) print("Wind vs. altitude governed by Hellman law: v2 = v1*(z2/10)^a where a = {}".format(HellmanAlphaCoeff)) print("Hellman law is taken to apply up to an altitude of {} m AGL".format(HellmanAltitudeLimit)) meanWindModel = Hellman(meanGroundWind, HellmanAltitudeLimit, HellmanAlphaCoeff) elif meanWindModelType == "CustomWindProfile": meanWindProfileFilePath = envReader.getString("CustomWindProfile.filePath") meanWindModel = InterpolatedWind(windFilePath=meanWindProfileFilePath) elif meanWindModelType == "SampledRadioSondeData": # Get locations and location weights locationsAndWeights = envReader.getString("SampledRadioSondeData.locationsToSample").split() locations = [] weights = [] for i in range(0, len(locationsAndWeights), 2): locations.append(locationsAndWeights[i]) weights.append(float(locationsAndWeights[i+1])) locationASLAltitudes = [ float(x) for x in envReader.getString("SampledRadioSondeData.locationASLAltitudes").split() ] # Get launch month launchMonth = envReader.getString("SampledRadioSondeData.launchMonth") # Get random seed (if provided) radioSondeRandomSeed = envReader.tryGetString("SampledRadioSondeData.randomSeed") # Select and parse radio sonde profile sampler = RadioSondeDataSampler(silent=silent) altitudes, windVectors = sampler.getRadioSondeWindProfile(locations, weights, locationASLAltitudes, launchMonth, radioSondeRandomSeed) meanWindModel = InterpolatedWind(windAltitudes=altitudes, winds=windVectors) else: raise ValueError("Unknown MeanWindModel: {}. Please see SimDefinitionTemplate.txt for available options.".format(meanWindModelType)) return meanWindModel
def turbulenceModelFactory(envReader, silent=False)
Reads data from simDefinition, initializes and returns the appropriate TurbulenceModel
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def turbulenceModelFactory(envReader, silent=False): ''' Reads data from simDefinition, initializes and returns the appropriate TurbulenceModel ''' turbModelType = envReader.getString("Environment.TurbulenceModel") if not silent: print("Turbulence/Gust Model: {}".format(turbModelType)) if turbModelType== "None": turbulenceModel = NoTurb() elif "PinkNoise" in turbModelType: measuredPinkNoiseStdDev = 2.26 # For a 2-pole PinkNoiseGenerator - re-measure if the number of poles is changed turbulenceIntensity = envReader.tryGetInt("PinkNoiseModel.turbulenceIntensity") if turbulenceIntensity != None: turbulenceIntensity /= (measuredPinkNoiseStdDev * 100) velocityStDev = envReader.tryGetInt("PinkNoiseModel.velocityStdDeviation") if velocityStDev != None: velocityStDev /= measuredPinkNoiseStdDev pinkNoiseRandomSeed1 = envReader.tryGetInt("PinkNoiseModel.randomSeed1") pinkNoiseRandomSeed2 = envReader.tryGetInt("PinkNoiseModel.randomSeed2") pinkNoiseRandomSeed3 = envReader.tryGetInt("PinkNoiseModel.randomSeed3") if turbModelType == "PinkNoise1D": turbulenceModel = PinkNoise1D(turbulenceIntensity, velocityStDev, pinkNoiseRandomSeed1) if not silent: print("Random seed 1: {}".format(turbulenceModel.png1.seed)) elif turbModelType == "PinkNoise2D": turbulenceModel = PinkNoise2D(turbulenceIntensity, velocityStDev, pinkNoiseRandomSeed1, pinkNoiseRandomSeed2) if not silent: print("Random seed 1: {}".format(turbulenceModel.png1.seed)) print("Random seed 2: {}".format(turbulenceModel.png2.seed)) elif turbModelType == "PinkNoise3D": turbulenceModel = PinkNoise3D(turbulenceIntensity, velocityStDev, pinkNoiseRandomSeed1, pinkNoiseRandomSeed2, pinkNoiseRandomSeed3) if not silent: print("Random seed 1: {}".format(turbulenceModel.png1.seed)) print("Random seed 2: {}".format(turbulenceModel.png2.seed)) print("Random seed 2: {}".format(turbulenceModel.png3.seed)) elif turbModelType == "customSineGust": GustStartAltitude = envReader.getFloat("CustomSineGust.startAltitude") GustMagnitude = envReader.getFloat("CustomSineGust.magnitude") GustSineBlendDistance = envReader.getFloat("CustomSineGust.sineBlendDistance") GustLayerThickness = envReader.getFloat("CustomSineGust.thickness") GustDirection = envReader.getVector("CustomSineGust.direction").normalize() turbulenceModel = CustomSineGust(GustStartAltitude, GustSineBlendDistance, GustLayerThickness, GustMagnitude, GustDirection) if not silent: print("Gust Altitude: {}".format(GustStartAltitude)) print("Gust Vector: {}".format(GustMagnitude * GustDirection)) else: raise ValueError("Turbulence Model {} not found. Please choose from: None, PinkNoise1/2/3D or customSineGust") return turbulenceModel
class ConstantAtmosphere (temp, pressure, density, viscosity)
Interface for all atmosphere models
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class ConstantAtmosphere(AtmosphericModel): def __init__(self, temp, pressure, density, viscosity): self.airProperties = [ temp, pressure, density, viscosity ] def getAirProperties(self, _, _2=None): return self.airProperties
- MAPLEAF.ENV.AtmosphereModelling.AtmosphericModel
- abc.ABC
def getAirProperties(self, _)
Return an iterable containing: temp(K), static pressure (Pa), density (kg/m^3), dynamic viscosity (Pa*s), in that order
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def getAirProperties(self, _, _2=None): return self.airProperties
class ConstantWind (wind)
Defines a constant wind speed at all altitudes
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class ConstantWind(MeanWindModel): ''' Defines a constant wind speed at all altitudes ''' def __init__(self, wind): self.wind = wind def getMeanWind(self, AGLAltitude): return self.wind
- MAPLEAF.ENV.MeanWindModelling.MeanWindModel
- abc.ABC
def getMeanWind(self, AGLAltitude)
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def getMeanWind(self, AGLAltitude): return self.wind
class Environment (simDefinition=None, silent=False)
Class wraps Wind Models, Atmospheric properties models, and earth/gravity models, presenting a single interface for communication with flight vehicles
Sets up the Wind, Atmospheric, and Earth models requested in the Sim Definition file
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class Environment(): ''' Class wraps Wind Models, Atmospheric properties models, and earth/gravity models, presenting a single interface for communication with flight vehicles ''' def __init__(self, simDefinition=None, silent=False): ''' Sets up the Wind, Atmospheric, and Earth models requested in the Sim Definition file ''' self.launchRail = None if simDefinition != None: # Whenever we're running a real simulation, should always end up here envDictReader = SubDictReader("Environment", simDefinition) self.meanWindModel = meanWindModelFactory(envDictReader, silent=silent) self.turbulenceModel = turbulenceModelFactory(envDictReader, silent=silent) self.atmosphericModel = atmosphericModelFactory(envDictReader=envDictReader) self.earthModel = earthModelFactory(envDictReader) self.launchSiteElevation = envDictReader.tryGetFloat("LaunchSite.elevation") self.launchSiteLatitude = envDictReader.tryGetFloat("LaunchSite.latitude") self.launchSiteLongitude = envDictReader.tryGetFloat("LaunchSite.longitude") # Check if being launched from a launch rail launchRailLength = envDictReader.getFloat("LaunchSite.railLength") if launchRailLength > 0: # Initialize a launch rail, aligned with the rocket's initial direction initialRocketPosition_towerFrame = envDictReader.getVector("Rocket.position") # Check whether precise initial orientation has been specified rotationAxis = envDictReader.tryGetVector("Rocket.rotationAxis", defaultValue=None) if rotationAxis != None: rotationAngle = math.radians(envDictReader.getFloat("Rocket.rotationAngle")) initOrientation = Quaternion(rotationAxis, rotationAngle) else: # Calculate initial orientation quaternion in launch tower frame rotationAxis = envDictReader.tryGetVector("Rocket.rotationAxis", defaultValue=None) if rotationAxis != None: rotationAngle = math.radians(self.rocketDictReader.getFloat("Rocket.rotationAngle")) initOrientation = Quaternion(rotationAxis, rotationAngle) else: # Calculate initial orientation quaternion in launch tower frame initialDirection = envDictReader.getVector("Rocket.initialDirection").normalize() angleFromVertical = Vector(0,0,1).angle(initialDirection) rotationAxis = Vector(0,0,1).crossProduct(initialDirection) initOrientation = Quaternion(rotationAxis, angleFromVertical) # TODO: Get from rocket, or calculate the same way - so that it works with rotationAxis + Angle initialDirection = envDictReader.getVector("Rocket.initialDirection").normalize() angleFromVertical = Vector(0,0,1).angle(initialDirection) rotationAxis = Vector(0,0,1).crossProduct(initialDirection) initOrientation = Quaternion(rotationAxis, angleFromVertical) initPosition_seaLevelENUFrame = initialRocketPosition_towerFrame + Vector(0, 0, self.launchSiteElevation) launchTowerState_local = RigidBodyState(position=initPosition_seaLevelENUFrame, orientation=initOrientation) launchTowerState_global = self.earthModel.convertIntoGlobalFrame(launchTowerState_local, self.launchSiteLatitude, self.launchSiteLongitude) towerDirection_global = launchTowerState_global.orientation.rotate(Vector(0, 0, 1)) self.launchRail = LaunchRail(launchTowerState_global.position, towerDirection_global, launchRailLength, earthRotationRate=self.earthModel.rotationRate) else: # Construct default environment from default parameters when no sim definition is passed in # Need additional default value here in case a SimDefinition is not passed in (otherwise SimDefinition takes care of default values) self.meanWindModel = meanWindModelFactory() self.turbulenceModel = None self.atmosphericModel = atmosphericModelFactory() self.earthModel = earthModelFactory() self.launchSiteElevation = float(defaultConfigValues["Environment.LaunchSite.elevation"]) self.launchSiteLatitude = float(defaultConfigValues["Environment.LaunchSite.latitude"]) self.launchSiteLongitude = float(defaultConfigValues["Environment.LaunchSite.longitude"]) def convertInitialStateToGlobalFrame(self, initialStateInLaunchTowerFrame): ''' Used to convert the rocket's initial kinematic state from the launch tower frame (in which it is defined) and into the global inertia frame Takes a rigid body state defined in the launch tower frame and converts it to the global frame For a flat earth model, this just adjusts for the altitude of the launch site, but for a rotating earth model, this modifies every part of the rigid body state: 1. Position is redefined relative to the center of the earth (Acoording to lat/lon) 2. The velocity of earth's rotation is added to the velocity 3. The orientation is redefined relative to the global frame 4. The angular velocity of the earth is added to the rocket's initial state .. note:: If a launch rail is being used, set the launch-tower-frame angular velocity to zero before doing the conversion ''' # In all cases, first redefine the present state relative to sea level initialStateInLaunchTowerFrame.position += Vector(0,0,self.launchSiteElevation) # Set launch-tower-frame angular velocity to zero if using a launch rail if self.launchRail != None: initialStateInLaunchTowerFrame.angularVelocity = AngularVelocity(0,0,0) # Call the current earth model's conversion function return self.earthModel.convertIntoGlobalFrame(initialStateInLaunchTowerFrame, self.launchSiteLatitude, self.launchSiteLongitude) def convertStateToENUFrame(self, globalFrameState: Union[RigidBodyState, RigidBodyState_3DoF]) -> Union[RigidBodyState, RigidBodyState_3DoF]: altitude = self.earthModel.getAltitude(*globalFrameState.position) position = Vector(0, 0, altitude) # Frame moves with the aircraft so x/y are always zero inertialToENURotation = self.earthModel.getInertialToENUFrameRotation(*globalFrameState.position) ENUToGlobalRotation = inertialToENURotation.conjugate() velocity = ENUToGlobalRotation.rotate(globalFrameState.velocity) try: orientation = ENUToGlobalRotation * globalFrameState.orientation angVel = ENUToGlobalRotation.rotate(globalFrameState.angularVelocity) return RigidBodyState(position, velocity, orientation, angVel) except: return RigidBodyState_3DoF(position, velocity) #### Get all air/atmospheric properties #### def getAirProperties(self, position: Vector, time=None) -> EnvironmentalConditions: ''' Pass in a vector representing the aircraft's position in the global inertial frame of reference ''' # ASL Altitude is calculated differently depending on whether the earth is modelled as flat, round, or ellipsoidal ASLAltitude = self.earthModel.getAltitude(*position) # Ground level is remain constant as that of the launch site AGLAltitude = ASLAltitude - self.launchSiteElevation # Get wind based on AGL, in North-East-Up frame # TODO: This is only desirable for low-altitude flights, should switch to ASL altitude once out of the atmospheric boundary layer meanWind, turbWind = self.getWind(AGLAltitude, time) # Add earth's rotation speed to the mean wind # For No/Flat Earth models, the rotationRate will be zero and this will have no effect distanceFromRotationAxis = math.sqrt(position.X**2 + position.Y**2) earthRotationSpeed = self.earthModel.rotationRate * distanceFromRotationAxis # Earth's surface rotates towards the east, so add the rotation velocity to the East component (X) of the local ENU frame meanWind = meanWind + Vector(earthRotationSpeed,0,0) # Wind is calculated in the North-East-Up frame, and needs to be rotated into the global inertial frame # For No/Flat Earth models, the rotation will return a zero-rotation Quaternion, so this has no effect orientationOfENUFrameInGlobalFrame = self.earthModel.getInertialToENUFrameRotation(*position) meanWind = orientationOfENUFrameInGlobalFrame.rotate(meanWind) turbWind = orientationOfENUFrameInGlobalFrame.rotate(turbWind) # Now calculate total wind in global frame totalWind = meanWind + turbWind # Add air properties based on ASL, return the result return EnvironmentalConditions( ASLAltitude, *self.atmosphericModel.getAirProperties(ASLAltitude, time), # Asterisk unpacks the returned values totalWind, meanWind, turbWind ) #### Wind properties #### def getWind(self, AGLElevation, time=None): ''' Returns wind in the North-East-Up (Y-X-Z) frame ''' meanWindVel = self.meanWindModel.getMeanWind(AGLElevation) if self.turbulenceModel != None: turbWindVel = self.turbulenceModel.getTurbVelocity(AGLElevation, meanWindVel, time) else: turbWindVel = Vector(0,0,0) return meanWindVel, turbWindVel #### Wrappers for launch rail functions #### def applyLaunchRailMotionConstraints(self, state, time): if self.launchRail == None: # Majority of the time we'll be off the rail and this will run return state onLaunchRail, adjustedState = self.launchRail.applyLaunchTowerMotionConstraint(state, time) # Delete rail if we've left it if not onLaunchRail: print("Launch rail cleared") self.launchRail = None return adjustedState def applyLaunchTowerForce(self, state, time, unadjustedForce): if self.launchRail == None: # Majority of the time we'll be off the rail and this will run return unadjustedForce return self.launchRail.applyLaunchTowerForce(state, time, unadjustedForce) #### Gravity #### def getGravityForce(self, inertia, state) -> ForceMomentSystem: ''' Inputs: inertia: (`MAPLEAF.Motion.Inertia`) state: (`MAPLEAF.Motion.RigidBodyState`/`MAPLEAF.Motion.RigidBodyState_3DoF`) Returns: gravityForce: (ForceMomentSystem) defined in the rocket's local frame ''' # Get gravity force in the global frame gravityForce = self.earthModel.getGravityForce(inertia, state) try: # Convert to local frame if in 6DoF simulation gravityForce = state.orientation.conjugate().rotate(gravityForce) # rotate into local frame when in 6DoF mode except AttributeError: pass # Don't do anything in 3DoF mode (No local frame exists) return ForceMomentSystem(gravityForce, inertia.CG)
def applyLaunchRailMotionConstraints(self, state, time)
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def applyLaunchRailMotionConstraints(self, state, time): if self.launchRail == None: # Majority of the time we'll be off the rail and this will run return state onLaunchRail, adjustedState = self.launchRail.applyLaunchTowerMotionConstraint(state, time) # Delete rail if we've left it if not onLaunchRail: print("Launch rail cleared") self.launchRail = None return adjustedState
def applyLaunchTowerForce(self, state, time, unadjustedForce)
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def applyLaunchTowerForce(self, state, time, unadjustedForce): if self.launchRail == None: # Majority of the time we'll be off the rail and this will run return unadjustedForce return self.launchRail.applyLaunchTowerForce(state, time, unadjustedForce)
def convertInitialStateToGlobalFrame(self, initialStateInLaunchTowerFrame)
Used to convert the rocket's initial kinematic state from the launch tower frame (in which it is defined) and into the global inertia frame
Takes a rigid body state defined in the launch tower frame and converts it to the global frame For a flat earth model, this just adjusts for the altitude of the launch site, but for a rotating earth model, this modifies every part of the rigid body state: 1. Position is redefined relative to the center of the earth (Acoording to lat/lon)
2. The velocity of earth's rotation is added to the velocity
