Guidance, Navigation, and Control functionality for 3D navigation (air vehicles). Main module is MAPLEAF.GNC.ControlSystems

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Guidance, Navigation, and Control functionality for 3D navigation (air vehicles).
Main module is `MAPLEAF.GNC.ControlSystems`

.. image::
# Make the classes in all submodules importable directly from MAPLEAF.Rocket

from .Actuators import *
from .PID import *
from .Navigation import *
from .actuatedSystem import *
from .MomentControllers import *
from .ControlSystems import *

subModules = [ actuatedSystem, Actuators, ControlSystems, MomentControllers, Navigation, PID ]

__all__ = []

for subModule in subModules:
    __all__ += subModule.__all__



Modelling of actuators, which can control things like the position of rocket fin angles…


Classes that implement air vehicle control systems by tying together aNavigator, a …


Moment controllers determine what overall moments should be applied to the rocket to remain on the course provided by the …


Navigators determine where to go


PID controllers control parts of the control system and adaptive simulation timestepping


The actuated system class initializes actuators, which are controlled by a ControlSystem Rocket component classes need …


class ActuatedSystem (nActuators)

Mixin-type class
Inherit from this class to add its functionality to a class

  • ActuatedSystem.__init__ initializes actuators defined in the component's 'Actuator' subdictionary
  • These actuators are then stored in self.actuatorList
  • Child classes must call ActuatedSystem.__init__() to actually instantiate the actuators
  • Expects that child classes also inherit from SubDictReader, and have already initialized the SubDictReader functionality
  • Expects that child classes have a self.rocket attribute
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class ActuatedSystem(abc.ABC):
            **Mixin-type class**  
            Inherit from this class to add its functionality to a class  
            * ActuatedSystem.\_\_init\_\_ initializes actuators defined in the component's 'Actuator' subdictionary  
            * These actuators are then stored in self.actuatorList  
            * Child classes must call ActuatedSystem.\_\_init\_\_() to actually instantiate the actuators
            * Expects that child classes also inherit from SubDictReader, and have already initialized the SubDictReader functionality
            * Expects that child classes have a self.rocket attribute
    def __init__(self, nActuators):

        # Initialize Actuator Models
        actuatorList = []
        for i in range(nActuators):
            actuatorResponseModel = self.componentDictReader.getString("Actuators.responseModel")
            if actuatorResponseModel == "FirstOrder":
                responseTime = self.componentDictReader.getFloat("Actuators.responseTime")
                maxDeflection = self.componentDictReader.tryGetFloat("Actuators.maxDeflection", defaultValue=None)
                minDeflection = self.componentDictReader.tryGetFloat("Actuators.minDeflection", defaultValue=None)
                actuator = FirstOrderActuator(responseTime, maxDeflection=maxDeflection, minDeflection=minDeflection)
                raise ValueError("Actuator response model {} not implemented. Try 'FirstOrder'".format(actuatorResponseModel))

        self.actuatorList = actuatorList

        # Initialize Actuator controller
        controllerType = self.componentDictReader.getString("Actuators.controller")
        if controllerType == "TableInterpolating":
            deflectionTablePath = self.componentDictReader.getString("Actuators.deflectionTablePath")

            # Get list of 'key' columns
            deflectionKeyColumns = self.componentDictReader.getString("Actuators.deflectionKeyColumns").split()
            noDesiredKeys = []
            for key in deflectionKeyColumns:
                if "Desired" not in key:

            # Check that no non-'desired' key columns after desired ones
            for i in range(len(noDesiredKeys), len(deflectionKeyColumns)):
                if "Desired" not in deflectionKeyColumns[i]:
                    raise ValueError("'Desired' columns such as DesiredMx must come last in deflectionKeyColumns")

            deflectionKeyFunctionVector = [ AeroParameters.stringToAeroFunctionMap[key] for key in noDesiredKeys ]

            self.actuatorController = TableInterpolatingActuatorController(deflectionTablePath, len(deflectionKeyColumns), deflectionKeyFunctionVector, actuatorList)
            raise ValueError("Actuator controller: {} not implemented. Try TableInterpolating.")

    def initializeActuators(self, controlSystem):
        ''' Concrete implementations of this function should call ActuatedSystem.\_\_init\_\_(self, nActuators) - implementations of this function only need to determine and pass in nActuators  '''        


  • abc.ABC



def initializeActuators(self, controlSystem)

Concrete implementations of this function should call ActuatedSystem.__init__(self, nActuators) - implementations of this function only need to determine and pass in nActuators

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def initializeActuators(self, controlSystem):
    ''' Concrete implementations of this function should call ActuatedSystem.\_\_init\_\_(self, nActuators) - implementations of this function only need to determine and pass in nActuators  '''        
class Actuator

Interface for actuators. Actuators model the movement of a physical actuator (ex. servo, hydraulics). Target deflections are usually provided by the rocket's ControlSystem, usually obtained from a ActuatorController

