Module MAPLEAF.Rocket.Fins
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import copy
import math
from collections import namedtuple
from math import cos, radians, sqrt, asin, tan
import numpy as np
from . import AeroFunctions
from MAPLEAF.GNC import ActuatedSystem
from MAPLEAF.Motion import (AeroParameters, AngularVelocity, ForceMomentSystem, Interpolation,
Quaternion, Vector)
from MAPLEAF.Rocket import FixedMass
from MAPLEAF.Rocket.CythonFinFunctions import (getFinSliceAngleOfAttack,
from MAPLEAF.Utilities import cacheLastResult
__all__ = [ "FinSet", "Fin" ]
# This named tuple is used to pass data between a FinSet and its child Fins.
# All the data in this tuple is used by all Fins in a FinSet to complete an aero calculation.
# To avoid recomputing it over and over, the FinSet computes it all once, then passes the info to each of its fins.
PreComputedFinAeroData = namedtuple("PreComputedFinAeroData", [ "finVelWithoutRoll", "CPXPos", "totalDragCoefficient" ])
def getFinCnAlpha_Subsonic_Barrowman(span, planformArea, beta, midChordSweep):
''' Implements Barrowman's equation for Fin CN_alpha (3-6), based on the work of Diederich and Gothert '''
# Version from Niskanen Eqn 3.37
AR = 2*span**2 / planformArea
# Barrowman Eqn 3-6
numer = 2 * math.pi * AR
denom = 2 + math.sqrt(4 + (beta*AR/cos(midChordSweep))**2)
return numer/denom
def getBusemannCoefficients(Mach, beta, gamma=1.4):
K1 = 2/beta #Supersonic correlations, Niskanen Eq. 3.41-3.44, Barrowman Appendix A (2a-2c)
K2 = ((gamma + 1)*Mach**4 - 4*beta**2) / (4*beta**4)
K3 = ((gamma + 1)*Mach**8 + (2*gamma**2 - 7*gamma -5)*Mach**6 + 10*(gamma+1)*Mach**4 - 12*Mach**2 + 8) / (6 * beta**7)
# Kstar = ((gamma+1)*Mach**4 * ( (5-3*gamma)*Mach**4 + 4*(gamma-3)*Mach**2 + 8)) / 48
Kstar = 0 # TODO: Fix Kstar implementation - See CythonFinFunctions.pyx:getFinSliceForce_Supersonic
return K1, K2, K3, Kstar
class FinSet(FixedMass, ActuatedSystem):
''' Class represents a set of n identical fins, all at the same longitudinal location, arranged axisymmetrically. Fin orientations can be controlled by a `MAPLEAF.GNC.ControlSystems.ControlSystem` '''
#### Initialization Functions ####
def __init__(self, componentDictReader, rocket, stage):
FixedMass.__init__(self, componentDictReader, rocket, stage)
self.controlSystem = None # Set by self.initializeActuators, if it is called by a control system being initialized ex: RocketControlSystem.__init__()
self.actuatorList = None # Set by self.initializeActuators, if it is called by a control system being initialized ex: RocketControlSystem.__init__()
self.numFins = componentDictReader.getInt("numFins")
self.firstFinAngle = componentDictReader.getFloat("firstFinAngle")
# Set fin properties
self.finAngle = componentDictReader.getFloat("finCantAngle")
self.sweepAngle = math.radians(componentDictReader.getFloat("sweepAngle"))
self.rootChord = componentDictReader.getFloat("rootChord")
self.tipChord = componentDictReader.getFloat("tipChord")
self.span = componentDictReader.getFloat("span")
self.surfaceRoughness = componentDictReader.tryGetFloat("surfaceRoughness", defaultValue=self.rocket.surfaceRoughness)
self.thickness = componentDictReader.getFloat("thickness")
self.numFinSpanSteps = componentDictReader.getInt("numFinSpanSlicesForIntegration")
# Leading Edge properties
self.leadingEdgeShape = componentDictReader.getString("LeadingEdge.shape")
if self.leadingEdgeShape == "Round":
self.leadingEdgeRadius = componentDictReader.tryGetFloat("LeadingEdge.radius", defaultValue=self.thickness/100)
elif self.leadingEdgeShape == "Blunt":
self.leadingEdgeThickness = componentDictReader.tryGetFloat("LeadingEdge.thickness", defaultValue=self.thickness)
raise ValueError("ERROR: Leading edge shape: {} not implemented. Use 'Round' or 'Blunt'".format(self.leadingEdgeShape))
# Trailing Edge properties
self.trailingEdgeShape = componentDictReader.getString("TrailingEdge.shape")
if self.trailingEdgeShape == "Round":
self.trailingEdgeRadius = componentDictReader.getFloat("TrailingEdge.radius")
elif self.trailingEdgeShape == "Blunt":
self.trailingEdgeThickness = componentDictReader.getFloat("TrailingEdge.thickness")
elif self.trailingEdgeShape != "Tapered":
raise ValueError("ERROR: Trailing edge shape: {} not implemented. Use 'Round', 'Blunt', or 'Tapered'".format(self.trailingEdgeShape))
def initializeActuators(self, controlSystem):
self.controlSystem = controlSystem
# Initialize an actuator model for each fin
ActuatedSystem.__init__(self, self.numFins)
def precomputeProperties(self):
### Compute Other Simple Properties ####
self.planformArea = self.span * (self.tipChord + self.rootChord) / 2
self.wettedArea = 2*self.planformArea
self.aspectRatio = (2*self.span)**2/self.planformArea # Aspect ratio of the wing that would be created by reflecting the fin about its root chord (Fleeman/Niskanen)
self.stallAngle = 15 * (1 + 1.1/self.aspectRatio) # Compute stall angle from Hoerner, 'Fluid Dynamic Lift' for low aspect ratio wings
# Get the body radius where the fin is mounted
stageTopZ = self.stage.position.Z
distanceFromTopOfStageToTopOfThisFinSet = stageTopZ - self.position.Z
self.bodyRadius = self.stage.getRadius(distanceFromTopOfStageToTopOfThisFinSet)
# Initialize all the child fins in the self.finList list
self._initChildFins(self.componentDictReader, self.rocket, self.stage)
def _calculateSweepAngles(self):
''' Compute Trailing Edge (TE) and Mid Chord sweep angles '''
