Module MAPLEAF.GNC.Actuators

Modelling of actuators, which can control things like the position of rocket fin angles…

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Modelling of actuators, which can control things like the position of rocket fin angles...

import abc
from math import e

import numpy as np

from MAPLEAF.Motion import AeroParameters, NoNaNLinearNDInterpolator

__all__ = [ "TableInterpolatingActuatorController", "FirstOrderActuator", "FirstOrderSystem", "ActuatorController", "Actuator" ]

class FirstOrderSystem():
    def __init__(self, responseTime):
        self.responseTime = responseTime

    def getPosition(self, currentTime, lastTime, lastPosition, lastTarget):
        dt = currentTime - lastTime
        if dt < -1e-17: # Exception check here because this would pass through the exponent expression below without causing an error
            raise ValueError("Current time ({}) must be after lastTime ({})".format(currentTime, lastTime))
        if dt < 0:
            dt = 0

        lastError = lastTarget - lastPosition
        errorFractionRemoved = (1 - e**(-dt/self.responseTime))
        newPosition = lastPosition + lastError*errorFractionRemoved

        return newPosition

class ActuatorController(abc.ABC):
        Interface for actuator controllers.   
        Actuator controllers are in charge of determining what actuator deflections are required to produce moments desired by the rocket's `MAPLEAF.GNC.ControlSystems.ControlSystem`
    def setTargetActuatorDeflections(self, desiredMoments, state, environment, time):
        ''' Should return nothing, control the appropriate rocket system to generate the desired moments '''

class TableInterpolatingActuatorController(ActuatorController):
        Controls actuators 
    def __init__(self, deflectionTableFilePath, nKeyColumns, keyFunctionList, actuatorList):
        self.actuatorList = actuatorList
        self.keyFunctionList = keyFunctionList
        self.deflectionTablePath = deflectionTableFilePath

        # Load actuator-deflection data table
        deflData = np.loadtxt(deflectionTableFilePath, skiprows=1)
        keys = deflData[:,0:nKeyColumns]
        deflData = deflData[:,nKeyColumns:]

        # Check that number of actuators matches number of deflection entries in the deflection tables
        nActuators = len(actuatorList)
        nDeflectionTableEntries = len(deflData[0,:])
        if nActuators != nDeflectionTableEntries:
            raise ValueError("Number of actuators: {}, must match number of actuator deflection columns in deflection table: {}".format(nActuators, nDeflectionTableEntries))

        # Create interpolation function for fin deflections
        self._getPositionTargets = NoNaNLinearNDInterpolator(keys, deflData)

    def setTargetActuatorDeflections(self, desiredMoments, state, environment, time):
                desiredMoments: (3-length iterable) contains desired moments about the x,y,and z axes
                time:           time at which the moments are requested (time of current control loop execution)
        # Construct key vector, starting with non-moment components:
        keyVector = AeroParameters.getAeroPropertiesList(self.keyFunctionList, state, environment)
        for desiredMoment in desiredMoments:

        newActuatorPositionTargets = self._getPositionTargets(*keyVector)

        for i in range(len(self.actuatorList)):
            self.actuatorList[i].setTargetDeflection(newActuatorPositionTargets[i], time)

        return list(newActuatorPositionTargets)

class Actuator(abc.ABC):
        Interface for actuators.
        Actuators model the movement of a physical actuator (ex. servo, hydraulics).
        Target deflections are usually provided by the rocket's `MAPLEAF.GNC.ControlSystems.ControlSystem`, usually obtained from a `ActuatorController`
    def setTargetDeflection(self, newTarget, time):
        ''' Should return nothing, update setPoint for the actuator '''

    def getDeflection(self, time):
        ''' Should return the current deflection '''

    def getDeflectionDerivative(self, state, environment, time):
        ''' Should return the current deflection derivative '''

class FirstOrderActuator(Actuator, FirstOrderSystem):
        First-order system - simple enought that its motion between control loops can be determined analytically.
        Motion does not need to be integrated

        Basically just a version of the FirstOrderSystem class that internally stores state information
    def __init__(self, responseTime, initialDeflection=0, initialTime=0, maxDeflection=None, minDeflection=None):
        self.responseTime = responseTime
        self.lastDeflection = initialDeflection
        self.lastTime = 0
        self.targetDeflection = 0
        self.maxDeflection = maxDeflection
        self.minDeflection = minDeflection

    def setTargetDeflection(self, newTarget, time):
        # Record current deflection and time
        self.lastDeflection = self.getDeflection(time)
        self.lastTime = time