3. The orientation is redefined relative to the global frame
4. The angular velocity of the earth is added to the rocket's initial stateNote: If a launch rail is being used, set the launch-tower-frame angular velocity to zero before doing the conversion
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def convertInitialStateToGlobalFrame(self, initialStateInLaunchTowerFrame): ''' Used to convert the rocket's initial kinematic state from the launch tower frame (in which it is defined) and into the global inertia frame Takes a rigid body state defined in the launch tower frame and converts it to the global frame For a flat earth model, this just adjusts for the altitude of the launch site, but for a rotating earth model, this modifies every part of the rigid body state: 1. Position is redefined relative to the center of the earth (Acoording to lat/lon) 2. The velocity of earth's rotation is added to the velocity 3. The orientation is redefined relative to the global frame 4. The angular velocity of the earth is added to the rocket's initial state .. note:: If a launch rail is being used, set the launch-tower-frame angular velocity to zero before doing the conversion ''' # In all cases, first redefine the present state relative to sea level initialStateInLaunchTowerFrame.position += Vector(0,0,self.launchSiteElevation) # Set launch-tower-frame angular velocity to zero if using a launch rail if self.launchRail != None: initialStateInLaunchTowerFrame.angularVelocity = AngularVelocity(0,0,0) # Call the current earth model's conversion function return self.earthModel.convertIntoGlobalFrame(initialStateInLaunchTowerFrame, self.launchSiteLatitude, self.launchSiteLongitude)
def convertStateToENUFrame(self, globalFrameState: Union[RigidBodyState, RigidBodyState_3DoF]) ‑> Union[RigidBodyState, RigidBodyState_3DoF]
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def convertStateToENUFrame(self, globalFrameState: Union[RigidBodyState, RigidBodyState_3DoF]) -> Union[RigidBodyState, RigidBodyState_3DoF]: altitude = self.earthModel.getAltitude(*globalFrameState.position) position = Vector(0, 0, altitude) # Frame moves with the aircraft so x/y are always zero inertialToENURotation = self.earthModel.getInertialToENUFrameRotation(*globalFrameState.position) ENUToGlobalRotation = inertialToENURotation.conjugate() velocity = ENUToGlobalRotation.rotate(globalFrameState.velocity) try: orientation = ENUToGlobalRotation * globalFrameState.orientation angVel = ENUToGlobalRotation.rotate(globalFrameState.angularVelocity) return RigidBodyState(position, velocity, orientation, angVel) except: return RigidBodyState_3DoF(position, velocity)
def getAirProperties(self, position: Vector, time=None) ‑> EnvironmentalConditions
Pass in a vector representing the aircraft's position in the global inertial frame of reference
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def getAirProperties(self, position: Vector, time=None) -> EnvironmentalConditions: ''' Pass in a vector representing the aircraft's position in the global inertial frame of reference ''' # ASL Altitude is calculated differently depending on whether the earth is modelled as flat, round, or ellipsoidal ASLAltitude = self.earthModel.getAltitude(*position) # Ground level is remain constant as that of the launch site AGLAltitude = ASLAltitude - self.launchSiteElevation # Get wind based on AGL, in North-East-Up frame # TODO: This is only desirable for low-altitude flights, should switch to ASL altitude once out of the atmospheric boundary layer meanWind, turbWind = self.getWind(AGLAltitude, time) # Add earth's rotation speed to the mean wind # For No/Flat Earth models, the rotationRate will be zero and this will have no effect distanceFromRotationAxis = math.sqrt(position.X**2 + position.Y**2) earthRotationSpeed = self.earthModel.rotationRate * distanceFromRotationAxis # Earth's surface rotates towards the east, so add the rotation velocity to the East component (X) of the local ENU frame meanWind = meanWind + Vector(earthRotationSpeed,0,0) # Wind is calculated in the North-East-Up frame, and needs to be rotated into the global inertial frame # For No/Flat Earth models, the rotation will return a zero-rotation Quaternion, so this has no effect orientationOfENUFrameInGlobalFrame = self.earthModel.getInertialToENUFrameRotation(*position) meanWind = orientationOfENUFrameInGlobalFrame.rotate(meanWind) turbWind = orientationOfENUFrameInGlobalFrame.rotate(turbWind) # Now calculate total wind in global frame totalWind = meanWind + turbWind # Add air properties based on ASL, return the result return EnvironmentalConditions( ASLAltitude, *self.atmosphericModel.getAirProperties(ASLAltitude, time), # Asterisk unpacks the returned values totalWind, meanWind, turbWind )
def getGravityForce(self, inertia, state) ‑> ForceMomentSystem
inertia: (
) state: (RigidBodyState
- (ForceMomentSystem) defined in the rocket's local frame
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def getGravityForce(self, inertia, state) -> ForceMomentSystem: ''' Inputs: inertia: (`MAPLEAF.Motion.Inertia`) state: (`MAPLEAF.Motion.RigidBodyState`/`MAPLEAF.Motion.RigidBodyState_3DoF`) Returns: gravityForce: (ForceMomentSystem) defined in the rocket's local frame ''' # Get gravity force in the global frame gravityForce = self.earthModel.getGravityForce(inertia, state) try: # Convert to local frame if in 6DoF simulation gravityForce = state.orientation.conjugate().rotate(gravityForce) # rotate into local frame when in 6DoF mode except AttributeError: pass # Don't do anything in 3DoF mode (No local frame exists) return ForceMomentSystem(gravityForce, inertia.CG)
def getWind(self, AGLElevation, time=None)
Returns wind in the North-East-Up (Y-X-Z) frame
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def getWind(self, AGLElevation, time=None): ''' Returns wind in the North-East-Up (Y-X-Z) frame ''' meanWindVel = self.meanWindModel.getMeanWind(AGLElevation) if self.turbulenceModel != None: turbWindVel = self.turbulenceModel.getTurbVelocity(AGLElevation, meanWindVel, time) else: turbWindVel = Vector(0,0,0) return meanWindVel, turbWindVel
class EnvironmentalConditions (ASLAltitude, Temp, Pressure, Density, DynamicViscosity, Wind, MeanWind, TurbWind)
EnvironmentalConditions(ASLAltitude, Temp, Pressure, Density, DynamicViscosity, Wind, MeanWind, TurbWind)
- builtins.tuple
Instance variables
var ASLAltitude
Alias for field number 0
var Density
Alias for field number 3
var DynamicViscosity
Alias for field number 4
var MeanWind
Alias for field number 6
var Pressure
Alias for field number 2
var Temp
Alias for field number 1
var TurbWind
Alias for field number 7
var Wind
Alias for field number 5
class FlatEarth
Interface for all earth models
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class FlatEarth(NoEarth): # GM = 398600.5 # km^3/s^2 Geocentric gravitational constant (Mass of atmosphere included) GM = 398600.5e9 # m^3/s^2 def getGravityForce(self, inertia, state): ''' Returns a gravity force vector in the global frame ''' gravityDirection = Vector(0, 0, -1) # Down in the launch tower frame distanceFromCenterOfEarth = state.position.Z + 6371000 # Adding earth's average radius gravityMagnitude = inertia.mass * self.GM / distanceFromCenterOfEarth**2 # Checked that this equation gives results similar to the # US Standard Atmosphere - offset a bit depending on what earth radius is used. Current 6371 km gives slightly lower values that USTDA. return gravityDirection * gravityMagnitude
- NoEarth
- MAPLEAF.ENV.EarthModelling.EarthModel
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var GM
def getGravityForce(self, inertia, state)
Returns a gravity force vector in the global frame
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def getGravityForce(self, inertia, state): ''' Returns a gravity force vector in the global frame ''' gravityDirection = Vector(0, 0, -1) # Down in the launch tower frame distanceFromCenterOfEarth = state.position.Z + 6371000 # Adding earth's average radius gravityMagnitude = inertia.mass * self.GM / distanceFromCenterOfEarth**2 # Checked that this equation gives results similar to the # US Standard Atmosphere - offset a bit depending on what earth radius is used. Current 6371 km gives slightly lower values that USTDA. return gravityDirection * gravityMagnitude
Inherited members
class Hellman (groundMeanWind=<MAPLEAF.Motion.CythonVector.Vector object>, altitudeLimit=1500, hellmanAlphaCoeff=0.14)
Uses the Hellman law to scale a ground velocity using a power law as the atmospheric boundary layer is exited. Low-altitude only. -> Engineering Section.