LEtipChordBehindRootChord = self.span * math.tan(self.sweepAngle) # Z-distance the front of the tip chord is behind the front of the root chord
TETipChordBehindRootChord = self.tipChord + LEtipChordBehindRootChord - self.rootChord # Z-distance the back of the tip chord is behind the back of the root chord
if(TETipChordBehindRootChord == 0):
self.trailingEdgeSweep = 0.0
elif(TETipChordBehindRootChord < 0):
# Negative trailing edge sweep is a forward-swept rear
self.trailingEdgeSweep = -1*math.atan2(abs(TETipChordBehindRootChord),self.span)
self.trailingEdgeSweep = math.atan2(abs(TETipChordBehindRootChord), self.span)
self.midChordSweep = (self.sweepAngle + self.trailingEdgeSweep) / 2
self.dZ_dSpan_LE_neg = math.tan(self.sweepAngle) # -dZ/dSpan (leading edge slope)
self.dZ_dSpan_TE_neg = math.tan(self.trailingEdgeSweep) # dZ/dSpan (trailing edge slope)
def _calculateInterferenceFactors(self):
# Interference w/ body tube
# Accounts for additional normal forces generated by the fins, due to the presence of the rocket body
# Niskanen Eqn 3.56, originally from Barrowman
self.bodyOnFinInterferenceFactor = 1 + self.bodyRadius / (self.span + self.bodyRadius)
# Interference b/w the fins
# Niskanen Eqn 3.54, from MIL-HDBK-762
# Accounts for reduced normal force generated by large numbers of fins in a group
# Not expected to work well for more than 8 fins
if self.numFins <= 4:
self.finNumberInterferenceFactor = 1.0
elif self.numFins <= 8:
numberToFactorMap = {
5: 0.948,
6: 0.913,
7: 0.854,
8: 0.810,
self.finNumberInterferenceFactor = numberToFactorMap[self.finNumber]
self.finNumberInterferenceFactor = 0.75
def _calculateMACProperties(self):
''' Calculates MAC Length, MACY, and MACX - Niskanen (Eqn. 3.30-3.32) '''
def LEdgeAtY(y): # Leading Edge at y - where y is the spanwise coordinate
return self.dZ_dSpan_LE_neg*y
numSpanSteps = round(self.span / 0.0001) # One step per 0.1 mm
finSpanStep = self.span / numSpanSteps
MACIntegralSum = 0
MACYPosIntegralSum = 0
XMACLeadingEdgeIntegralSum = 0
for i in range(numSpanSteps):
y = i * finSpanStep + finSpanStep/2
MACIntegralSum += ((self.getChord(y)**2)*finSpanStep) # Eqn 3.30, integrated numerically
MACYPosIntegralSum += y * (self.getChord(y) * finSpanStep) # Eqn 3.31, integrated numerically
XMACLeadingEdgeIntegralSum += LEdgeAtY(y) * self.getChord(y)*finSpanStep # Eqn 3.32, integrated numerically
# Save results
self.MACLength = MACIntegralSum/self.planformArea
self.MACYPos = MACYPosIntegralSum/self.planformArea
self.XMACLeadingEdge = XMACLeadingEdgeIntegralSum/self.planformArea
def _splitFinsIntoSlices(self):
''' Precomputes fin area slices for normal force integration '''
stepSize = self.span / self.numFinSpanSteps
bodyRadius = self.bodyRadius
self.spanSliceAreas = [] # Area of each slice, m^2
self.spanSliceRadii = [] # Radius of the center of each slice, from the rocket centerline, m
self.sliceLEPositions = [] # Z - Position of the LE at the center of the slice, from the tip of root chord
self.sliceLengths = []
for i in range(self.numFinSpanSteps):
y = i*stepSize + stepSize*0.5
self.spanSliceRadii.append(y + bodyRadius)
self.sliceLEPositions.append(y * self.dZ_dSpan_LE_neg)
def _precomputeSubsonicFinThicknessDrag(self):
''' Precompute the subsonic thickness drag coefficient (Barrowman Eqn 4-36) '''
sigma = (self.aspectRatio/2) * (self.thickness / self.rootChord)**(1/3) # Barrowman Eqn 4-35 b
CD_TT_star = 1.15 * (self.thickness/self.rootChord)**(5/3) * (1.61 + sigma - sqrt((sigma - 1.43)**2 + 0.578))
# Get skin friction coefficient at Mach 1
mach1State = copy.deepcopy(self.rocket.rigidBody.state)
mach1State.velocity = Vector(0,0,340.3) # Get speed up around Mach 1
environment = self.rocket.environment.getAirProperties(self.rocket.rigidBody.state.position, 0)
CD_f_star = AeroFunctions.getSkinFrictionCoefficient(mach1State, environment, self.MACLength, 1.0, self.surfaceRoughness, self.rocket.fullyTurbulentBL)
# Final result
self.subsonicFinThicknessK = cos(self.midChordSweep)**2 + (((CD_TT_star/CD_f_star - 4*cos(self.midChordSweep)*(self.thickness/self.rootChord)) / (120 * cos(self.midChordSweep)**2 * (self.thickness/self.rootChord)**4))**2)**(1/3)
def _precomputeCPInterpolationPolynomial(self):
''' Precompute Interpolation polynomial coefficients for getCPXLocation function '''
AR = self.aspectRatio
f_2 = (AR * (3)**0.5 - 0.67) / (2 * (3)**0.5 * AR - 1)
f_prime_2_t1 = (2 * (3)**-0.5 * AR) * (2 * AR * (3)**0.5 - 1)
f_prime_2_t2 = ((3)**0.5 * AR - 0.67) * (AR * 4 * (3)**-0.5)
f_prime_2_denom = (2 * AR * (3)**0.5 -1)**2
f_prime_2 = (f_prime_2_t1 - f_prime_2_t2) / f_prime_2_denom
a_mat = [
[0.5**5, 0.5**4, 0.5**3, 0.5**2, 0.5, 1],
[5*(0.5)**4, 4*(0.5)**3, 3*(0.5)**2, 2*(0.5), 1, 0],
[2**5, 2**4, 2**3, 2**2, 2, 1],
[5*(2)**4, 4*(2)**3, 3*(2)**2, 2*2, 1, 0],
[20*2**3, 12*2**2, 6*2, 2, 0, 0],
[60*2**2, 24*2, 6, 0, 0, 0],
b_vec = [0.25, 0, f_2, f_prime_2, 0, 0]
# Save results
self.x = np.linalg.solve(a_mat, b_vec)
def _initChildFins(self, componentDictReader, rocket, stage):
self.finList = []
finSeparationAngle = 360/self.numFins
firstFinAngle = self.firstFinAngle
# Create child fins
for i in range(self.numFins):
# Figure out what direction the fin points in
spanwiseUnitX = math.cos(math.radians(firstFinAngle + i*finSeparationAngle))
spanwiseUnitY = math.sin(math.radians(firstFinAngle + i*finSeparationAngle))
spanWiseDirection = Vector(spanwiseUnitX, spanwiseUnitY, 0)
#Initialize each fin separately and keep in a list
self.finList.append(Fin(componentDictReader, self, spanWiseDirection, rocket, stage))