        # Apply limiters to new target
        if self.maxDeflection != None:
            newTarget = min(newTarget, self.maxDeflection)
        if self.minDeflection != None:
            newTarget = max(newTarget, self.minDeflection)

        # Set new target
        self.targetDeflection = newTarget

    def getDeflection(self, time):
        return self.getPosition(time, self.lastTime, self.lastDeflection, self.targetDeflection)

    def getDeflectionDerivative(self, _, _2, _3):
        ''' Not required for first-order actuator - deflections can be integrated analytically '''


class Actuator

Interface for actuators. Actuators model the movement of a physical actuator (ex. servo, hydraulics). Target deflections are usually provided by the rocket's ControlSystem, usually obtained from a ActuatorController

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class Actuator(abc.ABC):
        Interface for actuators.
        Actuators model the movement of a physical actuator (ex. servo, hydraulics).
        Target deflections are usually provided by the rocket's `MAPLEAF.GNC.ControlSystems.ControlSystem`, usually obtained from a `ActuatorController`
    def setTargetDeflection(self, newTarget, time):
        ''' Should return nothing, update setPoint for the actuator '''

    def getDeflection(self, time):
        ''' Should return the current deflection '''

    def getDeflectionDerivative(self, state, environment, time):
        ''' Should return the current deflection derivative '''


  • abc.ABC



def getDeflection(self, time)

Should return the current deflection

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def getDeflection(self, time):
    ''' Should return the current deflection '''
def getDeflectionDerivative(self, state, environment, time)

Should return the current deflection derivative

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def getDeflectionDerivative(self, state, environment, time):
    ''' Should return the current deflection derivative '''
def setTargetDeflection(self, newTarget, time)

Should return nothing, update setPoint for the actuator

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def setTargetDeflection(self, newTarget, time):
    ''' Should return nothing, update setPoint for the actuator '''
class ActuatorController

Interface for actuator controllers.
Actuator controllers are in charge of determining what actuator deflections are required to produce moments desired by the rocket's ControlSystem

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class ActuatorController(abc.ABC):
        Interface for actuator controllers.   
        Actuator controllers are in charge of determining what actuator deflections are required to produce moments desired by the rocket's `MAPLEAF.GNC.ControlSystems.ControlSystem`
    def setTargetActuatorDeflections(self, desiredMoments, state, environment, time):
        ''' Should return nothing, control the appropriate rocket system to generate the desired moments '''


  • abc.ABC



def setTargetActuatorDeflections(self, desiredMoments, state, environment, time)

Should return nothing, control the appropriate rocket system to generate the desired moments

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def setTargetActuatorDeflections(self, desiredMoments, state, environment, time):
    ''' Should return nothing, control the appropriate rocket system to generate the desired moments '''
class FirstOrderActuator (responseTime, initialDeflection=0, initialTime=0, maxDeflection=None, minDeflection=None)

First-order system - simple enought that its motion between control loops can be determined analytically. Motion does not need to be integrated

Basically just a version of the FirstOrderSystem class that internally stores state information

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class FirstOrderActuator(Actuator, FirstOrderSystem):
        First-order system - simple enought that its motion between control loops can be determined analytically.
        Motion does not need to be integrated

        Basically just a version of the FirstOrderSystem class that internally stores state information
    def __init__(self, responseTime, initialDeflection=0, initialTime=0, maxDeflection=None, minDeflection=None):
        self.responseTime = responseTime
        self.lastDeflection = initialDeflection
        self.lastTime = 0
        self.targetDeflection = 0
        self.maxDeflection = maxDeflection
        self.minDeflection = minDeflection

    def setTargetDeflection(self, newTarget, time):
        # Record current deflection and time
        self.lastDeflection = self.getDeflection(time)
        self.lastTime = time

        # Apply limiters to new target
        if self.maxDeflection != None:
            newTarget = min(newTarget, self.maxDeflection)
        if self.minDeflection != None:
            newTarget = max(newTarget, self.minDeflection)

        # Set new target
        self.targetDeflection = newTarget

    def getDeflection(self, time):
        return self.getPosition(time, self.lastTime, self.lastDeflection, self.targetDeflection)

    def getDeflectionDerivative(self, _, _2, _3):
        ''' Not required for first-order actuator - deflections can be integrated analytically '''



def getDeflectionDerivative(self, _, _2, _3)