groundMeanWind: Wind Vector at ground level (~10m above surface), in m/s altitudeLimit: Altitude above which the power law transitions into a constant profile (m, AGL) hellmanAlphaCoeff: Alpha in the Hellman model (1/7 is a common first guess, but can vary widely depending on terrain)
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class Hellman(MeanWindModel): ''' Uses the Hellman law to scale a ground velocity using a power law as the atmospheric boundary layer is exited. Low-altitude only. -> Engineering Section. ''' def __init__(self, groundMeanWind=Vector(0,0,0), altitudeLimit=1500, hellmanAlphaCoeff=0.14): ''' Arguments: groundMeanWind: Wind Vector at ground level (~10m above surface), in m/s altitudeLimit: Altitude above which the power law transitions into a constant profile (m, AGL) hellmanAlphaCoeff: Alpha in the Hellman model (1/7 is a common first guess, but can vary widely depending on terrain) ''' self.groundMeanWind = groundMeanWind self.altitudeLimit = altitudeLimit self.hellmanAlphaCoeff = hellmanAlphaCoeff def getMeanWind(self, AGLAltitude): # Limit velocity scaling to up to the specified altitude limit HellmanAltitude = max(min(self.altitudeLimit, AGLAltitude), 10) # Assume initial winds come from a height of 10m return self.groundMeanWind * (HellmanAltitude/10)**self.hellmanAlphaCoeff
- MAPLEAF.ENV.MeanWindModelling.MeanWindModel
- abc.ABC
def getMeanWind(self, AGLAltitude)
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def getMeanWind(self, AGLAltitude): # Limit velocity scaling to up to the specified altitude limit HellmanAltitude = max(min(self.altitudeLimit, AGLAltitude), 10) # Assume initial winds come from a height of 10m return self.groundMeanWind * (HellmanAltitude/10)**self.hellmanAlphaCoeff
class InterpolatedWind (windAltitudes=[], winds=[], windFilePath=None)
Defines the interface for Mean Wind Models
windAltitudes: list of altitudes at which wind vectors will be provided (m AGL) winds: list of wind vectors, matching the ordering of windAltitudes (m/s)
windFilePath: string path to a text file containing a table, formatted similarly to the following: AGlAltitude(m) WindX(m/s) WindY(m/s) WindZ(m/s) a1 wx1 wy1 wz1 a2 wx2 wy2 wz2
Provide either windAltitudes AND winds, OR windFilePath. If all are provided, windAltitudes/winds will be used
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class InterpolatedWind(MeanWindModel): def __init__(self, windAltitudes=[], winds=[], windFilePath=None): ''' Arguments: windAltitudes: list of altitudes at which wind vectors will be provided (m AGL) winds: list of wind vectors, matching the ordering of windAltitudes (m/s) windFilePath: string path to a text file containing a table, formatted similarly to the following: AGlAltitude(m) WindX(m/s) WindY(m/s) WindZ(m/s) a1 wx1 wy1 wz1 a2 wx2 wy2 wz2 Notes: Provide either windAltitudes AND winds, OR windFilePath. If all are provided, windAltitudes/winds will be used ''' if len(windAltitudes) + len(winds) > 0: self.windAltitudes = windAltitudes self.winds = winds elif windFilePath != None: self._readCustomWindProfile(windFilePath) else: raise ValueError("Incomplete initialization info provided. Provide either windAltitudes AND winds, OR windFilePath") def _readCustomWindProfile(self, filePath): windProfile = np.loadtxt(filePath, skiprows=1) self.windAltitudes = windProfile[:, 0] self.winds = windProfile[:, 1:] def getMeanWind(self, AGLAltitude): return Vector(*linInterp(self.windAltitudes, self.winds, AGLAltitude))
- MAPLEAF.ENV.MeanWindModelling.MeanWindModel
- abc.ABC
def getMeanWind(self, AGLAltitude)
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def getMeanWind(self, AGLAltitude): return Vector(*linInterp(self.windAltitudes, self.winds, AGLAltitude))
class LaunchRail (initialPosition, initialDirection, length, earthRotationRate=0)
Provide initial position and direction in global inertial frame
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class LaunchRail(): def __init__(self, initialPosition, initialDirection, length, earthRotationRate=0): ''' Provide initial position and direction in global inertial frame ''' self.initialPosition = initialPosition # m self.initialDirection = initialDirection.normalize() # Ensure the direction is a unit vector self.length = length # m self.earthAngVel = earthRotationRate # rad/s, about z-axis def getPosition(self, time): ''' Launch Rail moves with the earth's surface ''' rotationSoFar = Quaternion( axisOfRotation=Vector(0,0,1), angle=(self.earthAngVel * time) ) return rotationSoFar.rotate(self.initialPosition) def getDirection(self, time): ''' Launch Rail moves with the earth's surface ''' rotationSoFar = Quaternion( axisOfRotation=Vector(0,0,1), angle=(self.earthAngVel * time) ) return rotationSoFar.rotate(self.initialDirection) def getVelocity(self, time): pos = self.getPosition(time) angVel = AngularVelocity(0, 0, self.earthAngVel) return angVel.crossProduct(pos) def applyLaunchTowerForce(self, state, time, unadjustedForce): ''' If on launch tower, projects forces experienced onto the launch tower directions and sets Moments = 0 Returns two values: onTower(Bool), adjustedForce(Motion.ForceMomentSystem) ''' distanceTravelled = (state.position - self.getPosition(time)).length() if distanceTravelled < self.length: # Vehicle still on launch rail # Project total force onto the launch rail direction (dot product) adjustedForceMagnitude = unadjustedForce.force * self.getDirection(time) adjustedForceVector = self.initialDirection * adjustedForceMagnitude # No resultant moments while on the launch rail adjustedForce = ForceMomentSystem(adjustedForceVector) return adjustedForce else: # Vehicle has left the rail return unadjustedForce def applyLaunchTowerMotionConstraint(self, state, time): ''' If on launch tower, stops rocket from sliding off the bottom before engine is lit ''' currPosition = self.getPosition(time) currDirection = self.getDirection(time) distanceTravelled = (state.position - currPosition) * currDirection if distanceTravelled < self.length: # Vehicle still on launch rail if distanceTravelled <= 0: # If vehicle has slid of the bottom of the rail # Reset its position to the bottom of the rail state.position = currPosition # Velocity adjustment velocityAlongRail = state.velocity * currDirection if velocityAlongRail < 0: # If velocity along rail is also negative, set it to zero relative to the rail state.velocity = self.getVelocity(time) return True, state else: # Vehicle has left the rail return False, state
def applyLaunchTowerForce(self, state, time, unadjustedForce)
If on launch tower, projects forces experienced onto the launch tower directions and sets Moments = 0 Returns two values: onTower(Bool), adjustedForce(Motion.ForceMomentSystem)
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def applyLaunchTowerForce(self, state, time, unadjustedForce): ''' If on launch tower, projects forces experienced onto the launch tower directions and sets Moments = 0 Returns two values: onTower(Bool), adjustedForce(Motion.ForceMomentSystem) ''' distanceTravelled = (state.position - self.getPosition(time)).length() if distanceTravelled < self.length: # Vehicle still on launch rail # Project total force onto the launch rail direction (dot product) adjustedForceMagnitude = unadjustedForce.force * self.getDirection(time) adjustedForceVector = self.initialDirection * adjustedForceMagnitude # No resultant moments while on the launch rail adjustedForce = ForceMomentSystem(adjustedForceVector) return adjustedForce else: # Vehicle has left the rail return unadjustedForce
def applyLaunchTowerMotionConstraint(self, state, time)
If on launch tower, stops rocket from sliding off the bottom before engine is lit
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def applyLaunchTowerMotionConstraint(self, state, time): ''' If on launch tower, stops rocket from sliding off the bottom before engine is lit ''' currPosition = self.getPosition(time) currDirection = self.getDirection(time) distanceTravelled = (state.position - currPosition) * currDirection if distanceTravelled < self.length: # Vehicle still on launch rail if distanceTravelled <= 0: # If vehicle has slid of the bottom of the rail # Reset its position to the bottom of the rail state.position = currPosition # Velocity adjustment velocityAlongRail = state.velocity * currDirection if velocityAlongRail < 0: # If velocity along rail is also negative, set it to zero relative to the rail state.velocity = self.getVelocity(time) return True, state else: # Vehicle has left the rail return False, state
def getDirection(self, time)
Launch Rail moves with the earth's surface
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def getDirection(self, time): ''' Launch Rail moves with the earth's surface ''' rotationSoFar = Quaternion( axisOfRotation=Vector(0,0,1), angle=(self.earthAngVel * time) ) return rotationSoFar.rotate(self.initialDirection)
def getPosition(self, time)
Launch Rail moves with the earth's surface
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def getPosition(self, time): ''' Launch Rail moves with the earth's surface ''' rotationSoFar = Quaternion( axisOfRotation=Vector(0,0,1), angle=(self.earthAngVel * time) ) return rotationSoFar.rotate(self.initialPosition)
def getVelocity(self, time)
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def getVelocity(self, time): pos = self.getPosition(time) angVel = AngularVelocity(0, 0, self.earthAngVel) return angVel.crossProduct(pos)
class NoEarth
Interface for all earth models
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class NoEarth(EarthModel): rotationRate = 0 # rad/s noRotation = Quaternion(1,0,0,0) noForce = Vector(0,0,0) def getGravityForce(self, inertia, state): return self.noForce def getInertialToENUFrameRotation(self, x, y, z): return self.noRotation def getAltitude(self, x, y, z): return z def convertIntoGlobalFrame(self, launchTowerFrameState, _, __): ''' Launch tower frame is global inertial frame ''' return launchTowerFrameState
- MAPLEAF.ENV.EarthModelling.EarthModel
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var noForce
var noRotation
var rotationRate
def convertIntoGlobalFrame(self, launchTowerFrameState, _, __)
Launch tower frame is global inertial frame
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def convertIntoGlobalFrame(self, launchTowerFrameState, _, __): ''' Launch tower frame is global inertial frame ''' return launchTowerFrameState
def getAltitude(self, x, y, z)
Given the aircraft coordinates in the global inertial frame, should return the altitude above SEA level (ASL) - to be used in wind calculations
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def getAltitude(self, x, y, z): return z
def getGravityForce(self, inertia, state)
Return gravity force vector in the global inertial frame
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def getGravityForce(self, inertia, state): return self.noForce
def getInertialToENUFrameRotation(self, x, y, z)
Return Quaternion defining the rotation from the global inertial frame to the North-East-Up frame defined on the surface under the air vehicle's position
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def getInertialToENUFrameRotation(self, x, y, z): return self.noRotation
class PinkNoiseGenerator (alpha=1.6666666666666667, seed=None, nPoles=2, simulatedSamplingFreqHz=20)
- alpha - pink noise generated has a power spectrum which has a log-log slope of -alpha.