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class Actuator(abc.ABC):
        Interface for actuators.
        Actuators model the movement of a physical actuator (ex. servo, hydraulics).
        Target deflections are usually provided by the rocket's `MAPLEAF.GNC.ControlSystems.ControlSystem`, usually obtained from a `ActuatorController`
    def setTargetDeflection(self, newTarget, time):
        ''' Should return nothing, update setPoint for the actuator '''

    def getDeflection(self, time):
        ''' Should return the current deflection '''

    def getDeflectionDerivative(self, state, environment, time):
        ''' Should return the current deflection derivative '''


  • abc.ABC



def getDeflection(self, time)

Should return the current deflection

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def getDeflection(self, time):
    ''' Should return the current deflection '''
def getDeflectionDerivative(self, state, environment, time)

Should return the current deflection derivative

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def getDeflectionDerivative(self, state, environment, time):
    ''' Should return the current deflection derivative '''
def setTargetDeflection(self, newTarget, time)

Should return nothing, update setPoint for the actuator

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def setTargetDeflection(self, newTarget, time):
    ''' Should return nothing, update setPoint for the actuator '''
class ActuatorController

Interface for actuator controllers.
Actuator controllers are in charge of determining what actuator deflections are required to produce moments desired by the rocket's ControlSystem

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class ActuatorController(abc.ABC):
        Interface for actuator controllers.   
        Actuator controllers are in charge of determining what actuator deflections are required to produce moments desired by the rocket's `MAPLEAF.GNC.ControlSystems.ControlSystem`
    def setTargetActuatorDeflections(self, desiredMoments, state, environment, time):
        ''' Should return nothing, control the appropriate rocket system to generate the desired moments '''


  • abc.ABC



def setTargetActuatorDeflections(self, desiredMoments, state, environment, time)

Should return nothing, control the appropriate rocket system to generate the desired moments

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def setTargetActuatorDeflections(self, desiredMoments, state, environment, time):
    ''' Should return nothing, control the appropriate rocket system to generate the desired moments '''
class ConstantGainPIDController (P=0, I=0, D=0, initialError=0, maxIntegral=None)


P: (int) Proportional Gain I: (int) Integral Gain D: (int) Derivative Gain DCol: (int) zero-indexed column number of D Coefficient

Note: It is assumed that PCol, ICol, and DCol exist one after another in the table

Inputs passed through to parent class (PICController): initialError, maxIntegral

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class ConstantGainPIDController(PIDController):

    def __init__(self, P=0, I=0, D=0, initialError=0, maxIntegral=None):
                P:                  (int) Proportional Gain
                I:                  (int) Integral Gain
                D:                  (int) Derivative Gain
                DCol:               (int) zero-indexed column number of D Coefficient

                    It is assumed that PCol, ICol, and DCol exist one after another in the table
                Inputs passed through to parent class (PICController):
                    initialError, maxIntegral
        PIDController.__init__(self, P,I,D, initialError=initialError, maxIntegral=maxIntegral)



class ConstantGainPIDRocketMomentController (Pxy, Ixy, Dxy, Pz, Iz, Dz)

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

Constant PID coefficient controller

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class ConstantGainPIDRocketMomentController(MomentController, ConstantGainPIDController):
    def __init__(self, Pxy, Ixy, Dxy, Pz, Iz, Dz):
            Constant PID coefficient controller
        P = np.array([Pxy, Pxy, Pz])
        I = np.array([Ixy, Ixy, Iz])
        D = np.array([Dxy, Dxy, Dz])

    def _getOrientationError(self, rocketState, targetOrientation):
        return np.array((targetOrientation / rocketState.orientation).toRotationVector())

    def getDesiredMoments(self, rocketState, environment, targetOrientation, time, dt):
                gainKeyList:        iterable of length nKeyColumns, containing the data required to interpolate the PIDxy and PIDz coefficients in the gain table
                rocketState:        must have .orientation attribute (Quaternion)
                targetOrientation:  (Quaternion)
                _:                  currently unused (time argument)
                dt:                 (numeric) time since last execution of the control system
        orientationError = self._getOrientationError(rocketState, targetOrientation)
        return self.getNewSetPoint(orientationError, dt)



def getDesiredMoments(self, rocketState, environment, targetOrientation, time, dt)

Inputs: gainKeyList: iterable of length nKeyColumns, containing the data required to interpolate the PIDxy and PIDz coefficients in the gain table rocketState: must have .orientation attribute (Quaternion) targetOrientation: (Quaternion) _: currently unused (time argument) dt: (numeric) time since last execution of the control system

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def getDesiredMoments(self, rocketState, environment, targetOrientation, time, dt):
            gainKeyList:        iterable of length nKeyColumns, containing the data required to interpolate the PIDxy and PIDz coefficients in the gain table
            rocketState:        must have .orientation attribute (Quaternion)
            targetOrientation:  (Quaternion)
            _:                  currently unused (time argument)
            dt:                 (numeric) time since last execution of the control system
    orientationError = self._getOrientationError(rocketState, targetOrientation)
    return self.getNewSetPoint(orientationError, dt)
class ControlSystem

Interface for control systems

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class ControlSystem(abc.ABC):
    ''' Interface for control systems '''

    def runControlLoopIfRequired(self, currentTime, rocketState, environment):
            Should check if the control loop needs to be run and run it if so. 
            Should return a list of actuator deflections (for logging)