# TODO: Replace this with control system log
# TODO: Remove all getLogHeader functions
def getLogHeader(self):
header = " {}FX(N) {}FY(N) {}FZ(N) {}MX(Nm) {}MY(Nm) {}MZ(Nm)".format(*[]*6)
if self.controlSystem != None:
for finNumber in range(1, self.numFins+1):
header += " {}Fin{}Angle(deg)".format(, finNumber)
return header
### Functions used during simulation ###
def getAppliedForce(self, rocketState, time, environment, CG):
#### If control system exists, use actuator deflections 1:1 to set fin angles ####
if self.controlSystem != None:
# Update fin angles
for i in range(self.numFins):
self.finList[i].finAngle = self.actuatorList[i].getDeflection(time)
#### Pre-calculate common properties for all child Fins ####
precomputedData = self._getPreComputedFinAeroData(rocketState, environment, CG)
#### Add up forces from all child Fins ####
aeroForce = ForceMomentSystem(Vector(0,0,0), self.position)
for fin in self.finList:
aeroForce += fin.getAppliedForce(rocketState, time, environment, CG, precomputedData)
# TODO: Correct for sub/transonic rolling moment fin-fin interference from a high number of fins
# Apply fin-body interference factor to total forces in the normal (X/Y) directions and moments
totalInterferenceFactor = self.bodyOnFinInterferenceFactor * self.finNumberInterferenceFactor
aeroForce.force.X *= totalInterferenceFactor
aeroForce.force.Y *= totalInterferenceFactor
aeroForce.moment.X *= totalInterferenceFactor
aeroForce.moment.Y *= totalInterferenceFactor
return aeroForce
def _getPreComputedFinAeroData(self, rocketState, environment, CG):
#General Info ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Aref = self.rocket.Aref
Mach = AeroParameters.getMachNumber(rocketState, environment)
dynamicPressure = AeroParameters.getDynamicPressure(rocketState, environment)
# Skin Friction Drag -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
skinFrictionCoefficient = AeroFunctions.getSkinFrictionCoefficient(rocketState, environment, self.MACLength, Mach, self.surfaceRoughness, self.rocket.fullyTurbulentBL)
# Adjust to the rocket reference area (skinFrictionCoefficient is based on wetted area)
skinFrictionDragCoefficient = skinFrictionCoefficient*(self.wettedArea / Aref)
# Correct for additional surface area due to fin thickness - Niskanen Eqn 3.85
skinFrictionDragCoefficient *= (1 + 2*self.thickness/self.MACLength)
# Pressure Drag ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Leading edge drag coefficient
if self.leadingEdgeShape == "Round":
leadingEdgeCd = AeroFunctions.getCylinderCrossFlowCd_ZeroBaseDrag(Mach)
LEthickness = self.leadingEdgeRadius*2
elif self.leadingEdgeShape == "Blunt":
leadingEdgeCd = AeroFunctions.getBluntBodyCd_ZeroBaseDrag(Mach)
LEthickness = self.leadingEdgeThickness
# Adjust for leading edge angle and convert reference area to rocket reference area - Barrowman Eqn 4-22
leadingEdgeCdAdjustmentFactor = LEthickness * self.span * cos(self.sweepAngle)**2 / Aref
leadingEdgeCd *= leadingEdgeCdAdjustmentFactor
# Trailing edge drag coefficient - simpler method from Niskanen section 3.4.4. Corrected to use only the trailing edge area, not the full fin frontal area
# more intricate method available in Barrowman
baseDragCd = AeroFunctions.getBaseDragCoefficient(Mach)
if self.trailingEdgeShape == "Tapered":
TEthickness = 0 # Zero base drag
elif self.trailingEdgeShape == "Round":
TEthickness = self.trailingEdgeRadius # 0.5 base drag
elif self.trailingEdgeShape == "Blunt":
TEthickness = self.trailingEdgeThickness # Full base drag
# Convert to standard rocket reference Area
trailingEdgeCd = baseDragCd * self.span*TEthickness/Aref
# Thickness / Wave Drag
#TODO: This section doesn't seem to be working quite right
if Mach <= 1:
# Thickness drag, subsonic
thicknessDrag = 4*skinFrictionCoefficient*((self.thickness/self.rootChord)*cos(self.midChordSweep) + \
(30 * (self.thickness/self.rootChord)**4 * cos(self.midChordSweep)**2) / \
(self.subsonicFinThicknessK - Mach**2 * cos(self.midChordSweep)**2)**(3/2))
# Supersonic wave drag
# Using simplistic method from Hoerner - assumes diamond profile (pg 17-12, Eqn 29)
# TODO: Implement method from Barrowman's FIN program
thicknessDrag = 2.3*self.aspectRatio * (self.thickness / self.MACLength)**2
thicknessDrag *= self.planformArea/Aref
pressureDragCoefficient = leadingEdgeCd + trailingEdgeCd + thicknessDrag
# Total Drag --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
totalDragCoefficient = pressureDragCoefficient + skinFrictionDragCoefficient
localFrameRocketVelocity = AeroParameters.getLocalFrameAirVel(rocketState, environment)
axialPositionRelCG = self.position - CG
finVelocityDueToRocketPitchYaw = rocketState.angularVelocity.crossProduct(axialPositionRelCG)
airVelRelativeToFin = localFrameRocketVelocity - finVelocityDueToRocketPitchYaw # The negative puts it in the wind frame
CPXPos = self._getCPXPos(Mach)
#### Transfer info to fins ####
return PreComputedFinAeroData(airVelRelativeToFin, CPXPos, totalDragCoefficient)
def _getCPXPos(self, Mach):
Finds the chordwise position of the center of pressure, relative to the tip of the root chord (self.position)
Methods from Tactical missile design by Fleeman through Niskanen
if Mach < 0.5:
XF = self.XMACLeadingEdge + 0.25*self.MACLength #As per open rocket documentation
elif Mach >= 2.0:
beta = AeroParameters.getBeta(Mach)
CPCalc = lambda AR, B : (AR*B - 0.67) / (2*AR*B - 1) #Eq 3.35 of open rocket documentation (greater than M = 2)