default value of 5/3 matches power spectrum slope of turbulent integral scales - seed - pink noise generated based on applying a filter to gaussian white noise specifying
the seed for the input random noise allows for repeatable sequences of values - nPoles - more poles include more low frequency content in the spectrum
parameter could be interpreted as similar to the turbulence length scale
can be varied in more sophisticated models - simulatedSamplingFreqHz - controls "sampling frequency" that the pink noise is interpreted as
also modulated the effective length scale of turbulence, together with nPoles
- .getValue(time)
If the value is requested at time values that fall between sampling intervals, linearly interpolated values (from adjacent samples) are returned. If no time is provided, the sampling frequency is ignored and a new value is computed
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class PinkNoiseGenerator(): ''' Inputs: * alpha - pink noise generated has a power spectrum which has a log-log slope of -alpha. default value of 5/3 matches power spectrum slope of turbulent integral scales * seed - pink noise generated based on applying a filter to gaussian white noise specifying the seed for the input random noise allows for repeatable sequences of values * nPoles - more poles include more low frequency content in the spectrum parameter could be interpreted as similar to the turbulence length scale can be varied in more sophisticated models * simulatedSamplingFreqHz - controls "sampling frequency" that the pink noise is interpreted as also modulated the effective length scale of turbulence, together with nPoles Methods: * .getValue(time) If the value is requested at time values that fall between sampling intervals, linearly interpolated values (from adjacent samples) are returned. If no time is provided, the sampling frequency is ignored and a new value is computed ''' def __init__(self, alpha=5/3, seed=None, nPoles=2, simulatedSamplingFreqHz=20): self.alpha = alpha if seed != None: self.seed = seed else: self.seed = random.randrange(1000000) self.rng = random.Random(self.seed) # self.rng.seed(self.seed) self.nPoles = nPoles # Calculate coefficient values - openrocket documentation pg. 59/60 (Section 4.1.2 Wind Modeling) # Based on method from Kasdin (1995) "Discrete Simulation of Colored Noise and Stochastic Processes and 1/f^{alpha} Power Law Noise Generation" self.coeffs = [ 1, ] for i in range(nPoles): self.coeffs.append((i - alpha/2) * self.coeffs[i]/(i+1)) self.coeffs.pop(0) # Overwriting will wrap around the array to avoid constantly shifting values self.nextIndexToOverwrite = 0 # Fixed sampling frequency allows for achieving "mesh convergence" as the timestep is decreased self.lastValTime = 0 self.timeStep = 1 / simulatedSamplingFreqHz # seconds # Fill lastValues self.lastValues = [ self.rng.gauss(0, 1) for i in range(nPoles) ] for i in range(10*nPoles): self.getValue() def getValue(self, time=None): ''' Calculate coefficient values - openrocket documentation pg. 59/60 (Section 4.1.2 Wind Modeling) Based on method from Kasdin (1995) "Discrete Simulation of Colored Noise and Stochastic Processes and 1/f^{alpha} Power Law Noise Generation" ''' # Compute any required new values while time == None or time > self.lastValTime: whiteNoise = self.rng.gauss(0, 1) for i in range(self.nPoles): whiteNoise -= self.coeffs[i]*self.lastValues[(self.nextIndexToOverwrite - i - 1) % self.nPoles] pinkNoiseSample = whiteNoise self.lastValues[self.nextIndexToOverwrite] = pinkNoiseSample self.nextIndexToOverwrite = (self.nextIndexToOverwrite + 1) % self.nPoles if time == None: return pinkNoiseSample self.lastValTime += self.timeStep if self.lastValTime == time: return pinkNoiseSample # Linearly interpolate value at desired time lastVal = self.lastValues[self.nextIndexToOverwrite - 1] secondLastVal = self.lastValues[self.nextIndexToOverwrite - 2] secondLastValTime = self.lastValTime - self.timeStep dValdt = (lastVal - secondLastVal) / self.timeStep return dValdt*(time-secondLastValTime) + secondLastVal
def getValue(self, time=None)
Calculate coefficient values - openrocket documentation pg. 59/60 (Section 4.1.2 Wind Modeling) Based on method from Kasdin (1995) "Discrete Simulation of Colored Noise and Stochastic Processes and 1/f^{alpha} Power Law Noise Generation"
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def getValue(self, time=None): ''' Calculate coefficient values - openrocket documentation pg. 59/60 (Section 4.1.2 Wind Modeling) Based on method from Kasdin (1995) "Discrete Simulation of Colored Noise and Stochastic Processes and 1/f^{alpha} Power Law Noise Generation" ''' # Compute any required new values while time == None or time > self.lastValTime: whiteNoise = self.rng.gauss(0, 1) for i in range(self.nPoles): whiteNoise -= self.coeffs[i]*self.lastValues[(self.nextIndexToOverwrite - i - 1) % self.nPoles] pinkNoiseSample = whiteNoise self.lastValues[self.nextIndexToOverwrite] = pinkNoiseSample self.nextIndexToOverwrite = (self.nextIndexToOverwrite + 1) % self.nPoles if time == None: return pinkNoiseSample self.lastValTime += self.timeStep if self.lastValTime == time: return pinkNoiseSample # Linearly interpolate value at desired time lastVal = self.lastValues[self.nextIndexToOverwrite - 1] secondLastVal = self.lastValues[self.nextIndexToOverwrite - 2] secondLastValTime = self.lastValTime - self.timeStep dValdt = (lastVal - secondLastVal) / self.timeStep return dValdt*(time-secondLastValTime) + secondLastVal
- alpha - pink noise generated has a power spectrum which has a log-log slope of -alpha.