            Reference to controlled system expected to be self.controlledSystem
            Controlled system expected to inherit from ActuatedSystem

            If the control system ran:
                Should return an iterable of new actuator position targets (in order consistent with log headers)
            If the control system didn't run:
                Should return False

    def calculateAngularError(self, currentOrientation, targetOrientation):

        errors = np.array((targetOrientation / currentOrientation).toRotationVector())
        pitchError = errors[0]
        yawError = errors[1]
        rollError = errors[2]

        return pitchError, yawError, rollError


  • abc.ABC



def calculateAngularError(self, currentOrientation, targetOrientation)
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def calculateAngularError(self, currentOrientation, targetOrientation):

    errors = np.array((targetOrientation / currentOrientation).toRotationVector())
    pitchError = errors[0]
    yawError = errors[1]
    rollError = errors[2]

    return pitchError, yawError, rollError
def runControlLoopIfRequired(self, currentTime, rocketState, environment)

Should check if the control loop needs to be run and run it if so. Should return a list of actuator deflections (for logging)

Reference to controlled system expected to be self.controlledSystem Controlled system expected to inherit from ActuatedSystem

If the control system ran: Should return an iterable of new actuator position targets (in order consistent with log headers) If the control system didn't run: Should return False

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def runControlLoopIfRequired(self, currentTime, rocketState, environment):
        Should check if the control loop needs to be run and run it if so. 
        Should return a list of actuator deflections (for logging)

        Reference to controlled system expected to be self.controlledSystem
        Controlled system expected to inherit from ActuatedSystem

        If the control system ran:
            Should return an iterable of new actuator position targets (in order consistent with log headers)
        If the control system didn't run:
            Should return False
class FirstOrderActuator (responseTime, initialDeflection=0, initialTime=0, maxDeflection=None, minDeflection=None)

First-order system - simple enought that its motion between control loops can be determined analytically. Motion does not need to be integrated

Basically just a version of the FirstOrderSystem class that internally stores state information

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class FirstOrderActuator(Actuator, FirstOrderSystem):
        First-order system - simple enought that its motion between control loops can be determined analytically.
        Motion does not need to be integrated

        Basically just a version of the FirstOrderSystem class that internally stores state information
    def __init__(self, responseTime, initialDeflection=0, initialTime=0, maxDeflection=None, minDeflection=None):
        self.responseTime = responseTime
        self.lastDeflection = initialDeflection
        self.lastTime = 0
        self.targetDeflection = 0
        self.maxDeflection = maxDeflection
        self.minDeflection = minDeflection

    def setTargetDeflection(self, newTarget, time):
        # Record current deflection and time
        self.lastDeflection = self.getDeflection(time)
        self.lastTime = time

        # Apply limiters to new target
        if self.maxDeflection != None:
            newTarget = min(newTarget, self.maxDeflection)
        if self.minDeflection != None:
            newTarget = max(newTarget, self.minDeflection)

        # Set new target
        self.targetDeflection = newTarget

    def getDeflection(self, time):
        return self.getPosition(time, self.lastTime, self.lastDeflection, self.targetDeflection)

    def getDeflectionDerivative(self, _, _2, _3):
        ''' Not required for first-order actuator - deflections can be integrated analytically '''



def getDeflectionDerivative(self, _, _2, _3)

Not required for first-order actuator - deflections can be integrated analytically

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def getDeflectionDerivative(self, _, _2, _3):
    ''' Not required for first-order actuator - deflections can be integrated analytically '''

Inherited members

class FirstOrderSystem (responseTime)
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class FirstOrderSystem():
    def __init__(self, responseTime):
        self.responseTime = responseTime

    def getPosition(self, currentTime, lastTime, lastPosition, lastTarget):
        dt = currentTime - lastTime
        if dt < -1e-17: # Exception check here because this would pass through the exponent expression below without causing an error
            raise ValueError("Current time ({}) must be after lastTime ({})".format(currentTime, lastTime))
        if dt < 0:
            dt = 0

        lastError = lastTarget - lastPosition
        errorFractionRemoved = (1 - e**(-dt/self.responseTime))
        newPosition = lastPosition + lastError*errorFractionRemoved

        return newPosition



def getPosition(self, currentTime, lastTime, lastPosition, lastTarget)
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def getPosition(self, currentTime, lastTime, lastPosition, lastTarget):
    dt = currentTime - lastTime
    if dt < -1e-17: # Exception check here because this would pass through the exponent expression below without causing an error
        raise ValueError("Current time ({}) must be after lastTime ({})".format(currentTime, lastTime))
    if dt < 0:
        dt = 0

    lastError = lastTarget - lastPosition
    errorFractionRemoved = (1 - e**(-dt/self.responseTime))
    newPosition = lastPosition + lastError*errorFractionRemoved

    return newPosition
class IdealMomentController (rocket)
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class IdealMomentController():
    def __init__(self, rocket):
        self.rocket = rocket

    def getDesiredMoments(self, rocketState, environment, targetOrientation, time, dt):
        """ Exactly match the desired target orientation and set the rockets angular velocity to zero """
        self.rocket.rigidBody.state.orientation = targetOrientation
        self.rocket.rigidBody.state.angularVelocity = AngularVelocity(rotationVector=Vector(0,0,0))


def getDesiredMoments(self, rocketState, environment, targetOrientation, time, dt)