XF = self.MACLength*CPCalc(self.aspectRatio, beta) + self.XMACLeadingEdge #As per open rocket documentation
#Between the two extremes is a polynomial curve fit
#Fifth order polynomial fit as per Niskanen Eqn 3.36 (Originally from Fleeman)
# Old code: XF = np.polyval(self.x, Mach)*self.MACLength + self.XMACLeadingEdge
# Evaluate polynomial manually for maximum speed (8.5x improvement for 6 coeffs)
# Speed test in test/speedTests/
polyval = 0
nTerms = len(self.x)
for i in range(nTerms):
polyval += self.x[i]*Mach**(nTerms-1-i)
XF = polyval*self.MACLength + self.XMACLeadingEdge # Polyval defines the fraction of the MAC that the Cp is behind the leading edge
return XF
def getChord(self, y):
''' Returns chord at y, where y==0 is at the root chord, and y==span is at the tip chord '''
return (self.tipChord - self.rootChord) * (y/self.span) + self.rootChord
def plotShape(self):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
BodyTubeDiameter = self.bodyRadius*2
SubComponentPos = self.position.Z
span = self.span
rootChord = self.rootChord
tipChord = self.tipChord
sweepAngle = self.sweepAngle
Xvals = []
Yvals = []
plt.plot(Xvals,Yvals, color = 'k')
if self.numFins == 4:
Yvals = [-1*i for i in Yvals]
plt.plot(Xvals,Yvals, color = 'k')
Yvals = [0*i for i in Yvals]
plt.plot(Xvals,Yvals, color = 'k')
elif self.numFins == 3:
Yvals = []
Yvals.append(-(BodyTubeDiameter/2 + span)*math.sin(math.radians(30)))
plt.plot (Xvals, Yvals, color = 'k')
class Fin(FixedMass):
''' Represents a single fin in a FinSet '''
def __init__(self, componentDictReader, parentFinSet, spanwiseDirection, rocket, stage):
FixedMass.__init__(self, componentDictReader, rocket, stage)
self.finSet = parentFinSet # type: FinSet
''' Reference to the parent fin set '''
self.spanSliceAreas = self.finSet.spanSliceAreas
self.spanSliceRadii = self.finSet.spanSliceRadii
self.sliceLEPositions = self.finSet.sliceLEPositions
self.sliceLengths = self.finSet.sliceLengths
self.finAngle = self.finSet.finAngle
self.stallAngle = self.finSet.stallAngle
self.span = self.finSet.span
self.planformArea = self.finSet.planformArea
self.midChordSweep = self.finSet.midChordSweep
# Unit vector parallel to the fin's shaft and/or fin's spanwise direction, normal to the rocket's body tube
self.spanwiseDirection = spanwiseDirection
# Vector normal to the fin surface, in the X/Y Plane, when self.finAngle == 0
self.undeflectedFinNormal = Vector(self.spanwiseDirection[1], -self.spanwiseDirection[0], 0)
self.tipPosition = self.finSet.dZ_dSpan_LE_neg * self.span
# Spanwise component of Center of Pressure (CP) location
self.CPSpanWisePosition = self.spanwiseDirection*(self.finSet.MACYPos + self.finSet.bodyRadius)
def _barrowmanAeroFunc(self, rocketState, time, environment, precomputedData, CG = Vector(0,0,0), finDeflectionAngle = None):
Precomputed Data is a named tuple (PreComputedFinAeroData) which contains data/results from the parts of the fin aerodynamics calculation
that are common to all fins in a FinSet (drag calculations mostly). These calculations are performed at the FinSet level.
Only the parts of the Fin Aero Computation that change from fin to fin (normal force mostly, since different fins can have different angles of attack) are computed here
Mach = AeroParameters.getMachNumber(rocketState, environment)
dynamicPressure = AeroParameters.getDynamicPressure(rocketState, environment)
if finDeflectionAngle == None:
finDeflectionAngle = self.finAngle # Adjusted by parent finset during each timestep, when the FinSet is controlled
# Unpack precomputedData
airVelRelativeToFin, CPXPos, totalDragCoefficient = precomputedData
#### Compute normal force-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Find fin normal vector after fin deflection
finDeflectionRotation = Quaternion(axisOfRotation=self.spanwiseDirection, angle=radians(finDeflectionAngle))
finNormal = finDeflectionRotation.rotate(self.undeflectedFinNormal)
# Get the tangential velocity component vector, per unit radial distance from the rocket centerline
rollAngVel = AngularVelocity(0, 0, rocketState.angularVelocity.Z)
unitSpanTangentialAirVelocity = rollAngVel.crossProduct(self.spanwiseDirection)*(-1)
def subsonicNormalForce(Mach): # Subsonic linear method
tempBeta = AeroParameters.getBeta(Mach)
CnAlpha = getFinCnAlpha_Subsonic_Barrowman(self.span, self.planformArea, tempBeta, self.midChordSweep)
return getSubsonicFinNormalForce(airVelRelativeToFin, unitSpanTangentialAirVelocity, finNormal, self.spanwiseDirection, self.CPSpanWisePosition.length(), CnAlpha, self)
def supersonicNormalForce(Mach): # Supersonic Busemann method
gamma = AeroFunctions.getGamma()
tempBeta = AeroParameters.getBeta(Mach)
K1, K2, K3, Kstar = getBusemannCoefficients(Mach, tempBeta, gamma)
# Mach Cone coords
machAngle = asin(1/Mach)
machCone_negZPerRadius = 1 / tan(machAngle)
machConeEdgeZPos = []
outerRadius = self.spanSliceRadii[-1]
for i in range(len(self.spanSliceRadii)):
machConeAtCurrentRadius = (outerRadius - self.spanSliceRadii[i])*machCone_negZPerRadius + self.tipPosition
return getSupersonicFinNormalForce(airVelRelativeToFin, unitSpanTangentialAirVelocity, finNormal, machConeEdgeZPos, self.spanwiseDirection, self.CPSpanWisePosition.length(), K1, K2, K3, Kstar, self)
if Mach <= 0.8:
normalForceMagnitude, finMoment = subsonicNormalForce(Mach)
elif Mach < 1.4:
# Interpolate in transonic region
# TODO: Do this with less function evaluations? Perhaps precompute AOA and Mach combinations and simply interpolate? Lazy precompute? Cython?