class SphericalEarth
Models a non-rotating, uniform, spherical earth
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class SphericalEarth(EarthModel): ''' Models a non-rotating, uniform, spherical earth ''' radius = 6371007.1809 # m - from NESC-RP-12-007770, Volume II rotationRate = 7.292115e-5 # rad/s angular velocity - from WGS84 model. Defined WRT stars (not our sun) # GM = 398600.5 # km^3/s^2 Geocentric gravitational constant (Mass of atmosphere included) GM = 3.98600436e14 # m^3/s^2- from NESC-RP-12-007770, Volume II def geodeticToCartesian(self, lat, lon, height, timeOffset=0): ''' Converts from geodetic coordinates to cartesian coordinates, assuming the surface is a sphere. Resulting Z axis goes through north pole, X axis goes through prime meridian at the equator, and the Y axis is perpendicular to both in such a way as to form a right-handed coordinate system Inputs: lat: (float) latitude - degrees lon: (float) longitude - degrees height: (float) ASL (usually m) Returns: x: (float) meters, relative to center of sphere y: ' ' z: ' ' ''' lat = radians(lat) lon = radians(lon) # Adjust for rotation rate lon += self.rotationRate * timeOffset radius = self.radius + height x = radius * cos(lat) * cos(lon) y = radius * cos(lat) * sin(lon) z = radius * sin(lat) return x, y, z def cartesianToGeodetic(self, x, y, z, timeOffset=0): ''' Convert from cartesian to lat/lon/height coordinates, where height is ASL ''' p = sqrt(x*x + y*y) lon = atan2(y, x) # Adjust for rotation rate lon -= self.rotationRate * timeOffset lat = atan2(z, p) height = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z) - self.radius return degrees(lat), degrees(lon), height def getGravityForce(self, inertia, state): ''' Returns a gravity force vector in the global frame ''' gravityDirection = -(state.position.normalize()) # Gravity pulls toward the earth's center of mass, which is the origin distanceFromCenterOfEarth = state.position.length() gravityMagnitude = inertia.mass * self.GM / distanceFromCenterOfEarth**2 # Checked that this equation gives results similar to the # US Standard Atmosphere - offset a bit depending on what earth radius is used. Current 6371 km gives slightly lower values that USTDA. return gravityDirection * gravityMagnitude def getInertialToENUFrameRotation(self, x, y, z): ''' Returns a Quaternion that defines the rotation b/w the global inertia frame and the local, surface-normal North-East-Up (y-x-z) frame ''' # Time offset not necessary, since the x, y, z coordinates are inertial, and we are not # interested in finding a particular location on the surface of the earth, # we are just interested in finding the surface normal under a x/y/z location. # The result is independent of the earth's rotation. lat, lon, height = self.cartesianToGeodetic(x, y, z) # Rotation between inertial frame and ENU frame will be composed in two steps # Step 1: Rotate about inertial/initial Z-axis to Y-axis in such a way, that after rotation 2, # it will be pointing North rot1Angle = radians(lon + 90) rot1 = Quaternion(axisOfRotation=Vector(0,0,1), angle=rot1Angle) # Step 2: Rotate about the local x-axis to match the latitude rot2Angle = radians(90 - lat) rot2 = Quaternion(axisOfRotation=Vector(1,0,0), angle=rot2Angle) # Sequentially combine rotations by multiplying them return rot1 * rot2 def getAltitude(self, x, y, z): # Height is independent of the earth's rotation _, __, height = self.cartesianToGeodetic(x, y, z) return height def convertIntoGlobalFrame(self, launchTowerFrameState, lat, lon): ### Position ### height = launchTowerFrameState.position.Z # ASL altitude globalFramePosition = Vector(*self.geodeticToCartesian(lat, lon, height)) ### Velocity ### # Find orientation of launch tower frame relative to global frame launchTowerToGlobalFrame = self.getInertialToENUFrameRotation(*globalFramePosition) # Rotate velocity accordingly rotatedVelocity = launchTowerToGlobalFrame.rotate(launchTowerFrameState.velocity) # Add earth's surface velocity earthAngVel = Vector(0, 0, self.rotationRate) velocityDueToEarthRotation = earthAngVel.crossProduct(globalFramePosition) globalFrameVelocity = rotatedVelocity + velocityDueToEarthRotation try: # 6DoF Case ### Orientation ### globalFrameOrientation = launchTowerToGlobalFrame * launchTowerFrameState.orientation ### Angular Velocity ### # Angular velocity is defined in the vehicle's local frame, so the conversion needs to go the other way earthAngVel_RocketFrame = globalFrameOrientation.conjugate().rotate(earthAngVel) localFrame_adjustedAngVel = launchTowerFrameState.angularVelocity + earthAngVel_RocketFrame return RigidBodyState( globalFramePosition, globalFrameVelocity, globalFrameOrientation, localFrame_adjustedAngVel ) except AttributeError: # 3DoF Case return RigidBodyState_3DoF(globalFramePosition, globalFrameVelocity)
- MAPLEAF.ENV.EarthModelling.EarthModel
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var GM
var radius
var rotationRate
def cartesianToGeodetic(self, x, y, z, timeOffset=0)
Convert from cartesian to lat/lon/height coordinates, where height is ASL
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def cartesianToGeodetic(self, x, y, z, timeOffset=0): ''' Convert from cartesian to lat/lon/height coordinates, where height is ASL ''' p = sqrt(x*x + y*y) lon = atan2(y, x) # Adjust for rotation rate lon -= self.rotationRate * timeOffset lat = atan2(z, p) height = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z) - self.radius return degrees(lat), degrees(lon), height
def convertIntoGlobalFrame(self, launchTowerFrameState, lat, lon)
Should take a RigidBodyState defined in the launch tower frame (fixed to the earth's surface), where position.Z has been redefined relative to sea level (instead of ground-level), and convert it into the global inertial frame. Exception is the Angular Velocity, since it is defined in the vehicle's local frame. If the earth model is rotating, add the earth's angular velocity to it (after conversion into the local frame)
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def convertIntoGlobalFrame(self, launchTowerFrameState, lat, lon): ### Position ### height = launchTowerFrameState.position.Z # ASL altitude globalFramePosition = Vector(*self.geodeticToCartesian(lat, lon, height)) ### Velocity ### # Find orientation of launch tower frame relative to global frame launchTowerToGlobalFrame = self.getInertialToENUFrameRotation(*globalFramePosition) # Rotate velocity accordingly rotatedVelocity = launchTowerToGlobalFrame.rotate(launchTowerFrameState.velocity) # Add earth's surface velocity earthAngVel = Vector(0, 0, self.rotationRate) velocityDueToEarthRotation = earthAngVel.crossProduct(globalFramePosition) globalFrameVelocity = rotatedVelocity + velocityDueToEarthRotation try: # 6DoF Case ### Orientation ### globalFrameOrientation = launchTowerToGlobalFrame * launchTowerFrameState.orientation ### Angular Velocity ### # Angular velocity is defined in the vehicle's local frame, so the conversion needs to go the other way earthAngVel_RocketFrame = globalFrameOrientation.conjugate().rotate(earthAngVel) localFrame_adjustedAngVel = launchTowerFrameState.angularVelocity + earthAngVel_RocketFrame return RigidBodyState( globalFramePosition, globalFrameVelocity, globalFrameOrientation, localFrame_adjustedAngVel ) except AttributeError: # 3DoF Case return RigidBodyState_3DoF(globalFramePosition, globalFrameVelocity)
def geodeticToCartesian(self, lat, lon, height, timeOffset=0)
Converts from geodetic coordinates to cartesian coordinates, assuming the surface is a sphere.
Resulting Z axis goes through north pole, X axis goes through prime meridian at the equator, and the Y axis is perpendicular to both in such a way as to form a right-handed coordinate system
lat: (float) latitude - degrees lon: (float) longitude - degrees height: (float) ASL (usually m)
(float) meters, relative to center of sphere
' '
' '
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def geodeticToCartesian(self, lat, lon, height, timeOffset=0): ''' Converts from geodetic coordinates to cartesian coordinates, assuming the surface is a sphere. Resulting Z axis goes through north pole, X axis goes through prime meridian at the equator, and the Y axis is perpendicular to both in such a way as to form a right-handed coordinate system Inputs: lat: (float) latitude - degrees lon: (float) longitude - degrees height: (float) ASL (usually m) Returns: x: (float) meters, relative to center of sphere y: ' ' z: ' ' ''' lat = radians(lat) lon = radians(lon) # Adjust for rotation rate lon += self.rotationRate * timeOffset radius = self.radius + height x = radius * cos(lat) * cos(lon) y = radius * cos(lat) * sin(lon) z = radius * sin(lat) return x, y, z
def getAltitude(self, x, y, z)
Given the aircraft coordinates in the global inertial frame, should return the altitude above SEA level (ASL) - to be used in wind calculations
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def getAltitude(self, x, y, z): # Height is independent of the earth's rotation _, __, height = self.cartesianToGeodetic(x, y, z) return height
def getGravityForce(self, inertia, state)
Returns a gravity force vector in the global frame
