Module MAPLEAF.GNC.ControlSystems

Classes that implement air vehicle control systems by tying together aNavigator, a MomentController, and an ActuatorController.
Control systems run a simulated control loops between simulation time steps, and then provide new target actuator deflections to the ActuatedSystem they control.

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Classes that implement air vehicle control systems by tying together a`MAPLEAF.GNC.Navigation.Navigator`, a `MAPLEAF.GNC.MomentControllers.MomentController`, and an `MAPLEAF.GNC.Actuators.ActuatorController`.  
Control systems run a simulated control loops between simulation time steps, and then provide new target actuator deflections to the `MAPLEAF.GNC.ActuatedSystem` they control.

import abc
import os

import numpy as np
from MAPLEAF.GNC import (ConstantGainPIDRocketMomentController,
                         ScheduledGainPIDRocketMomentController, Stabilizer)
from MAPLEAF.IO import Log, SubDictReader
from MAPLEAF.Motion import integratorFactory

__all__ = [ "RocketControlSystem", "ControlSystem" ]

class ControlSystem(abc.ABC):
    ''' Interface for control systems '''

    def runControlLoopIfRequired(self, currentTime, rocketState, environment):
            Should check if the control loop needs to be run and run it if so. 
            Should return a list of actuator deflections (for logging)

            Reference to controlled system expected to be self.controlledSystem
            Controlled system expected to inherit from ActuatedSystem

            If the control system ran:
                Should return an iterable of new actuator position targets (in order consistent with log headers)
            If the control system didn't run:
                Should return False

    def calculateAngularError(self, currentOrientation, targetOrientation):

        errors = np.array((targetOrientation / currentOrientation).toRotationVector())
        pitchError = errors[0]
        yawError = errors[1]
        rollError = errors[2]

        return pitchError, yawError, rollError

class RocketControlSystem(ControlSystem, SubDictReader):
    ''' Simplest possible control system for a rocket '''

    def __init__(self, controlSystemDictReader, rocket, initTime=0, log=False, silent=False):
        self.rocket = rocket
        self.controlSystemDictReader = controlSystemDictReader
        self.lastControlLoopRunTime = initTime
        self.timeSteppingModified = False # set to True if the sim's time stepping has been constrained by the control system update rate (in self._checkSimTimeStepping)
        self.silent = silent

        ### Create Navigator ###
        desiredFlightDirection = controlSystemDictReader.getVector("desiredFlightDirection")
        self.navigator = Stabilizer(desiredFlightDirection)

        ### Create Moment Controller ###
        momentControllerType = controlSystemDictReader.getString("MomentController.Type")
        if momentControllerType == "ConstantGainPIDRocket":
            Pxy = controlSystemDictReader.getFloat("MomentController.Pxy")
            Ixy = controlSystemDictReader.getFloat("MomentController.Ixy")
            Dxy = controlSystemDictReader.getFloat("MomentController.Dxy")
            Pz = controlSystemDictReader.getFloat("MomentController.Pz")
            Iz = controlSystemDictReader.getFloat("MomentController.Iz")
            Dz = controlSystemDictReader.getFloat("MomentController.Dz")
            self.momentController = ConstantGainPIDRocketMomentController(Pxy,Ixy,Dxy,Pz,Iz,Dz)
        elif momentControllerType == "ScheduledGainPIDRocket":
            gainTableFilePath = controlSystemDictReader.getString("MomentController.gainTableFilePath")
            keyColumnNames = controlSystemDictReader.getString("MomentController.scheduledBy").split()
            self.momentController = ScheduledGainPIDRocketMomentController(gainTableFilePath, keyColumnNames)
        elif momentControllerType == "IdealMomentController":
            self.momentController = IdealMomentController(self.rocket)
            raise ValueError("Moment Controller Type: {} not implemented. Try ScheduledGainPIDRocket or IdealMomentController".format(momentControllerType))

        ### Set update rate ###
        if momentControllerType == "IdealMomentController":
            # When using the ideal controller, update the rocket's orientation as often as possible
            self.updateRate = 0.0
            # Otherwise model a real control system
            self.updateRate = controlSystemDictReader.getFloat("updateRate")

        self.controlledSystem = None
        if momentControllerType != "IdealMomentController":
            ### Get reference to the controlled system ###
            controlledSystemPath = controlSystemDictReader.getString("controlledSystem")
            for stage in rocket.stages:
                for rocketComponent in stage.components:
                    if rocketComponent.componentDictReader.simDefDictPathToReadFrom == controlledSystemPath:
                        self.controlledSystem = rocketComponent

            if self.controlledSystem == None:
                simDefinitionFile = controlSystemDictReader.simDefinition.fileName
                raise ValueError("Rocket Component: {} not found in {}".format(controlledSystemPath, simDefinitionFile))