x1, x2 = 0.8, 1.4 # Start, end pts of interpolated region
dx = 0.001
# Find normal force and derivative at start of interpolation interval
f_x1, m_x1 = subsonicNormalForce(x1)
f_x12, m_x12 = subsonicNormalForce(x1+dx)
# Find normal force and derivative at end of interpolation interval
f_x2, m_x2 = supersonicNormalForce(x2)
f_x22, m_x22 = supersonicNormalForce(x2+dx)
normalForceMagnitude = Interpolation.cubicInterp(Mach, x1, x2, f_x1, f_x2, f_x12, f_x22, dx)
finMoment = Interpolation.cubicInterp(Mach, x1, x2, m_x1, m_x2, m_x12, m_x22, dx)
normalForceMagnitude, finMoment = supersonicNormalForce(Mach)
# Complete redimensionalization of normal force coefficients by multiplying by dynamic pressure
# Direct the normal force along the fin's normal direction
normalForce = normalForceMagnitude * dynamicPressure * finNormal
finMoment *= dynamicPressure
#### Get axial force-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
avgAOA = getFinSliceAngleOfAttack(self.spanSliceRadii[round(len(self.spanSliceAreas)/2)], airVelRelativeToFin, unitSpanTangentialAirVelocity, finNormal, self.spanwiseDirection, self.stallAngle) # Approximate average fin AOA
totalAxialForceCoefficient = AeroFunctions.getDragToAxialForceFactor(avgAOA) * totalDragCoefficient
axialForceMagnitude = totalAxialForceCoefficient * self.rocket.Aref * dynamicPressure
axialForceDirection = self.spanwiseDirection.crossProduct(finNormal)
axialForce = axialForceDirection*axialForceMagnitude
#### Get CP Location ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPChordWisePosition = self.position - Vector(0, 0, CPXPos) # Ignoring the change in CP position due to fin deflection for now
globalCP = self.CPSpanWisePosition + CPChordWisePosition
#### Assemble total force moment system objects--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
totalForce = normalForce + axialForce
return ForceMomentSystem(totalForce, globalCP, moment=Vector(0, 0, finMoment)), globalCP
def getAppliedForce(self, rocketState, time, environment, CG, precomputedData):
[ aeroForce, CP ] = self._barrowmanAeroFunc(rocketState, time, environment, precomputedData, CG)
return aeroForce
class Fin (componentDictReader, parentFinSet, spanwiseDirection, rocket, stage)
Represents a single fin in a FinSet
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class Fin(FixedMass): ''' Represents a single fin in a FinSet ''' def __init__(self, componentDictReader, parentFinSet, spanwiseDirection, rocket, stage): FixedMass.__init__(self, componentDictReader, rocket, stage) self.finSet = parentFinSet # type: FinSet ''' Reference to the parent fin set ''' self.spanSliceAreas = self.finSet.spanSliceAreas self.spanSliceRadii = self.finSet.spanSliceRadii self.sliceLEPositions = self.finSet.sliceLEPositions self.sliceLengths = self.finSet.sliceLengths self.finAngle = self.finSet.finAngle self.stallAngle = self.finSet.stallAngle self.span = self.finSet.span self.planformArea = self.finSet.planformArea self.midChordSweep = self.finSet.midChordSweep # Unit vector parallel to the fin's shaft and/or fin's spanwise direction, normal to the rocket's body tube self.spanwiseDirection = spanwiseDirection # Vector normal to the fin surface, in the X/Y Plane, when self.finAngle == 0 self.undeflectedFinNormal = Vector(self.spanwiseDirection[1], -self.spanwiseDirection[0], 0) self.tipPosition = self.finSet.dZ_dSpan_LE_neg * self.span # Spanwise component of Center of Pressure (CP) location self.CPSpanWisePosition = self.spanwiseDirection*(self.finSet.MACYPos + self.finSet.bodyRadius) def _barrowmanAeroFunc(self, rocketState, time, environment, precomputedData, CG = Vector(0,0,0), finDeflectionAngle = None): ''' Precomputed Data is a named tuple (PreComputedFinAeroData) which contains data/results from the parts of the fin aerodynamics calculation that are common to all fins in a FinSet (drag calculations mostly). These calculations are performed at the FinSet level. Only the parts of the Fin Aero Computation that change from fin to fin (normal force mostly, since different fins can have different angles of attack) are computed here ''' Mach = AeroParameters.getMachNumber(rocketState, environment) dynamicPressure = AeroParameters.getDynamicPressure(rocketState, environment) if finDeflectionAngle == None: finDeflectionAngle = self.finAngle # Adjusted by parent finset during each timestep, when the FinSet is controlled # Unpack precomputedData airVelRelativeToFin, CPXPos, totalDragCoefficient = precomputedData #### Compute normal force----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Find fin normal vector after fin deflection finDeflectionRotation = Quaternion(axisOfRotation=self.spanwiseDirection, angle=radians(finDeflectionAngle)) finNormal = finDeflectionRotation.rotate(self.undeflectedFinNormal) # Get the tangential velocity component vector, per unit radial distance from the rocket centerline rollAngVel = AngularVelocity(0, 0, rocketState.angularVelocity.Z) unitSpanTangentialAirVelocity = rollAngVel.crossProduct(self.spanwiseDirection)*(-1) def subsonicNormalForce(Mach): # Subsonic linear method tempBeta = AeroParameters.getBeta(Mach) CnAlpha = getFinCnAlpha_Subsonic_Barrowman(self.span, self.planformArea, tempBeta, self.midChordSweep) return