Exactly match the desired target orientation and set the rockets angular velocity to zero

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def getDesiredMoments(self, rocketState, environment, targetOrientation, time, dt):
    """ Exactly match the desired target orientation and set the rockets angular velocity to zero """
    self.rocket.rigidBody.state.orientation = targetOrientation
    self.rocket.rigidBody.state.angularVelocity = AngularVelocity(rotationVector=Vector(0,0,0))
class MomentController

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

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class MomentController(abc.ABC):
    def getDesiredMoments(self, rocketState, environment, targetOrientation, time, dt):
        ''' Should return a list [ desired x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis ] moments '''


  • abc.ABC



def getDesiredMoments(self, rocketState, environment, targetOrientation, time, dt)

Should return a list [ desired x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis ] moments

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def getDesiredMoments(self, rocketState, environment, targetOrientation, time, dt):
    ''' Should return a list [ desired x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis ] moments '''
class Navigator

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

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class Navigator(abc.ABC):
    def getTargetOrientation(self, rocketState, targetState, time):
        ''' Should return a target orientation quaternion '''


  • abc.ABC



def getTargetOrientation(self, rocketState, targetState, time)

Should return a target orientation quaternion

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def getTargetOrientation(self, rocketState, targetState, time):
    ''' Should return a target orientation quaternion '''
class PIDController (P, I, D, initialError=0, maxIntegral=None)

To make this PID controller work for vectors of values, pass in np arrays - they are added elementwise by default

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class PIDController():

    def __init__(self, P, I, D, initialError=0, maxIntegral=None):
        ''' To make this PID controller work for vectors of values, pass in np arrays 
                - they are added elementwise by default
        self.P = P
        self.I = I
        self.D = D
        self.lastError = initialError
        self.errorIntegral = initialError * 0 # Initialized like this in case value passed in is an array

    def updateMaxIntegral(self, maxIntegral):
        if maxIntegral is not None:
            self.maxIntegralMagnitude = abs(maxIntegral)
            self.maxIntegralMagnitude = maxIntegral

    def getNewSetPoint(self, currentError, dt):
        # Calculate derivative
        derivative = (currentError - self.lastError) / dt
        # Calculate integral term
        self.errorIntegral = self.errorIntegral + (currentError + self.lastError)*dt / 2

        # Cap the magnitude of the integral term if necessary
        if self.maxIntegralMagnitude is not None:
                # Check if vector valued
                testIter = iter(self.errorIntegral)
                for i in range(len(self.errorIntegral)):
                    if abs(self.errorIntegral[i]) > self.maxIntegralMagnitude[i]:
                        self.errorIntegral[i] = self.errorIntegral[i] * self.maxIntegralMagnitude[i] / abs(self.errorIntegral[i])

            except TypeError:
                # Scalar valued
                if abs(self.errorIntegral) > self.maxIntegralMagnitude:
                    self.errorIntegral = self.errorIntegral * self.maxIntegralMagnitude / abs(self.errorIntegral)

        # Store error for next calculation
        self.lastError = currentError

        return self.P*currentError + self.I*self.errorIntegral + self.D*derivative

    def updateCoefficients(self, P, I, D, maxIntegral=None):
        self.P = P
        self.I = I
        self.D = D

    def resetIntegral(self):
        self.errorIntegral = self.lastError * 0 # Done to handle arbitrary size np arrays



def getNewSetPoint(self, currentError, dt)
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def getNewSetPoint(self, currentError, dt):
    # Calculate derivative
    derivative = (currentError - self.lastError) / dt
    # Calculate integral term
    self.errorIntegral = self.errorIntegral + (currentError + self.lastError)*dt / 2

    # Cap the magnitude of the integral term if necessary
    if self.maxIntegralMagnitude is not None:
            # Check if vector valued
            testIter = iter(self.errorIntegral)
            for i in range(len(self.errorIntegral)):
                if abs(self.errorIntegral[i]) > self.maxIntegralMagnitude[i]:
                    self.errorIntegral[i] = self.errorIntegral[i] * self.maxIntegralMagnitude[i] / abs(self.errorIntegral[i])

        except TypeError:
            # Scalar valued
            if abs(self.errorIntegral) > self.maxIntegralMagnitude:
                self.errorIntegral = self.errorIntegral * self.maxIntegralMagnitude / abs(self.errorIntegral)