        ### Set up logging if requested ###
        if log:
            self.log = Log()
            self.log.addColumns(["PitchError", "YawError", "RollError"])
            if self.controlledSystem != None:
                nActuators = len(self.controlledSystem.actuatorList)
                targetDeflectionColumnNames = [ "Actuator_{}_TargetDeflection".format(i) for i in range(nActuators) ]

                deflectionColumnNames = [ "Actuator_{}_Deflection".format(i) for i in range(nActuators) ]

            self.log = None

    def _checkSimTimeStepping(self):
        # If the update rate is zero, control system is simply run once per time step
        if self.updateRate > 0:
            # Since a discrete update rate has been specified, we need to ensure that the simulation time step is an integer divisor of the control system time step
            # Disable adaptive time stepping during the ascent portion of the flight (if it's enabled)
            timeDiscretization = self.controlSystemDictReader.getString("SimControl.timeDiscretization")
            if "Adaptive" in timeDiscretization:
                if not self.silent:
                    print("WARNING: Time stepping conflict between adaptive-time-stepping Runge-Kutta method and fixed control system update rate")
                    print("Disabling adaptive time stepping for ascent portion of flight. Will re-enable if/when recovery system deploys.")
                    print("Switching to RK4 time stepping")
                self.rocket.rigidBody.integrate = integratorFactory(integrationMethod='RK4')
                self.timeSteppingModified = True

            # Adjust the sim time step to be an even divisor of the control system time step
            controlTimeStep = 1/self.updateRate
            self.controlTimeStep = controlTimeStep
            originalSimTimeStep = self.controlSystemDictReader.getFloat("SimControl.timeStep")
            self.originalSimTimeStep = originalSimTimeStep
            if controlTimeStep / originalSimTimeStep != round(controlTimeStep / originalSimTimeStep):
                recommendedSimTimeStep = controlTimeStep / max(1, round(controlTimeStep / originalSimTimeStep))
                if not self.silent:
                    print("WARNING: Selected time step ({}) does not divide the control system time step ({}) Into an integer number of time steps.".format(originalSimTimeStep, controlTimeStep))
                    print("Adjusting time step to: {}".format(recommendedSimTimeStep))
                # This relies on the SimRunner reading the time step size from the sim definition after intializing the rocket
                    # To make this more robust, have the rocket perform a timestep size check every single time step
                self.controlSystemDictReader.simDefinition.setValue("SimControl.timeStep", str(recommendedSimTimeStep))
                self.timeSteppingModified = True
            self.controlTimeStep = 0

    def restoreOriginalTimeStepping(self):
            Should get called whenever the control system is disabled:
                1. If a stage containing the controlled system is dropped
                2. If the rocket recovery system is deployed
        if self.timeSteppingModified:
            # This currently won't do anything because the time step is saved in an array by the Simulation - might be useful in the future
            self.simDefinition.setValue("SimControl.timeStep", str(self.originalSimTimeStep))

            # This will re-initialize the integrator to match that originally selected in the sim definition file
            originalTimeIntegrationMethod = self.rocketDictReader.getValue("SimControl.timeDiscretization")
            print("Restoring original time discretization method ({})".format(originalTimeIntegrationMethod))
            self.rocket.rigidBody.integrate = integratorFactory(integrationMethod=originalTimeIntegrationMethod, simDefinition=self.controlDctReaders.simDefinition)

    def runControlLoopIfRequired(self, currentTime, rocketState, environment):
        # Run control loop if enough time has passed

        if (currentTime - self.lastControlLoopRunTime) + 0.0000000001 >= self.controlTimeStep:
            dt = currentTime - self.lastControlLoopRunTime

            # Figure out where to go/point
            targetOrientation = self.navigator.getTargetOrientation(rocketState, "notRequired", currentTime)