getSubsonicFinNormalForce(airVelRelativeToFin, unitSpanTangentialAirVelocity, finNormal, self.spanwiseDirection, self.CPSpanWisePosition.length(), CnAlpha, self) def supersonicNormalForce(Mach): # Supersonic Busemann method gamma = AeroFunctions.getGamma() tempBeta = AeroParameters.getBeta(Mach) K1, K2, K3, Kstar = getBusemannCoefficients(Mach, tempBeta, gamma) # Mach Cone coords machAngle = asin(1/Mach) machCone_negZPerRadius = 1 / tan(machAngle) machConeEdgeZPos = [] outerRadius = self.spanSliceRadii[-1] for i in range(len(self.spanSliceRadii)): machConeAtCurrentRadius = (outerRadius - self.spanSliceRadii[i])*machCone_negZPerRadius + self.tipPosition machConeEdgeZPos.append(machConeAtCurrentRadius) return getSupersonicFinNormalForce(airVelRelativeToFin, unitSpanTangentialAirVelocity, finNormal, machConeEdgeZPos, self.spanwiseDirection, self.CPSpanWisePosition.length(), K1, K2, K3, Kstar, self) if Mach <= 0.8: normalForceMagnitude, finMoment = subsonicNormalForce(Mach) elif Mach < 1.4: # Interpolate in transonic region # TODO: Do this with less function evaluations? Perhaps precompute AOA and Mach combinations and simply interpolate? Lazy precompute? Cython? x1, x2 = 0.8, 1.4 # Start, end pts of interpolated region dx = 0.001 # Find normal force and derivative at start of interpolation interval f_x1, m_x1 = subsonicNormalForce(x1) f_x12, m_x12 = subsonicNormalForce(x1+dx) # Find normal force and derivative at end of interpolation interval f_x2, m_x2 = supersonicNormalForce(x2) f_x22, m_x22 = supersonicNormalForce(x2+dx) normalForceMagnitude = Interpolation.cubicInterp(Mach, x1, x2, f_x1, f_x2, f_x12, f_x22, dx) finMoment = Interpolation.cubicInterp(Mach, x1, x2, m_x1, m_x2, m_x12, m_x22, dx) else: normalForceMagnitude, finMoment = supersonicNormalForce(Mach) # Complete redimensionalization of normal force coefficients by multiplying by dynamic pressure # Direct the normal force along the fin's normal direction normalForce = normalForceMagnitude * dynamicPressure * finNormal finMoment *= dynamicPressure #### Get axial force----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- avgAOA = getFinSliceAngleOfAttack(self.spanSliceRadii[round(len(self.spanSliceAreas)/2)], airVelRelativeToFin, unitSpanTangentialAirVelocity, finNormal, self.spanwiseDirection, self.stallAngle) # Approximate average fin AOA totalAxialForceCoefficient = AeroFunctions.getDragToAxialForceFactor(avgAOA) * totalDragCoefficient axialForceMagnitude = totalAxialForceCoefficient * self.rocket.Aref * dynamicPressure axialForceDirection = self.spanwiseDirection.crossProduct(finNormal) axialForce = axialForceDirection*axialForceMagnitude #### Get CP Location ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPChordWisePosition = self.position - Vector(0, 0, CPXPos) # Ignoring the change in CP position due to fin deflection for now globalCP = self.CPSpanWisePosition + CPChordWisePosition #### Assemble total force moment system objects-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- totalForce = normalForce + axialForce return ForceMomentSystem(totalForce, globalCP, moment=Vector(0, 0, finMoment)), globalCP def getAppliedForce(self, rocketState, time, environment, CG, precomputedData): [ aeroForce, CP ] = self._barrowmanAeroFunc(rocketState, time, environment, precomputedData, CG) return aeroForce
- FixedMass
- RocketComponent
- abc.ABC
Instance variables
var finSet
Reference to the parent fin set
def getAppliedForce(self, rocketState, time, environment, CG, precomputedData)
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def getAppliedForce(self, rocketState, time, environment, CG, precomputedData): [ aeroForce, CP ] = self._barrowmanAeroFunc(rocketState, time, environment, precomputedData, CG) return aeroForce
class FinSet (componentDictReader, rocket, stage)
Class represents a set of n identical fins, all at the same longitudinal location, arranged axisymmetrically. Fin orientations can be controlled by a
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class FinSet(FixedMass, ActuatedSystem): ''' Class represents a set of n identical fins, all at the same longitudinal location, arranged axisymmetrically. Fin orientations can be controlled by a `MAPLEAF.GNC.ControlSystems.ControlSystem` ''' #### Initialization Functions #### def __init__(self, componentDictReader, rocket, stage): FixedMass.__init__(self, componentDictReader, rocket, stage) self.controlSystem = None # Set by self.initializeActuators, if it is called by a control system being initialized ex: RocketControlSystem.__init__() self.actuatorList = None # Set by self.initializeActuators, if it is called by a control system being initialized ex: RocketControlSystem.