Not required for first-order actuator - deflections can be integrated analytically

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def getDeflectionDerivative(self, _, _2, _3):
    ''' Not required for first-order actuator - deflections can be integrated analytically '''

Inherited members

class FirstOrderSystem (responseTime)
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class FirstOrderSystem():
    def __init__(self, responseTime):
        self.responseTime = responseTime

    def getPosition(self, currentTime, lastTime, lastPosition, lastTarget):
        dt = currentTime - lastTime
        if dt < -1e-17: # Exception check here because this would pass through the exponent expression below without causing an error
            raise ValueError("Current time ({}) must be after lastTime ({})".format(currentTime, lastTime))
        if dt < 0:
            dt = 0

        lastError = lastTarget - lastPosition
        errorFractionRemoved = (1 - e**(-dt/self.responseTime))
        newPosition = lastPosition + lastError*errorFractionRemoved

        return newPosition



def getPosition(self, currentTime, lastTime, lastPosition, lastTarget)
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def getPosition(self, currentTime, lastTime, lastPosition, lastTarget):
    dt = currentTime - lastTime
    if dt < -1e-17: # Exception check here because this would pass through the exponent expression below without causing an error
        raise ValueError("Current time ({}) must be after lastTime ({})".format(currentTime, lastTime))
    if dt < 0:
        dt = 0

    lastError = lastTarget - lastPosition
    errorFractionRemoved = (1 - e**(-dt/self.responseTime))
    newPosition = lastPosition + lastError*errorFractionRemoved

    return newPosition
class TableInterpolatingActuatorController (deflectionTableFilePath, nKeyColumns, keyFunctionList, actuatorList)

Controls actuators

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class TableInterpolatingActuatorController(ActuatorController):
        Controls actuators 
    def __init__(self, deflectionTableFilePath, nKeyColumns, keyFunctionList, actuatorList):
        self.actuatorList = actuatorList
        self.keyFunctionList = keyFunctionList
        self.deflectionTablePath = deflectionTableFilePath

        # Load actuator-deflection data table
        deflData = np.loadtxt(deflectionTableFilePath, skiprows=1)
        keys = deflData[:,0:nKeyColumns]
        deflData = deflData[:,nKeyColumns:]

        # Check that number of actuators matches number of deflection entries in the deflection tables
        nActuators = len(actuatorList)
        nDeflectionTableEntries = len(deflData[0,:])
        if nActuators != nDeflectionTableEntries:
            raise ValueError("Number of actuators: {}, must match number of actuator deflection columns in deflection table: {}".format(nActuators, nDeflectionTableEntries))

        # Create interpolation function for fin deflections
        self._getPositionTargets = NoNaNLinearNDInterpolator(keys, deflData)

    def setTargetActuatorDeflections(self, desiredMoments, state, environment, time):
                desiredMoments: (3-length iterable) contains desired moments about the x,y,and z axes
                time:           time at which the moments are requested (time of current control loop execution)
        # Construct key vector, starting with non-moment components:
        keyVector = AeroParameters.getAeroPropertiesList(self.keyFunctionList, state, environment)
        for desiredMoment in desiredMoments:

        newActuatorPositionTargets = self._getPositionTargets(*keyVector)

        for i in range(len(self.actuatorList)):
            self.actuatorList[i].setTargetDeflection(newActuatorPositionTargets[i], time)

        return list(newActuatorPositionTargets)



def setTargetActuatorDeflections(self, desiredMoments, state, environment, time)


desiredMoments: (3-length iterable) contains desired moments about the x,y,and z axes time: time at which the moments are requested (time of current control loop execution)

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def setTargetActuatorDeflections(self, desiredMoments, state, environment, time):
            desiredMoments: (3-length iterable) contains desired moments about the x,y,and z axes
            time:           time at which the moments are requested (time of current control loop execution)
    # Construct key vector, starting with non-moment components:
    keyVector = AeroParameters.getAeroPropertiesList(self.keyFunctionList, state, environment)
    for desiredMoment in desiredMoments:

    newActuatorPositionTargets = self._getPositionTargets(*keyVector)

    for i in range(len(self.actuatorList)):
        self.actuatorList[i].setTargetDeflection(newActuatorPositionTargets[i], time)

    return list(newActuatorPositionTargets)