            # Figure out what moment needs to be applied
            desiredMoments = self.momentController.getDesiredMoments(rocketState, environment, targetOrientation, currentTime, dt)
            if self.controlledSystem != None:
                # Apply it by actuating the controlled system
                newActuatorPositionTargets = self.controlledSystem.actuatorController.setTargetActuatorDeflections(desiredMoments, rocketState, environment, currentTime)
                # End up here if using the ideal moment controller, no actuators to control
                    # Desired moments will be applied instantly without modeling the dynamics of the system that applies them
                newActuatorPositionTargets = [0]

            self.lastControlLoopRunTime = currentTime

            pitchError, yawError, rollError = self.calculateAngularError(rocketState.orientation,targetOrientation)

            if self.log is not None:
                self.log.logValue("PitchError", pitchError)
                self.log.logValue("YawError", yawError)
                self.log.logValue("RollError", rollError)

                if self.controlledSystem != None:
                    for i in range(len(newActuatorPositionTargets)):
                        targetDeflectionColumnName = "Actuator_{}_TargetDeflection".format(i)
                        self.log.logValue(targetDeflectionColumnName, newActuatorPositionTargets[i])

                        deflectionColumnName = "Actuator_{}_Deflection".format(i)
                        currentDeflection = self.controlledSystem.actuatorController.actuatorList[i].getDeflection(currentTime)
                        self.log.logValue(deflectionColumnName, currentDeflection)

            return newActuatorPositionTargets
            return False

    def writeLogsToFile(self, directory="."):
        controlSystemPath = self.controlSystemDictReader.simDefDictPathToReadFrom.replace(".", "_")
        path = os.path.join(directory, "{}_Log.csv".format(controlSystemPath))

        return path


class ControlSystem

Interface for control systems

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class ControlSystem(abc.ABC):
    ''' Interface for control systems '''

    def runControlLoopIfRequired(self, currentTime, rocketState, environment):
            Should check if the control loop needs to be run and run it if so. 
            Should return a list of actuator deflections (for logging)

            Reference to controlled system expected to be self.controlledSystem
            Controlled system expected to inherit from ActuatedSystem

            If the control system ran:
                Should return an iterable of new actuator position targets (in order consistent with log headers)
            If the control system didn't run:
                Should return False

    def calculateAngularError(self, currentOrientation, targetOrientation):

        errors = np.array((targetOrientation / currentOrientation).toRotationVector())
        pitchError = errors[0]
        yawError = errors[1]
        rollError = errors[2]

        return pitchError, yawError, rollError


  • abc.ABC



def calculateAngularError(self, currentOrientation, targetOrientation)
Expand source code
def calculateAngularError(self, currentOrientation, targetOrientation):

    errors = np.array((targetOrientation / currentOrientation).toRotationVector())
    pitchError = errors[0]
    yawError = errors[1]
    rollError = errors[2]

    return pitchError, yawError, rollError
def runControlLoopIfRequired(self, currentTime, rocketState, environment)

Should check if the control loop needs to be run and run it if so. Should return a list of actuator deflections (for logging)

Reference to controlled system expected to be self.controlledSystem Controlled system expected to inherit from ActuatedSystem

If the control system ran: Should return an iterable of new actuator position targets (in order consistent with log headers) If the control system didn't run: Should return False

Expand source code
def runControlLoopIfRequired(self, currentTime, rocketState, environment):
        Should check if the control loop needs to be run and run it if so. 
        Should return a list of actuator deflections (for logging)

        Reference to controlled system expected to be self.controlledSystem
        Controlled system expected to inherit from ActuatedSystem

        If the control system ran:
            Should return an iterable of new actuator position targets (in order consistent with log headers)
        If the control system didn't run:
            Should return False
class RocketControlSystem (controlSystemDictReader, rocket, initTime=0, log=False, silent=False)

Simplest possible control system for a rocket

Expand source code
class RocketControlSystem(ControlSystem, SubDictReader):
    ''' Simplest possible control system for a rocket '''

    def __init__(self, controlSystemDictReader, rocket, initTime=0, log=False, silent=False):
        self.rocket = rocket
        self.controlSystemDictReader = controlSystemDictReader
        self.lastControlLoopRunTime = initTime
        self.timeSteppingModified = False # set to True if the sim's time stepping has been constrained by the control system update rate (in self._checkSimTimeStepping)
        self.silent = silent

        ### Create Navigator ###
        desiredFlightDirection = controlSystemDictReader.getVector("desiredFlightDirection")
        self.navigator = Stabilizer(desiredFlightDirection)