__init__() self.numFins = componentDictReader.getInt("numFins") self.firstFinAngle = componentDictReader.getFloat("firstFinAngle") # Set fin properties self.finAngle = componentDictReader.getFloat("finCantAngle") self.sweepAngle = math.radians(componentDictReader.getFloat("sweepAngle")) self.rootChord = componentDictReader.getFloat("rootChord") self.tipChord = componentDictReader.getFloat("tipChord") self.span = componentDictReader.getFloat("span") self.surfaceRoughness = componentDictReader.tryGetFloat("surfaceRoughness", defaultValue=self.rocket.surfaceRoughness) self.thickness = componentDictReader.getFloat("thickness") self.numFinSpanSteps = componentDictReader.getInt("numFinSpanSlicesForIntegration") # Leading Edge properties self.leadingEdgeShape = componentDictReader.getString("LeadingEdge.shape") if self.leadingEdgeShape == "Round": self.leadingEdgeRadius = componentDictReader.tryGetFloat("LeadingEdge.radius", defaultValue=self.thickness/100) elif self.leadingEdgeShape == "Blunt": self.leadingEdgeThickness = componentDictReader.tryGetFloat("LeadingEdge.thickness", defaultValue=self.thickness) else: raise ValueError("ERROR: Leading edge shape: {} not implemented. Use 'Round' or 'Blunt'".format(self.leadingEdgeShape)) # Trailing Edge properties self.trailingEdgeShape = componentDictReader.getString("TrailingEdge.shape") if self.trailingEdgeShape == "Round": self.trailingEdgeRadius = componentDictReader.getFloat("TrailingEdge.radius") elif self.trailingEdgeShape == "Blunt": self.trailingEdgeThickness = componentDictReader.getFloat("TrailingEdge.thickness") elif self.trailingEdgeShape != "Tapered": raise ValueError("ERROR: Trailing edge shape: {} not implemented. Use 'Round', 'Blunt', or 'Tapered'".format(self.trailingEdgeShape)) def initializeActuators(self, controlSystem): self.controlSystem = controlSystem # Initialize an actuator model for each fin ActuatedSystem.__init__(self, self.numFins) def precomputeProperties(self): self._calculateSweepAngles() ### Compute Other Simple Properties #### self.planformArea = self.span * (self.tipChord + self.rootChord) / 2 self.wettedArea = 2*self.planformArea self.aspectRatio = (2*self.span)**2/self.planformArea # Aspect ratio of the wing that would be created by reflecting the fin about its root chord (Fleeman/Niskanen) self.stallAngle = 15 * (1 + 1.1/self.aspectRatio) # Compute stall angle from Hoerner, 'Fluid Dynamic Lift' for low aspect ratio wings # Get the body radius where the fin is mounted stageTopZ = self.stage.position.Z distanceFromTopOfStageToTopOfThisFinSet = stageTopZ - self.position.Z self.bodyRadius = self.stage.getRadius(distanceFromTopOfStageToTopOfThisFinSet) self._calculateInterferenceFactors() self._calculateMACProperties() self._splitFinsIntoSlices() self._precomputeSubsonicFinThicknessDrag() self._precomputeCPInterpolationPolynomial() # Initialize all the child fins in the self.finList list self._initChildFins(self.componentDictReader, self.rocket, self.stage) def _calculateSweepAngles(self): ''' Compute Trailing Edge (TE) and Mid Chord sweep angles ''' LEtipChordBehindRootChord = self.span * math.tan(self.sweepAngle) # Z-distance the front of the tip chord is behind the front of the root chord TETipChordBehindRootChord = self.tipChord + LEtipChordBehindRootChord - self.rootChord # Z-distance the back of the tip chord is behind the back of the root chord if(TETipChordBehindRootChord == 0): self.trailingEdgeSweep = 0.0 elif(TETipChordBehindRootChord < 0): # Negative trailing edge sweep is a forward-swept rear self.trailingEdgeSweep = -1*math.atan2(abs(TETipChordBehindRootChord),self.span) else: self.trailingEdgeSweep = math.atan2(abs(TETipChordBehindRootChord), self.span) self.midChordSweep = (self.sweepAngle + self.trailingEdgeSweep) / 2 self.dZ_dSpan_LE_neg = math.tan(self.sweepAngle) # -dZ/dSpan (leading edge slope) self.dZ_dSpan_TE_neg = math.tan(self.trailingEdgeSweep) # dZ/dSpan (trailing edge slope) def _calculateInterferenceFactors(self): # Interference w/ body tube # Accounts for additional normal forces generated by the fins, due to the presence of the rocket body # Niskanen Eqn 3.56, originally from Barrowman self.bodyOnFinInterferenceFactor = 1 + self.bodyRadius / (self.span + self.bodyRadius) # Interference b/w the fins # Niskanen Eqn 3.54, from MIL-HDBK-762 # Accounts for reduced normal force generated by large numbers of fins in a group # Not expected to work well for more than 8 fins if self.numFins <= 4: self.finNumberInterferenceFactor = 1.0 elif self.numFins <= 8: numberToFactorMap = { 5: 0.948, 6: 0.913, 7: 0.854, 8: 0.810, } self.finNumberInterferenceFactor = numberToFactorMap[self.finNumber] else: self.finNumberInterferenceFactor = 0.75 def _calculateMACProperties(self): ''' Calculates MAC Length, MACY, and MACX - Niskanen (Eqn. 3.30-3.32) ''' def LEdgeAtY(y): # Leading Edge at y - where y is the spanwise coordinate return self.dZ_dSpan_LE_neg*y numSpanSteps = round(self.span / 0.0001) # One step per 0.1 mm finSpanStep = self.span / numSpanSteps MACIntegralSum = 0 MACYPosIntegralSum = 0 XMACLeadingEdgeIntegralSum = 0 for i in range(numSpanSteps): y = i * finSpanStep + finSpanStep/2 MACIntegralSum += ((self.getChord(y)**2)*finSpanStep) # Eqn 3.30, integrated numerically MACYPosIntegralSum += y * (self.getChord(y) * finSpanStep) # Eqn 3.31, integrated numerically XMACLeadingEdgeIntegralSum += LEdgeAtY(y) * self.getChord(y)*finSpanStep # Eqn 3.32, integrated numerically # Save results self.MACLength = MACIntegralSum/self.planformArea self.MACYPos = MACYPosIntegralSum/self.planformArea self.XMACLeadingEdge = XMACLeadingEdgeIntegralSum/self.planformArea def _splitFinsIntoSlices(self): ''' Precomputes fin area slices for normal force integration ''' stepSize = self.span / self.numFinSpanSteps bodyRadius = self.bodyRadius self.spanSliceAreas = [] # Area of each slice, m^2 self.spanSliceRadii = [] # Radius of the center of each slice, from the rocket