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def getGravityForce(self, inertia, state): ''' Returns a gravity force vector in the global frame ''' gravityDirection = -(state.position.normalize()) # Gravity pulls toward the earth's center of mass, which is the origin distanceFromCenterOfEarth = state.position.length() gravityMagnitude = inertia.mass * self.GM / distanceFromCenterOfEarth**2 # Checked that this equation gives results similar to the # US Standard Atmosphere - offset a bit depending on what earth radius is used. Current 6371 km gives slightly lower values that USTDA. return gravityDirection * gravityMagnitude
def getInertialToENUFrameRotation(self, x, y, z)
Returns a Quaternion that defines the rotation b/w the global inertia frame and the local, surface-normal North-East-Up (y-x-z) frame
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def getInertialToENUFrameRotation(self, x, y, z): ''' Returns a Quaternion that defines the rotation b/w the global inertia frame and the local, surface-normal North-East-Up (y-x-z) frame ''' # Time offset not necessary, since the x, y, z coordinates are inertial, and we are not # interested in finding a particular location on the surface of the earth, # we are just interested in finding the surface normal under a x/y/z location. # The result is independent of the earth's rotation. lat, lon, height = self.cartesianToGeodetic(x, y, z) # Rotation between inertial frame and ENU frame will be composed in two steps # Step 1: Rotate about inertial/initial Z-axis to Y-axis in such a way, that after rotation 2, # it will be pointing North rot1Angle = radians(lon + 90) rot1 = Quaternion(axisOfRotation=Vector(0,0,1), angle=rot1Angle) # Step 2: Rotate about the local x-axis to match the latitude rot2Angle = radians(90 - lat) rot2 = Quaternion(axisOfRotation=Vector(1,0,0), angle=rot2Angle) # Sequentially combine rotations by multiplying them return rot1 * rot2
class TabulatedAtmosphere (filePath)
Provides linearly-interpolated atmospheric properties from a table in a file Table columns are expected are: h(m ASL) T(K) P(Pa) rho(kg/m^3) mu(10^-5 Pa*s)
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class TabulatedAtmosphere(AtmosphericModel): ''' Provides linearly-interpolated atmospheric properties from a table in a file Table columns are expected are: h(m ASL) T(K) P(Pa) rho(kg/m^3) mu(10^-5 Pa*s) ''' def __init__(self, filePath): inputTable = np.loadtxt(filePath, skiprows=1) # Convert viscosity to Pa-s inputTable[:, 4] *= 1E-5 # Set up keys, values for interpolation of all properties at once self.keys = inputTable[:, 0] # Altitude (m ASL) is interpolation key self.values = inputTable[:, 1:] # Contains: T(K), P(Pa), rho(kg/m^3), dynamicViscosity(Pa*s), all to be interpolated over def getAirProperties(self, ASLElevation, _=None): return linInterp(self.keys, self.values, ASLElevation)
- MAPLEAF.ENV.AtmosphereModelling.AtmosphericModel
- abc.ABC
def getAirProperties(self, ASLElevation)
Return an iterable containing: temp(K), static pressure (Pa), density (kg/m^3), dynamic viscosity (Pa*s), in that order
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def getAirProperties(self, ASLElevation, _=None): return linInterp(self.keys, self.values, ASLElevation)
class USStandardAtmosphere
Provides atmospheric properties calculated according to the model here:
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class USStandardAtmosphere(AtmosphericModel): ''' Provides atmospheric properties calculated according to the model here: ''' T0 = 288.15 # K (15 Celsius) @ ASL == 0 p0 = 101325 # Pa @ ASL == 0 M = 28.9644 # Molecular weight of air R = 8.31432 # J/molK earthRadius = 6356766 # m - used to convert to geopotential altitude G = 9.80665 # m/s^2 (sea level, 45 degree latitude) baseHeights = [ -2000, 11000, 20000, 32000, 47000, 51000, 71000, 84852 ] # m (Geopotential) dt_dh = [ -6.5e-3, 0, 1.0e-3, 2.8e-3, 0, -2.8e-3, -2.0e-3, 0 ] # K/m baseTemps = [] # Gets filled out in self.__init__ basePressures = [] # Gets filled out in self.__init__ def __init__(self): # Pre-Calculate base temperatures for each interval dt_dh = self.dt_dh[0] baseTemp1 = self.T0 + dt_dh*self.baseHeights[0] self.baseTemps.append(baseTemp1) Pb_over_P0 = ( (self.T0 + dt_dh*self.baseHeights[0]) / \ self.T0) ** (-self.G*self.M/(self.R * dt_dh * 1000)) self.basePressures.append(Pb_over_P0 * self.p0) # Loop over each layer, calculate temp & pressure at base for i in range(1, len(self.baseHeights)): # Calculate temperatures at base of each layer Tb, Pb, dt_dh = self.baseTemps[-1], self.basePressures[i-1], self.dt_dh[i-1] dh = float(self.baseHeights[i] - self.baseHeights[i-1]) nextTemp = Tb + dt_dh*dh # Calculate pressures at the base of each layer if dt_dh == 0.0: P_over_Pb = exp(-self.G*self.M*dh / (self.R * Tb * 1000)) nextPressure = P_over_Pb * Pb else: body = (Tb + dt_dh*dh) / Tb exponent = -self.G*self.M / (self.R*dt_dh*1000) nextPressure = body**exponent * Pb self.baseTemps.append(nextTemp) self.basePressures.append(nextPressure) def getAirProperties(self, ASLElevation, time): # Calculate geopotential altitude (H) H = (self.earthRadius * ASLElevation) / (self.earthRadius + ASLElevation) # Set density to zero above 86 km if H >= 86000: H = 86000 # Figure out which interval we're in baseIndex = bisect(self.baseHeights, H) - 1 altitudeAboveBase = H - self.baseHeights[baseIndex] # Geopotential altitude above base dt_dh = self.dt_dh[baseIndex] # Calc temp Tb = self.baseTemps[baseIndex] temp = Tb + dt_dh * altitudeAboveBase # Calc pressure Pb = self.basePressures[baseIndex] if dt_dh == 0: P_over_Pb = exp(-self.G*self.M * altitudeAboveBase / (self.R * Tb * 1000)) pressure = P_over_Pb * Pb else: body = (Tb + dt_dh*altitudeAboveBase) / Tb exponent = -self.G*self.M / (self.R*dt_dh*1000) pressure = body**exponent * Pb # Calculate density and viscosity from temperature and pressure rho = self.M * pressure / (self.R * temp * 1000) # Ideal gas law viscosity = 1.457e-6 * temp**(1.5) / (temp + 110.4) # Sutherland's law if H >= 86000: rho = 0.0 return [ temp, pressure, rho, viscosity ]
- MAPLEAF.ENV.AtmosphereModelling.AtmosphericModel
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var G
var M
var R
var T0
var baseHeights
var basePressures
var baseTemps
var dt_dh
var earthRadius
var p0
def getAirProperties(self, ASLElevation, time)
Return an iterable containing: temp(K), static pressure (Pa), density (kg/m^3), dynamic viscosity (Pa*s), in that order
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def getAirProperties(self, ASLElevation, time): # Calculate geopotential altitude (H) H = (self.earthRadius * ASLElevation) / (self.earthRadius + ASLElevation) # Set density to zero above 86 km if H >= 86000: H = 86000 # Figure out which interval we're in baseIndex = bisect(self.baseHeights, H) - 1 altitudeAboveBase = H - self.baseHeights[baseIndex] # Geopotential altitude above base dt_dh = self.dt_dh[baseIndex] # Calc temp Tb = self.baseTemps[baseIndex] temp = Tb + dt_dh * altitudeAboveBase # Calc pressure Pb = self.basePressures[baseIndex] if dt_dh == 0: P_over_Pb = exp(-self.G*self.M * altitudeAboveBase / (self.R * Tb * 1000)) pressure = P_over_Pb * Pb else: body = (Tb + dt_dh*altitudeAboveBase) / Tb exponent = -self.G*self.M / (self.R*dt_dh*1000) pressure = body**exponent * Pb # Calculate density and viscosity from temperature and pressure rho = self.M * pressure / (self.R * temp * 1000) # Ideal gas law viscosity = 1.457e-6 * temp**(1.5) / (temp + 110.4) # Sutherland's law if H >= 86000: rho = 0.0 return [ temp, pressure, rho, viscosity ]
class WGS84
Models a rotating, ellipsoid earth, with non-uniform gravity Inherits the getInertialToENUFrameRotation function from SphericalEarth, otherwise overrides everything
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class WGS84(SphericalEarth): ''' Models a rotating, ellipsoid earth, with non-uniform gravity Inherits the getInertialToENUFrameRotation function from SphericalEarth, otherwise overrides everything ''' # Set up/calculate the WGS84 Ellipsoid parameters and derived values a = 6378137 # m, semi-major axis f = 1/298.257223563 # Flattening (derived from C_20) b = a * (1-f) # m, semi-minor axis = 6 356 752.314 140 e2 = f*(2-f) # First eccentricity squared (e^2) = 6.694 379 990 14 e-3 eP2 = e2 / ((1-f)**2) # Second eccentricity squared (e'^2) = 6.739 496 742 28 e-3s eP = sqrt(eP2) # Second eccentricity (e') def __init__(self): # Read gravity coefficients from table # Columns are: Degree Order C S (Where C and S are the coefficients) coeffPath = getAbsoluteFilePath('./MAPLEAF/ENV/sphericalHarmonicGravityCoeffs.txt') gravityCoeffs = np.loadtxt(coeffPath, skiprows=2) # Convert that table into nested dictionary form, to make C and S coefficients easily accessible by degree and order Ccoeffs = {} Scoeffs = {} for row in gravityCoeffs: degree, order, C, S, = row if degree not in Ccoeffs: # Create subdictionary for each degree if this is the first time we're encountering that degree Ccoeffs[degree] = {} Scoeffs[degree] = {} # Save coefficient from this row Ccoeffs[degree][order] = C Scoeffs[degree][order] = S # Save results # Now C_{2,3} is accessible as self.C[2][3], same for self.S self.C = Ccoeffs self.S = Scoeffs def geodeticToCartesian(self, lat, lon, height, timeOffset=0): ''' Converts from geodetic coordinates to cartesian coordinates, assuming the surface is a sphere. Resulting Z axis goes through north pole, X axis goes through prime meridian at the equator, and the Y axis is perpendicular to both