        ### Create Moment Controller ###
        momentControllerType = controlSystemDictReader.getString("MomentController.Type")
        if momentControllerType == "ConstantGainPIDRocket":
            Pxy = controlSystemDictReader.getFloat("MomentController.Pxy")
            Ixy = controlSystemDictReader.getFloat("MomentController.Ixy")
            Dxy = controlSystemDictReader.getFloat("MomentController.Dxy")
            Pz = controlSystemDictReader.getFloat("MomentController.Pz")
            Iz = controlSystemDictReader.getFloat("MomentController.Iz")
            Dz = controlSystemDictReader.getFloat("MomentController.Dz")
            self.momentController = ConstantGainPIDRocketMomentController(Pxy,Ixy,Dxy,Pz,Iz,Dz)
        elif momentControllerType == "ScheduledGainPIDRocket":
            gainTableFilePath = controlSystemDictReader.getString("MomentController.gainTableFilePath")
            keyColumnNames = controlSystemDictReader.getString("MomentController.scheduledBy").split()
            self.momentController = ScheduledGainPIDRocketMomentController(gainTableFilePath, keyColumnNames)
        elif momentControllerType == "IdealMomentController":
            self.momentController = IdealMomentController(self.rocket)
            raise ValueError("Moment Controller Type: {} not implemented. Try ScheduledGainPIDRocket or IdealMomentController".format(momentControllerType))

        ### Set update rate ###
        if momentControllerType == "IdealMomentController":
            # When using the ideal controller, update the rocket's orientation as often as possible
            self.updateRate = 0.0
            # Otherwise model a real control system
            self.updateRate = controlSystemDictReader.getFloat("updateRate")

        self.controlledSystem = None
        if momentControllerType != "IdealMomentController":
            ### Get reference to the controlled system ###
            controlledSystemPath = controlSystemDictReader.getString("controlledSystem")
            for stage in rocket.stages:
                for rocketComponent in stage.components:
                    if rocketComponent.componentDictReader.simDefDictPathToReadFrom == controlledSystemPath:
                        self.controlledSystem = rocketComponent

            if self.controlledSystem == None:
                simDefinitionFile = controlSystemDictReader.simDefinition.fileName
                raise ValueError("Rocket Component: {} not found in {}".format(controlledSystemPath, simDefinitionFile))



        ### Set up logging if requested ###
        if log:
            self.log = Log()
            self.log.addColumns(["PitchError", "YawError", "RollError"])
            if self.controlledSystem != None:
                nActuators = len(self.controlledSystem.actuatorList)
                targetDeflectionColumnNames = [ "Actuator_{}_TargetDeflection".format(i) for i in range(nActuators) ]

                deflectionColumnNames = [ "Actuator_{}_Deflection".format(i) for i in range(nActuators) ]

            self.log = None

    def _checkSimTimeStepping(self):
        # If the update rate is zero, control system is simply run once per time step
        if self.updateRate > 0:
            # Since a discrete update rate has been specified, we need to ensure that the simulation time step is an integer divisor of the control system time step
            # Disable adaptive time stepping during the ascent portion of the flight (if it's enabled)
            timeDiscretization = self.controlSystemDictReader.getString("SimControl.timeDiscretization")
            if "Adaptive" in timeDiscretization:
                if not self.silent:
                    print("WARNING: Time stepping conflict between adaptive-time-stepping Runge-Kutta method and fixed control system update rate")
                    print("Disabling adaptive time stepping for ascent portion of flight. Will re-enable if/when recovery system deploys.")
                    print("Switching to RK4 time stepping")
                self.rocket.rigidBody.integrate = integratorFactory(integrationMethod='RK4')
                self.timeSteppingModified = True

            # Adjust the sim time step to be an even divisor of the control system time step
            controlTimeStep = 1/self.updateRate
            self.controlTimeStep = controlTimeStep
            originalSimTimeStep = self.controlSystemDictReader.getFloat("SimControl.timeStep")
            self.originalSimTimeStep = originalSimTimeStep
            if controlTimeStep / originalSimTimeStep != round(controlTimeStep / originalSimTimeStep):
                recommendedSimTimeStep = controlTimeStep / max(1, round(controlTimeStep / originalSimTimeStep))
                if not self.silent:
                    print("WARNING: Selected time step ({}) does not divide the control system time step ({}) Into an integer number of time steps.".format(originalSimTimeStep, controlTimeStep))
                    print("Adjusting time step to: {}".format(recommendedSimTimeStep))
                # This relies on the SimRunner reading the time step size from the sim definition after intializing the rocket
                    # To make this more robust, have the rocket perform a timestep size check every single time step
                self.controlSystemDictReader.simDefinition.setValue("SimControl.timeStep", str(recommendedSimTimeStep))
                self.timeSteppingModified = True
            self.controlTimeStep = 0

    def restoreOriginalTimeStepping(self):
            Should get called whenever the control system is disabled:
                1. If a stage containing the controlled system is dropped
                2. If the rocket recovery system is deployed
        if self.timeSteppingModified:
            # This currently won't do anything because the time step is saved in an array by the Simulation - might be useful in the future
            self.simDefinition.setValue("SimControl.timeStep", str(self.originalSimTimeStep))