    # Store error for next calculation
    self.lastError = currentError

    return self.P*currentError + self.I*self.errorIntegral + self.D*derivative
def resetIntegral(self)
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def resetIntegral(self):
    self.errorIntegral = self.lastError * 0 # Done to handle arbitrary size np arrays
def updateCoefficients(self, P, I, D, maxIntegral=None)
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def updateCoefficients(self, P, I, D, maxIntegral=None):
    self.P = P
    self.I = I
    self.D = D
def updateMaxIntegral(self, maxIntegral)
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def updateMaxIntegral(self, maxIntegral):
    if maxIntegral is not None:
        self.maxIntegralMagnitude = abs(maxIntegral)
        self.maxIntegralMagnitude = maxIntegral
class RocketControlSystem (controlSystemDictReader, rocket, initTime=0, log=False, silent=False)

Simplest possible control system for a rocket

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class RocketControlSystem(ControlSystem, SubDictReader):
    ''' Simplest possible control system for a rocket '''

    def __init__(self, controlSystemDictReader, rocket, initTime=0, log=False, silent=False):
        self.rocket = rocket
        self.controlSystemDictReader = controlSystemDictReader
        self.lastControlLoopRunTime = initTime
        self.timeSteppingModified = False # set to True if the sim's time stepping has been constrained by the control system update rate (in self._checkSimTimeStepping)
        self.silent = silent

        ### Create Navigator ###
        desiredFlightDirection = controlSystemDictReader.getVector("desiredFlightDirection")
        self.navigator = Stabilizer(desiredFlightDirection)

        ### Create Moment Controller ###
        momentControllerType = controlSystemDictReader.getString("MomentController.Type")
        if momentControllerType == "ConstantGainPIDRocket":
            Pxy = controlSystemDictReader.getFloat("MomentController.Pxy")
            Ixy = controlSystemDictReader.getFloat("MomentController.Ixy")
            Dxy = controlSystemDictReader.getFloat("MomentController.Dxy")
            Pz = controlSystemDictReader.getFloat("MomentController.Pz")
            Iz = controlSystemDictReader.getFloat("MomentController.Iz")
            Dz = controlSystemDictReader.getFloat("MomentController.Dz")
            self.momentController = ConstantGainPIDRocketMomentController(Pxy,Ixy,Dxy,Pz,Iz,Dz)
        elif momentControllerType == "ScheduledGainPIDRocket":
            gainTableFilePath = controlSystemDictReader.getString("MomentController.gainTableFilePath")
            keyColumnNames = controlSystemDictReader.getString("MomentController.scheduledBy").split()
            self.momentController = ScheduledGainPIDRocketMomentController(gainTableFilePath, keyColumnNames)
        elif momentControllerType == "IdealMomentController":
            self.momentController = IdealMomentController(self.rocket)
            raise ValueError("Moment Controller Type: {} not implemented. Try ScheduledGainPIDRocket or IdealMomentController".format(momentControllerType))

        ### Set update rate ###
        if momentControllerType == "IdealMomentController":
            # When using the ideal controller, update the rocket's orientation as often as possible
            self.updateRate = 0.0
            # Otherwise model a real control system
            self.updateRate = controlSystemDictReader.getFloat("updateRate")

        self.controlledSystem = None
        if momentControllerType != "IdealMomentController":
            ### Get reference to the controlled system ###
            controlledSystemPath = controlSystemDictReader.getString("controlledSystem")
            for stage in rocket.stages:
                for rocketComponent in stage.components:
                    if rocketComponent.componentDictReader.simDefDictPathToReadFrom == controlledSystemPath:
                        self.controlledSystem = rocketComponent

            if self.controlledSystem == None:
                simDefinitionFile = controlSystemDictReader.simDefinition.fileName
                raise ValueError("Rocket Component: {} not found in {}".format(controlledSystemPath, simDefinitionFile))



        ### Set up logging if requested ###
        if log:
            self.log = Log()
            self.log.addColumns(["PitchError", "YawError", "RollError"])
            if self.controlledSystem != None:
                nActuators = len(self.controlledSystem.actuatorList)
                targetDeflectionColumnNames = [ "Actuator_{}_TargetDeflection".format(i) for i in range(nActuators) ]

                deflectionColumnNames = [ "Actuator_{}_Deflection".format(i) for i in range(nActuators) ]

            self.log = None

    def _checkSimTimeStepping(self):
        # If the update rate is zero, control system is simply run once per time step
        if self.updateRate > 0:
            # Since a discrete update rate has been specified, we need to ensure that the simulation time step is an integer divisor of the control system time step
            # Disable adaptive time stepping during the ascent portion of the flight (if it's enabled)
            timeDiscretization = self.controlSystemDictReader.getString("SimControl.timeDiscretization")
            if "Adaptive" in timeDiscretization:
                if not self.silent:
                    print("WARNING: Time stepping conflict between adaptive-time-stepping Runge-Kutta method and fixed control system update rate")
                    print("Disabling adaptive time stepping for ascent portion of flight. Will re-enable if/when recovery system deploys.")
                    print("Switching to RK4 time stepping")
                self.rocket.rigidBody.integrate = integratorFactory(integrationMethod='RK4')
                self.timeSteppingModified = True

