PID controllers control parts of the control system and adaptive simulation timestepping

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''' PID controllers control parts of the control system and adaptive simulation timestepping '''

import numpy as np
from MAPLEAF.Motion import NoNaNLinearNDInterpolator

__all__ = [ "PIDController", "ConstantGainPIDController", "ScheduledGainPIDController" ]

class PIDController():

    def __init__(self, P, I, D, initialError=0, maxIntegral=None):
        ''' To make this PID controller work for vectors of values, pass in np arrays 
                - they are added elementwise by default
        self.P = P
        self.I = I
        self.D = D
        self.lastError = initialError
        self.errorIntegral = initialError * 0 # Initialized like this in case value passed in is an array

    def updateMaxIntegral(self, maxIntegral):
        if maxIntegral is not None:
            self.maxIntegralMagnitude = abs(maxIntegral)
            self.maxIntegralMagnitude = maxIntegral

    def getNewSetPoint(self, currentError, dt):
        # Calculate derivative
        derivative = (currentError - self.lastError) / dt
        # Calculate integral term
        self.errorIntegral = self.errorIntegral + (currentError + self.lastError)*dt / 2

        # Cap the magnitude of the integral term if necessary
        if self.maxIntegralMagnitude is not None:
                # Check if vector valued
                testIter = iter(self.errorIntegral)
                for i in range(len(self.errorIntegral)):
                    if abs(self.errorIntegral[i]) > self.maxIntegralMagnitude[i]:
                        self.errorIntegral[i] = self.errorIntegral[i] * self.maxIntegralMagnitude[i] / abs(self.errorIntegral[i])

            except TypeError:
                # Scalar valued
                if abs(self.errorIntegral) > self.maxIntegralMagnitude:
                    self.errorIntegral = self.errorIntegral * self.maxIntegralMagnitude / abs(self.errorIntegral)

        # Store error for next calculation
        self.lastError = currentError

        return self.P*currentError + self.I*self.errorIntegral + self.D*derivative

    def updateCoefficients(self, P, I, D, maxIntegral=None):
        self.P = P
        self.I = I
        self.D = D

    def resetIntegral(self):
        self.errorIntegral = self.lastError * 0 # Done to handle arbitrary size np arrays

class ScheduledGainPIDController(PIDController):
    def __init__(self, gainTableFilePath, nKeyColumns=2, PCol=3, DCol=5, initialError=0, maxIntegral=None):
                gainTableFilePath:  (string) Path to gain table text file ex: './MAPLEAF/Examples/TabulatedData/constPIDCoeffs.txt'
                nKeyColumns:        (int) Number of 'key' columns (independent variables). Key columns are assumed to be the nKeyColumns leftmost ones
                PCol:               (int) zero-indexed column number of P Coefficient
                DCol:               (int) zero-indexed column number of D Coefficient

                    It is assumed that PCol, ICol, and DCol exist one after another in the table
                Inputs passed through to parent class (PICController):
                    initialError, maxIntegral
        PIDController.__init__(self, 0,0,0, initialError=initialError, maxIntegral=maxIntegral)

        # Columns are: Mach, Altitude(ASL), P1, I1, D1
        pidData = np.loadtxt(gainTableFilePath, skiprows=1)
        keys = pidData[:,0:nKeyColumns]
        pidData = pidData[:,PCol:DCol+1]

        #Create interpolation function for PID coefficients
        self._getPIDCoeffs = NoNaNLinearNDInterpolator(keys, pidData)

    def updateCoefficientsFromGainTable(self, keyList):
        P, I, D = self._getPIDCoeffs(keyList)
        self.updateCoefficients(P, I, D)

class ConstantGainPIDController(PIDController):

    def __init__(self, P=0, I=0, D=0, initialError=0, maxIntegral=None):
                P:                  (int) Proportional Gain
                I:                  (int) Integral Gain
                D:                  (int) Derivative Gain
                DCol:               (int) zero-indexed column number of D Coefficient

                    It is assumed that PCol, ICol, and DCol exist one after another in the table
                Inputs passed through to parent class (PICController):
                    initialError, maxIntegral
        PIDController.__init__(self, P,I,D, initialError=initialError, maxIntegral=maxIntegral)


class ConstantGainPIDController (P=0, I=0, D=0, initialError=0, maxIntegral=None)


P: (int) Proportional Gain I: (int) Integral Gain D: (int) Derivative Gain DCol: (int) zero-indexed column number of D Coefficient

Note: It is assumed that PCol, ICol, and DCol exist one after another in the table

Inputs passed through to parent class (PICController): initialError, maxIntegral

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class ConstantGainPIDController(PIDController):

    def __init__(self, P=0, I=0, D=0, initialError=0, maxIntegral=None):
                P:                  (int) Proportional Gain
                I:                  (int) Integral Gain
                D:                  (int) Derivative Gain
                DCol:               (int) zero-indexed column number of D Coefficient

                    It is assumed that PCol, ICol, and DCol exist one after another in the table
                Inputs passed through to parent class (PICController):
                    initialError, maxIntegral
        PIDController.__init__(self, P,I,D, initialError=initialError, maxIntegral=maxIntegral)



class PIDController (P, I, D, initialError=0, maxIntegral=None)

To make this PID controller work for vectors of values, pass in np arrays - they are added elementwise by default