            # This will re-initialize the integrator to match that originally selected in the sim definition file
            originalTimeIntegrationMethod = self.rocketDictReader.getValue("SimControl.timeDiscretization")
            print("Restoring original time discretization method ({})".format(originalTimeIntegrationMethod))
            self.rocket.rigidBody.integrate = integratorFactory(integrationMethod=originalTimeIntegrationMethod, simDefinition=self.controlDctReaders.simDefinition)

    def runControlLoopIfRequired(self, currentTime, rocketState, environment):
        # Run control loop if enough time has passed

        if (currentTime - self.lastControlLoopRunTime) + 0.0000000001 >= self.controlTimeStep:
            dt = currentTime - self.lastControlLoopRunTime

            # Figure out where to go/point
            targetOrientation = self.navigator.getTargetOrientation(rocketState, "notRequired", currentTime)

            # Figure out what moment needs to be applied
            desiredMoments = self.momentController.getDesiredMoments(rocketState, environment, targetOrientation, currentTime, dt)
            if self.controlledSystem != None:
                # Apply it by actuating the controlled system
                newActuatorPositionTargets = self.controlledSystem.actuatorController.setTargetActuatorDeflections(desiredMoments, rocketState, environment, currentTime)
                # End up here if using the ideal moment controller, no actuators to control
                    # Desired moments will be applied instantly without modeling the dynamics of the system that applies them
                newActuatorPositionTargets = [0]

            self.lastControlLoopRunTime = currentTime

            pitchError, yawError, rollError = self.calculateAngularError(rocketState.orientation,targetOrientation)

            if self.log is not None:
                self.log.logValue("PitchError", pitchError)
                self.log.logValue("YawError", yawError)
                self.log.logValue("RollError", rollError)

                if self.controlledSystem != None:
                    for i in range(len(newActuatorPositionTargets)):
                        targetDeflectionColumnName = "Actuator_{}_TargetDeflection".format(i)
                        self.log.logValue(targetDeflectionColumnName, newActuatorPositionTargets[i])

                        deflectionColumnName = "Actuator_{}_Deflection".format(i)
                        currentDeflection = self.controlledSystem.actuatorController.actuatorList[i].getDeflection(currentTime)
                        self.log.logValue(deflectionColumnName, currentDeflection)

            return newActuatorPositionTargets
            return False

    def writeLogsToFile(self, directory="."):
        controlSystemPath = self.controlSystemDictReader.simDefDictPathToReadFrom.replace(".", "_")
        path = os.path.join(directory, "{}_Log.csv".format(controlSystemPath))

        return path



def restoreOriginalTimeStepping(self)

Should get called whenever the control system is disabled: 1. If a stage containing the controlled system is dropped 2. If the rocket recovery system is deployed

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def restoreOriginalTimeStepping(self):
        Should get called whenever the control system is disabled:
            1. If a stage containing the controlled system is dropped
            2. If the rocket recovery system is deployed
    if self.timeSteppingModified:
        # This currently won't do anything because the time step is saved in an array by the Simulation - might be useful in the future
        self.simDefinition.setValue("SimControl.timeStep", str(self.originalSimTimeStep))

        # This will re-initialize the integrator to match that originally selected in the sim definition file
        originalTimeIntegrationMethod = self.rocketDictReader.getValue("SimControl.timeDiscretization")
        print("Restoring original time discretization method ({})".format(originalTimeIntegrationMethod))
        self.rocket.rigidBody.integrate = integratorFactory(integrationMethod=originalTimeIntegrationMethod, simDefinition=self.controlDctReaders.simDefinition)
def writeLogsToFile(self, directory='.')
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def writeLogsToFile(self, directory="."):
    controlSystemPath = self.controlSystemDictReader.simDefDictPathToReadFrom.replace(".", "_")
    path = os.path.join(directory, "{}_Log.csv".format(controlSystemPath))

    return path

Inherited members