            # Adjust the sim time step to be an even divisor of the control system time step
            controlTimeStep = 1/self.updateRate
            self.controlTimeStep = controlTimeStep
            originalSimTimeStep = self.controlSystemDictReader.getFloat("SimControl.timeStep")
            self.originalSimTimeStep = originalSimTimeStep
            if controlTimeStep / originalSimTimeStep != round(controlTimeStep / originalSimTimeStep):
                recommendedSimTimeStep = controlTimeStep / max(1, round(controlTimeStep / originalSimTimeStep))
                if not self.silent:
                    print("WARNING: Selected time step ({}) does not divide the control system time step ({}) Into an integer number of time steps.".format(originalSimTimeStep, controlTimeStep))
                    print("Adjusting time step to: {}".format(recommendedSimTimeStep))
                # This relies on the SimRunner reading the time step size from the sim definition after intializing the rocket
                    # To make this more robust, have the rocket perform a timestep size check every single time step
                self.controlSystemDictReader.simDefinition.setValue("SimControl.timeStep", str(recommendedSimTimeStep))
                self.timeSteppingModified = True
            self.controlTimeStep = 0

    def restoreOriginalTimeStepping(self):
            Should get called whenever the control system is disabled:
                1. If a stage containing the controlled system is dropped
                2. If the rocket recovery system is deployed
        if self.timeSteppingModified:
            # This currently won't do anything because the time step is saved in an array by the Simulation - might be useful in the future
            self.simDefinition.setValue("SimControl.timeStep", str(self.originalSimTimeStep))

            # This will re-initialize the integrator to match that originally selected in the sim definition file
            originalTimeIntegrationMethod = self.rocketDictReader.getValue("SimControl.timeDiscretization")
            print("Restoring original time discretization method ({})".format(originalTimeIntegrationMethod))
            self.rocket.rigidBody.integrate = integratorFactory(integrationMethod=originalTimeIntegrationMethod, simDefinition=self.controlDctReaders.simDefinition)

    def runControlLoopIfRequired(self, currentTime, rocketState, environment):
        # Run control loop if enough time has passed

        if (currentTime - self.lastControlLoopRunTime) + 0.0000000001 >= self.controlTimeStep:
            dt = currentTime - self.lastControlLoopRunTime

            # Figure out where to go/point
            targetOrientation = self.navigator.getTargetOrientation(rocketState, "notRequired", currentTime)

            # Figure out what moment needs to be applied
            desiredMoments = self.momentController.getDesiredMoments(rocketState, environment, targetOrientation, currentTime, dt)
            if self.controlledSystem != None:
                # Apply it by actuating the controlled system
                newActuatorPositionTargets = self.controlledSystem.actuatorController.setTargetActuatorDeflections(desiredMoments, rocketState, environment, currentTime)
                # End up here if using the ideal moment controller, no actuators to control
                    # Desired moments will be applied instantly without modeling the dynamics of the system that applies them
                newActuatorPositionTargets = [0]

            self.lastControlLoopRunTime = currentTime

            pitchError, yawError, rollError = self.calculateAngularError(rocketState.orientation,targetOrientation)

            if self.log is not None:
                self.log.logValue("PitchError", pitchError)
                self.log.logValue("YawError", yawError)
                self.log.logValue("RollError", rollError)

                if self.controlledSystem != None:
                    for i in range(len(newActuatorPositionTargets)):
                        targetDeflectionColumnName = "Actuator_{}_TargetDeflection".format(i)
                        self.log.logValue(targetDeflectionColumnName, newActuatorPositionTargets[i])

                        deflectionColumnName = "Actuator_{}_Deflection".format(i)
                        currentDeflection = self.controlledSystem.actuatorController.actuatorList[i].getDeflection(currentTime)
                        self.log.logValue(deflectionColumnName, currentDeflection)

            return newActuatorPositionTargets
            return False

    def writeLogsToFile(self, directory="."):
        controlSystemPath = self.controlSystemDictReader.simDefDictPathToReadFrom.replace(".", "_")
        path = os.path.join(directory, "{}_Log.csv".format(controlSystemPath))

        return path



def restoreOriginalTimeStepping(self)

Should get called whenever the control system is disabled: 1. If a stage containing the controlled system is dropped 2. If the rocket recovery system is deployed

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def restoreOriginalTimeStepping(self):
        Should get called whenever the control system is disabled:
            1. If a stage containing the controlled system is dropped
            2. If the rocket recovery system is deployed
    if self.timeSteppingModified:
        # This currently won't do anything because the time step is saved in an array by the Simulation - might be useful in the future
        self.simDefinition.setValue("SimControl.timeStep", str(self.originalSimTimeStep))

        # This will re-initialize the integrator to match that originally selected in the sim definition file
        originalTimeIntegrationMethod = self.rocketDictReader.getValue("SimControl.timeDiscretization")
        print("Restoring original time discretization method ({})".format(originalTimeIntegrationMethod))
        self.rocket.rigidBody.integrate = integratorFactory(integrationMethod=originalTimeIntegrationMethod, simDefinition=self.controlDctReaders.simDefinition)
def writeLogsToFile(self, directory='.')
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def writeLogsToFile(self, directory="."):
    controlSystemPath = self.controlSystemDictReader.simDefDictPathToReadFrom.replace(".", "_")
    path = os.path.join(directory, "{}_Log.csv".format(controlSystemPath))

    return path

Inherited members

class ScheduledGainPIDController (gainTableFilePath, nKeyColumns=2, PCol=3, DCol=5, initialError=0, maxIntegral=None)


gainTableFilePath: (string) Path to gain table text file ex: './MAPLEAF/Examples/TabulatedData/constPIDCoeffs.txt' nKeyColumns: (int) Number of 'key' columns (independent variables). Key columns are assumed to be the nKeyColumns leftmost ones PCol: (int) zero-indexed column number of P Coefficient DCol: (int) zero-indexed column number of D Coefficient