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class PIDController():

    def __init__(self, P, I, D, initialError=0, maxIntegral=None):
        ''' To make this PID controller work for vectors of values, pass in np arrays 
                - they are added elementwise by default
        self.P = P
        self.I = I
        self.D = D
        self.lastError = initialError
        self.errorIntegral = initialError * 0 # Initialized like this in case value passed in is an array

    def updateMaxIntegral(self, maxIntegral):
        if maxIntegral is not None:
            self.maxIntegralMagnitude = abs(maxIntegral)
            self.maxIntegralMagnitude = maxIntegral

    def getNewSetPoint(self, currentError, dt):
        # Calculate derivative
        derivative = (currentError - self.lastError) / dt
        # Calculate integral term
        self.errorIntegral = self.errorIntegral + (currentError + self.lastError)*dt / 2

        # Cap the magnitude of the integral term if necessary
        if self.maxIntegralMagnitude is not None:
                # Check if vector valued
                testIter = iter(self.errorIntegral)
                for i in range(len(self.errorIntegral)):
                    if abs(self.errorIntegral[i]) > self.maxIntegralMagnitude[i]:
                        self.errorIntegral[i] = self.errorIntegral[i] * self.maxIntegralMagnitude[i] / abs(self.errorIntegral[i])

            except TypeError:
                # Scalar valued
                if abs(self.errorIntegral) > self.maxIntegralMagnitude:
                    self.errorIntegral = self.errorIntegral * self.maxIntegralMagnitude / abs(self.errorIntegral)

        # Store error for next calculation
        self.lastError = currentError

        return self.P*currentError + self.I*self.errorIntegral + self.D*derivative

    def updateCoefficients(self, P, I, D, maxIntegral=None):
        self.P = P
        self.I = I
        self.D = D

    def resetIntegral(self):
        self.errorIntegral = self.lastError * 0 # Done to handle arbitrary size np arrays



def getNewSetPoint(self, currentError, dt)
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def getNewSetPoint(self, currentError, dt):
    # Calculate derivative
    derivative = (currentError - self.lastError) / dt
    # Calculate integral term
    self.errorIntegral = self.errorIntegral + (currentError + self.lastError)*dt / 2

    # Cap the magnitude of the integral term if necessary
    if self.maxIntegralMagnitude is not None:
            # Check if vector valued
            testIter = iter(self.errorIntegral)
            for i in range(len(self.errorIntegral)):
                if abs(self.errorIntegral[i]) > self.maxIntegralMagnitude[i]:
                    self.errorIntegral[i] = self.errorIntegral[i] * self.maxIntegralMagnitude[i] / abs(self.errorIntegral[i])

        except TypeError:
            # Scalar valued
            if abs(self.errorIntegral) > self.maxIntegralMagnitude:
                self.errorIntegral = self.errorIntegral * self.maxIntegralMagnitude / abs(self.errorIntegral)

    # Store error for next calculation
    self.lastError = currentError

    return self.P*currentError + self.I*self.errorIntegral + self.D*derivative
def resetIntegral(self)
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def resetIntegral(self):
    self.errorIntegral = self.lastError * 0 # Done to handle arbitrary size np arrays
def updateCoefficients(self, P, I, D, maxIntegral=None)
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def updateCoefficients(self, P, I, D, maxIntegral=None):
    self.P = P
    self.I = I
    self.D = D
def updateMaxIntegral(self, maxIntegral)
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def updateMaxIntegral(self, maxIntegral):
    if maxIntegral is not None:
        self.maxIntegralMagnitude = abs(maxIntegral)
        self.maxIntegralMagnitude = maxIntegral
class ScheduledGainPIDController (gainTableFilePath, nKeyColumns=2, PCol=3, DCol=5, initialError=0, maxIntegral=None)


gainTableFilePath: (string) Path to gain table text file ex: './MAPLEAF/Examples/TabulatedData/constPIDCoeffs.txt' nKeyColumns: (int) Number of 'key' columns (independent variables). Key columns are assumed to be the nKeyColumns leftmost ones PCol: (int) zero-indexed column number of P Coefficient DCol: (int) zero-indexed column number of D Coefficient

Note: It is assumed that PCol, ICol, and DCol exist one after another in the table

Inputs passed through to parent class (PICController): initialError, maxIntegral

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class ScheduledGainPIDController(PIDController):
    def __init__(self, gainTableFilePath, nKeyColumns=2, PCol=3, DCol=5, initialError=0, maxIntegral=None):
                gainTableFilePath:  (string) Path to gain table text file ex: './MAPLEAF/Examples/TabulatedData/constPIDCoeffs.txt'
                nKeyColumns:        (int) Number of 'key' columns (independent variables). Key columns are assumed to be the nKeyColumns leftmost ones
                PCol:               (int) zero-indexed column number of P Coefficient
                DCol:               (int) zero-indexed column number of D Coefficient

                    It is assumed that PCol, ICol, and DCol exist one after another in the table
                Inputs passed through to parent class (PICController):
                    initialError, maxIntegral
        PIDController.__init__(self, 0,0,0, initialError=initialError, maxIntegral=maxIntegral)

        # Columns are: Mach, Altitude(ASL), P1, I1, D1
        pidData = np.loadtxt(gainTableFilePath, skiprows=1)
        keys = pidData[:,0:nKeyColumns]
        pidData = pidData[:,PCol:DCol+1]

        #Create interpolation function for PID coefficients
        self._getPIDCoeffs = NoNaNLinearNDInterpolator(keys, pidData)

    def updateCoefficientsFromGainTable(self, keyList):
        P, I, D = self._getPIDCoeffs(keyList)
        self.updateCoefficients(P, I, D)




def updateCoefficientsFromGainTable(self, keyList)
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def updateCoefficientsFromGainTable(self, keyList):
    P, I, D = self._getPIDCoeffs(keyList)
    self.updateCoefficients(P, I, D)