in such a way as to form a right-handed coordinate system Method adapted from: Note: In other references, it is common to set \phi = lat, \lamda = lon Inputs: lat: (float) latitude - degrees lon: (float) longitude - degrees height: (float) ASL - m timeOffset (float) Offset added to results based on earth's rotation rate. At timeOffset=0, this inertial frame is aligned with the standard earth-centered-earth-fixed (ECEF) frame Returns: x: (float) meters, relative to center of ellipsoid y: ' ' z: ' ' ''' lat = radians(lat) lon = radians(lon) # Adjust for earth's rate of rotation lon += self.rotationRate * timeOffset N = self.a / sqrt(1 - self.e2*sin(lat)**2) x = (N + height)*cos(lat)*cos(lon) y = (N + height)*cos(lat)*sin(lon) z = ((self.b**2 / self.a**2)*N + height) * sin(lat) return x, y, z def cartesianToGeodetic(self, x, y, z, timeOffset=0): ''' Inputs in m, sec Convert from earth-centered inertial coordinates to WGS84 geodetic coordinates Method adapted from: At timeOffset=0, the inertial frame is aligned with the standard earth-centered-earth-fixed (ECEF) frame Returns latitude, longitude, height in degrees, m ''' lon = atan2(y, x) # Longitude is easy to find # Adjust longitude for earth's rotation lon -= self.rotationRate * timeOffset ### Compute latitude and height normal to surface w/ Newton-Raphson method ### p = sqrt(x*x + y*y) Kold = 1/(1 - self.e2) Korig = Kold while True: ci = ((p*p + (1-self.e2)*z*z * Kold**2)**(1.5)) / (self.a * self.e2) Knew = 1 + (p*p + (1 - self.e2)*z*z * Kold**3) / (ci - p*p) # End iterations once delta per iteration < 1e-10 if abs(Knew - Kold) < 1e-10: break Kold = Knew k = Knew lat = atan2(k*z, p) h = (1/self.e2)*(1/k - 1/Korig)*sqrt(p*p + z*z*k*k) return degrees(lat), degrees(lon), h # Re-use conversions to/from spherical coordinates from SphericalEarth # Useful for Spherical Harmonic Gravity model calculations, which are performed in spherical coordinates cartesianToSpherical = SphericalEarth.cartesianToGeodetic sphericalToCartesian = SphericalEarth.geodeticToCartesian def getGravityForce(self, inertia, state): ''' Get gravity using the J2 model (just a single spherical harmonic coefficient accounting for the earth's oblateness) Method from NESC-RP-12-00770, Volume II, pg.51, Eqn 29-31 ''' # J2 Model just uses the first spherical harmonic coefficient J2 = 0.00108262982 re = self.a # Equatorial radius (Semi-major axis of ellipsoid) x, y, z = state.position[0], state.position[1], state.position[2] r = state.position.length() mu = self.GM # Precompute common parts of equation frac = (3*J2 * re*re) / (2 * r**4) multiplier = -mu*inertia.mass / r**3 xForce = x * multiplier * (1 - frac*(5*z*z - r*r)) yForce = y * multiplier * (1 - frac*(5*z*z - r*r)) zForce = z * multiplier * (1 - frac*(5*z*z - 3*r*r)) return Vector(xForce, yForce, zForce)
- SphericalEarth
- MAPLEAF.ENV.EarthModelling.EarthModel
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var a
var b
var e2
var eP
var eP2
var f
def cartesianToGeodetic(self, x, y, z, timeOffset=0)
Inputs in m, sec Convert from earth-centered inertial coordinates to WGS84 geodetic coordinates Method adapted from:
At timeOffset=0, the inertial frame is aligned with the standard earth-centered-earth-fixed (ECEF) frame
Returns latitude, longitude, height in degrees, m
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def cartesianToGeodetic(self, x, y, z, timeOffset=0): ''' Inputs in m, sec Convert from earth-centered inertial coordinates to WGS84 geodetic coordinates Method adapted from: At timeOffset=0, the inertial frame is aligned with the standard earth-centered-earth-fixed (ECEF) frame Returns latitude, longitude, height in degrees, m ''' lon = atan2(y, x) # Longitude is easy to find # Adjust longitude for earth's rotation lon -= self.rotationRate * timeOffset ### Compute latitude and height normal to surface w/ Newton-Raphson method ### p = sqrt(x*x + y*y) Kold = 1/(1 - self.e2) Korig = Kold while True: ci = ((p*p + (1-self.e2)*z*z * Kold**2)**(1.5)) / (self.a * self.e2) Knew = 1 + (p*p + (1 - self.e2)*z*z * Kold**3) / (ci - p*p) # End iterations once delta per iteration < 1e-10 if abs(Knew - Kold) < 1e-10: break Kold = Knew k = Knew lat = atan2(k*z, p) h = (1/self.e2)*(1/k - 1/Korig)*sqrt(p*p + z*z*k*k) return degrees(lat), degrees(lon), h # Re-use conversions to/from spherical coordinates from SphericalEarth # Useful for Spherical Harmonic Gravity model calculations, which are performed in spherical coordinates
def cartesianToSpherical(self, x, y, z, timeOffset=0)
Convert from cartesian to lat/lon/height coordinates, where height is ASL
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def cartesianToGeodetic(self, x, y, z, timeOffset=0): ''' Convert from cartesian to lat/lon/height coordinates, where height is ASL ''' p = sqrt(x*x + y*y) lon = atan2(y, x) # Adjust for rotation rate lon -= self.rotationRate * timeOffset lat = atan2(z, p) height = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z) - self.radius return degrees(lat), degrees(lon), height
def geodeticToCartesian(self, lat, lon, height, timeOffset=0)
Converts from geodetic coordinates to cartesian coordinates, assuming the surface is a sphere.
Resulting Z axis goes through north pole, X axis goes through prime meridian at the equator, and the Y axis is perpendicular to both in such a way as to form a right-handed coordinate system
Method adapted from:
Note: In other references, it is common to set \phi = lat, \lamda = lon
lat: (float) latitude - degrees lon: (float) longitude - degrees height: (float) ASL - m timeOffset (float) Offset added to results based on earth's rotation rate. At timeOffset=0, this inertial frame is aligned with the standard earth-centered-earth-fixed (ECEF) frame
(float) meters, relative to center of ellipsoid
' '
' '
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def geodeticToCartesian(self, lat, lon, height, timeOffset=0): ''' Converts from geodetic coordinates to cartesian coordinates, assuming the surface is a sphere. Resulting Z axis goes through north pole, X axis goes through prime meridian at the equator, and the Y axis is perpendicular to both in such a way as to form a right-handed coordinate system Method adapted from: Note: In other references, it is common to set \phi = lat, \lamda = lon Inputs: lat: (float) latitude - degrees lon: (float) longitude - degrees height: (float) ASL - m timeOffset (float) Offset added to results based on earth's rotation rate. At timeOffset=0, this inertial frame is aligned with the standard earth-centered-earth-fixed (ECEF) frame Returns: x: (float) meters, relative to center of ellipsoid y: ' ' z: ' ' ''' lat = radians(lat) lon = radians(lon) # Adjust for earth's rate of rotation lon += self.rotationRate * timeOffset N = self.a / sqrt(1 - self.e2*sin(lat)**2) x = (N + height)*cos(lat)*cos(lon) y = (N + height)*cos(lat)*sin(lon) z = ((self.b**2 / self.a**2)*N + height) * sin(lat) return x, y, z
def getGravityForce(self, inertia, state)
Get gravity using the J2 model (just a single spherical harmonic coefficient accounting for the earth's oblateness) Method from NESC-RP-12-00770, Volume II, pg.51, Eqn 29-31
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def getGravityForce(self, inertia, state): ''' Get gravity using the J2 model (just a single spherical harmonic coefficient accounting for the earth's oblateness) Method from NESC-RP-12-00770, Volume II, pg.51, Eqn 29-31 ''' # J2 Model just uses the first spherical harmonic coefficient J2 = 0.00108262982 re = self.a # Equatorial radius (Semi-major axis of ellipsoid) x, y, z = state.position[0], state.position[1], state.position[2] r = state.position.length() mu = self.GM # Precompute common parts of equation frac = (3*J2 * re*re) / (2 * r**4) multiplier = -mu*inertia.mass / r**3 xForce = x * multiplier * (1 - frac*(5*z*z - r*r)) yForce = y * multiplier * (1 - frac*(5*z*z - r*r)) zForce = z * multiplier * (1 - frac*(5*z*z - 3*r*r)) return Vector(xForce, yForce, zForce)
def sphericalToCartesian(self, lat, lon, height, timeOffset=0)
Converts from geodetic coordinates to cartesian coordinates, assuming the surface is a sphere.
Resulting Z axis goes through north pole, X axis goes through prime meridian at the equator, and the Y axis is perpendicular to both in such a way as to form a right-handed coordinate system
lat: (float) latitude - degrees lon: (float) longitude - degrees height: (float) ASL (usually m)
(float) meters, relative to center of sphere
' '
' '
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def geodeticToCartesian(self, lat, lon, height, timeOffset=0): ''' Converts from geodetic coordinates to cartesian coordinates, assuming the surface is a sphere. Resulting Z axis goes through north pole, X axis goes through prime meridian at the equator, and the Y axis is perpendicular to both in such a way as to form a right-handed coordinate system Inputs: lat: (float) latitude - degrees lon: (float) longitude - degrees height: (float) ASL (usually m) Returns: x: (float) meters, relative to center of sphere y: ' ' z: ' ' ''' lat = radians(lat) lon = radians(lon) # Adjust for rotation rate lon += self.rotationRate * timeOffset radius = self.radius + height x = radius * cos(lat) * cos(lon) y = radius * cos(lat) * sin(lon) z = radius * sin(lat) return x, y, z
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