Note: It is assumed that PCol, ICol, and DCol exist one after another in the table

Inputs passed through to parent class (PICController): initialError, maxIntegral

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class ScheduledGainPIDController(PIDController):
    def __init__(self, gainTableFilePath, nKeyColumns=2, PCol=3, DCol=5, initialError=0, maxIntegral=None):
                gainTableFilePath:  (string) Path to gain table text file ex: './MAPLEAF/Examples/TabulatedData/constPIDCoeffs.txt'
                nKeyColumns:        (int) Number of 'key' columns (independent variables). Key columns are assumed to be the nKeyColumns leftmost ones
                PCol:               (int) zero-indexed column number of P Coefficient
                DCol:               (int) zero-indexed column number of D Coefficient

                    It is assumed that PCol, ICol, and DCol exist one after another in the table
                Inputs passed through to parent class (PICController):
                    initialError, maxIntegral
        PIDController.__init__(self, 0,0,0, initialError=initialError, maxIntegral=maxIntegral)

        # Columns are: Mach, Altitude(ASL), P1, I1, D1
        pidData = np.loadtxt(gainTableFilePath, skiprows=1)
        keys = pidData[:,0:nKeyColumns]
        pidData = pidData[:,PCol:DCol+1]

        #Create interpolation function for PID coefficients
        self._getPIDCoeffs = NoNaNLinearNDInterpolator(keys, pidData)

    def updateCoefficientsFromGainTable(self, keyList):
        P, I, D = self._getPIDCoeffs(keyList)
        self.updateCoefficients(P, I, D)




def updateCoefficientsFromGainTable(self, keyList)
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def updateCoefficientsFromGainTable(self, keyList):
    P, I, D = self._getPIDCoeffs(keyList)
    self.updateCoefficients(P, I, D)
class ScheduledGainPIDRocketMomentController (gainTableFilePath, keyColumnNames)

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

Assumes the longitudinal (Pitch/Yaw) PID coefficients are in columns nKeyColumns:nKeyColumns+2 Assumes the roll PID coefficients are in columns nKeyColumns+3:nKeyColumns+5 Sample gain file: MAPLEAF/Examples/TabulatedData/testPIDCoeffs.txt

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class ScheduledGainPIDRocketMomentController(MomentController, ScheduledGainPIDController):
    def __init__(self, gainTableFilePath, keyColumnNames):
            Assumes the longitudinal (Pitch/Yaw) PID coefficients are in columns nKeyColumns:nKeyColumns+2
            Assumes the roll PID coefficients are in columns nKeyColumns+3:nKeyColumns+5
            Sample gain file: MAPLEAF/Examples/TabulatedData/testPIDCoeffs.txt
        self.keyFunctionList = [ AeroParameters.stringToAeroFunctionMap[x] for x in keyColumnNames ]
        nKeyColumns = len(keyColumnNames)
        ScheduledGainPIDController.__init__(self, gainTableFilePath, nKeyColumns, PCol=nKeyColumns, DCol=nKeyColumns+5)
    def updateCoefficientsFromGainTable(self, keyList):
        ''' Overriding parent class method to enable separate longitudinal and roll coefficients in a single controller '''
        Pxy, Ixy, Dxy, Pz, Iz, Dz = self._getPIDCoeffs(*keyList)

        # Coefficient for each of P, I, and D are: Longitudinal, Longitudinal, Roll
        # Operates the internal PID controller in vector-mode with numpy arrays (using their elementwise operations)
        P = np.array([Pxy, Pxy, Pz])
        I = np.array([Ixy, Ixy, Iz])
        D = np.array([Dxy, Dxy, Dz])
        self.updateCoefficients(P, I, D)

    def _getOrientationError(self, rocketState, targetOrientation):
        return np.array((targetOrientation / rocketState.orientation).toRotationVector())

    def getDesiredMoments(self, rocketState, environment, targetOrientation, time, dt):
                gainKeyList:        iterable of length nKeyColumns, containing the data required to interpolate the PIDxy and PIDz coefficients in the gain table
                rocketState:        must have .orientation attribute (Quaternion)
                targetOrientation:  (Quaternion)
                _:                  currently unused (time argument)
                dt:                 (numeric) time since last execution of the control system
        orientationError = self._getOrientationError(rocketState, targetOrientation)
        gainKeyList = AeroParameters.getAeroPropertiesList(self.keyFunctionList, rocketState, environment)
        return self.getNewSetPoint(orientationError, dt)



def getDesiredMoments(self, rocketState, environment, targetOrientation, time, dt)

Inputs: gainKeyList: iterable of length nKeyColumns, containing the data required to interpolate the PIDxy and PIDz coefficients in the gain table rocketState: must have .orientation attribute (Quaternion) targetOrientation: (Quaternion) _: currently unused (time argument) dt: (numeric) time since last execution of the control system

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def getDesiredMoments(self, rocketState, environment, targetOrientation, time, dt):
            gainKeyList:        iterable of length nKeyColumns, containing the data required to interpolate the PIDxy and PIDz coefficients in the gain table
            rocketState:        must have .orientation attribute (Quaternion)
            targetOrientation:  (Quaternion)
            _:                  currently unused (time argument)
            dt:                 (numeric) time since last execution of the control system
    orientationError = self._getOrientationError(rocketState, targetOrientation)
    gainKeyList = AeroParameters.getAeroPropertiesList(self.keyFunctionList, rocketState, environment)
    return self.getNewSetPoint(orientationError, dt)
def updateCoefficientsFromGainTable(self, keyList)

Overriding parent class method to enable separate longitudinal and roll coefficients in a single controller

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def updateCoefficientsFromGainTable(self, keyList):
    ''' Overriding parent class method to enable separate longitudinal and roll coefficients in a single controller '''
    Pxy, Ixy, Dxy, Pz, Iz, Dz = self._getPIDCoeffs(*keyList)

    # Coefficient for each of P, I, and D are: Longitudinal, Longitudinal, Roll
    # Operates the internal PID controller in vector-mode with numpy arrays (using their elementwise operations)
    P = np.array([Pxy, Pxy, Pz])
    I = np.array([Ixy, Ixy, Iz])
    D = np.array([Dxy, Dxy, Dz])
    self.updateCoefficients(P, I, D)
class Stabilizer (desiredFlightDirection)

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

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class Stabilizer(Navigator):
    def __init__(self, desiredFlightDirection):
        # Calculate target orientation
        direction = desiredFlightDirection.normalize()
        angleFromVertical = Vector(0,0,1).angle(direction)
        rotationAxis = Vector(0,0,1).crossProduct(direction)
        self.targetOrientation = Quaternion(rotationAxis, angleFromVertical)

    def getTargetOrientation(self, rocketState, targetState, time):
        return self.targetOrientation


Inherited members

class TableInterpolatingActuatorController (deflectionTableFilePath, nKeyColumns, keyFunctionList, actuatorList)

Controls actuators

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class TableInterpolatingActuatorController(ActuatorController):
        Controls actuators 
    def __init__(self, deflectionTableFilePath, nKeyColumns, keyFunctionList, actuatorList):
        self.actuatorList = actuatorList
        self.keyFunctionList = keyFunctionList
        self.deflectionTablePath = deflectionTableFilePath

        # Load actuator-deflection data table
        deflData = np.loadtxt(deflectionTableFilePath, skiprows=1)
        keys = deflData[:,0:nKeyColumns]
        deflData = deflData[:,nKeyColumns:]

        # Check that number of actuators matches number of deflection entries in the deflection tables
        nActuators = len(actuatorList)
        nDeflectionTableEntries = len(deflData[0,:])
        if nActuators != nDeflectionTableEntries:
            raise ValueError("Number of actuators: {}, must match number of actuator deflection columns in deflection table: {}".format(nActuators, nDeflectionTableEntries))

        # Create interpolation function for fin deflections
        self._getPositionTargets = NoNaNLinearNDInterpolator(keys, deflData)

    def setTargetActuatorDeflections(self, desiredMoments, state, environment, time):
                desiredMoments: (3-length iterable) contains desired moments about the x,y,and z axes
                time:           time at which the moments are requested (time of current control loop execution)
        # Construct key vector, starting with non-moment components:
        keyVector = AeroParameters.getAeroPropertiesList(self.keyFunctionList, state, environment)
        for desiredMoment in desiredMoments:

        newActuatorPositionTargets = self._getPositionTargets(*keyVector)

        for i in range(len(self.actuatorList)):
            self.actuatorList[i].setTargetDeflection(newActuatorPositionTargets[i], time)

        return list(newActuatorPositionTargets)



def setTargetActuatorDeflections(self, desiredMoments, state, environment, time)


desiredMoments: (3-length iterable) contains desired moments about the x,y,and z axes time: time at which the moments are requested (time of current control loop execution)

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def setTargetActuatorDeflections(self, desiredMoments, state, environment, time):
            desiredMoments: (3-length iterable) contains desired moments about the x,y,and z axes
            time:           time at which the moments are requested (time of current control loop execution)
    # Construct key vector, starting with non-moment components:
    keyVector = AeroParameters.getAeroPropertiesList(self.keyFunctionList, state, environment)
    for desiredMoment in desiredMoments:

    newActuatorPositionTargets = self._getPositionTargets(*keyVector)

    for i in range(len(self.actuatorList)):
        self.actuatorList[i].setTargetDeflection(newActuatorPositionTargets[i], time)

    return list(newActuatorPositionTargets)