centerline, m self.sliceLEPositions = [] # Z - Position of the LE at the center of the slice, from the tip of root chord self.sliceLengths = [] for i in range(self.numFinSpanSteps): y = i*stepSize + stepSize*0.5 self.spanSliceRadii.append(y + bodyRadius) self.spanSliceAreas.append(stepSize*self.getChord(y)) self.sliceLEPositions.append(y * self.dZ_dSpan_LE_neg) self.sliceLengths.append(self.getChord(y)) def _precomputeSubsonicFinThicknessDrag(self): ''' Precompute the subsonic thickness drag coefficient (Barrowman Eqn 4-36) ''' sigma = (self.aspectRatio/2) * (self.thickness / self.rootChord)**(1/3) # Barrowman Eqn 4-35 b CD_TT_star = 1.15 * (self.thickness/self.rootChord)**(5/3) * (1.61 + sigma - sqrt((sigma - 1.43)**2 + 0.578)) # Get skin friction coefficient at Mach 1 mach1State = copy.deepcopy(self.rocket.rigidBody.state) mach1State.velocity = Vector(0,0,340.3) # Get speed up around Mach 1 environment = self.rocket.environment.getAirProperties(self.rocket.rigidBody.state.position, 0) CD_f_star = AeroFunctions.getSkinFrictionCoefficient(mach1State, environment, self.MACLength, 1.0, self.surfaceRoughness, self.rocket.fullyTurbulentBL) # Final result self.subsonicFinThicknessK = cos(self.midChordSweep)**2 + (((CD_TT_star/CD_f_star - 4*cos(self.midChordSweep)*(self.thickness/self.rootChord)) / (120 * cos(self.midChordSweep)**2 * (self.thickness/self.rootChord)**4))**2)**(1/3) def _precomputeCPInterpolationPolynomial(self): ''' Precompute Interpolation polynomial coefficients for getCPXLocation function ''' AR = self.aspectRatio f_2 = (AR * (3)**0.5 - 0.67) / (2 * (3)**0.5 * AR - 1) f_prime_2_t1 = (2 * (3)**-0.5 * AR) * (2 * AR * (3)**0.5 - 1) f_prime_2_t2 = ((3)**0.5 * AR - 0.67) * (AR * 4 * (3)**-0.5) f_prime_2_denom = (2 * AR * (3)**0.5 -1)**2 f_prime_2 = (f_prime_2_t1 - f_prime_2_t2) / f_prime_2_denom a_mat = [ [0.5**5, 0.5**4, 0.5**3, 0.5**2, 0.5, 1], [5*(0.5)**4, 4*(0.5)**3, 3*(0.5)**2, 2*(0.5), 1, 0], [2**5, 2**4, 2**3, 2**2, 2, 1], [5*(2)**4, 4*(2)**3, 3*(2)**2, 2*2, 1, 0], [20*2**3, 12*2**2, 6*2, 2, 0, 0], [60*2**2, 24*2, 6, 0, 0, 0], ] b_vec = [0.25, 0, f_2, f_prime_2, 0, 0] # Save results self.x = np.linalg.solve(a_mat, b_vec) def _initChildFins(self, componentDictReader, rocket, stage): self.finList = [] finSeparationAngle = 360/self.numFins firstFinAngle = self.firstFinAngle # Create child fins for i in range(self.numFins): # Figure out what direction the fin points in spanwiseUnitX = math.cos(math.radians(firstFinAngle + i*finSeparationAngle)) spanwiseUnitY = math.sin(math.radians(firstFinAngle + i*finSeparationAngle)) spanWiseDirection = Vector(spanwiseUnitX, spanwiseUnitY, 0) #Initialize each fin separately and keep in a list self.finList.append(Fin(componentDictReader, self, spanWiseDirection, rocket, stage)) # TODO: Replace this with control system log # TODO: Remove all getLogHeader functions def getLogHeader(self): header = " {}FX(N) {}FY(N) {}FZ(N) {}MX(Nm) {}MY(Nm) {}MZ(Nm)".format(*[]*6) if self.controlSystem != None: for finNumber in range(1, self.numFins+1): header += " {}Fin{}Angle(deg)".format(, finNumber) return header ### Functions used during simulation ### def getAppliedForce(self, rocketState, time, environment, CG): #### If control system exists, use actuator deflections 1:1 to set fin angles #### if self.controlSystem != None: # Update fin angles for i in range(self.numFins): self.finList[i].finAngle = self.actuatorList[i].getDeflection(time) #### Pre-calculate common properties for all child Fins #### precomputedData = self._getPreComputedFinAeroData(rocketState, environment, CG) #### Add up forces from all child Fins #### aeroForce = ForceMomentSystem(Vector(0,0,0), self.position) for fin in self.finList: aeroForce += fin.getAppliedForce(rocketState, time, environment, CG, precomputedData) # TODO: Correct for sub/transonic rolling moment fin-fin interference from a high number of fins # Apply fin-body interference factor to total forces in the normal (X/Y) directions and moments totalInterferenceFactor = self.bodyOnFinInterferenceFactor * self.finNumberInterferenceFactor aeroForce.force.X *= totalInterferenceFactor aeroForce.force.Y *= totalInterferenceFactor aeroForce.moment.X *= totalInterferenceFactor aeroForce.moment.Y *= totalInterferenceFactor return aeroForce def _getPreComputedFinAeroData(self, rocketState, environment, CG): #General Info --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aref = self.rocket.Aref Mach = AeroParameters.getMachNumber(rocketState, environment) dynamicPressure = AeroParameters.getDynamicPressure(rocketState, environment) # Skin Friction Drag ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- skinFrictionCoefficient = AeroFunctions.getSkinFrictionCoefficient(rocketState, environment, self.MACLength, Mach, self.surfaceRoughness, self.rocket.fullyTurbulentBL) # Adjust to the rocket reference area (skinFrictionCoefficient is based on wetted area) skinFrictionDragCoefficient = skinFrictionCoefficient*(self.wettedArea / Aref) # Correct for additional surface area due to fin thickness - Niskanen Eqn 3.85 skinFrictionDragCoefficient *= (1 + 2*self.thickness/self.MACLength) # Pressure Drag ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Leading edge drag coefficient if self.leadingEdgeShape == "Round": leadingEdgeCd = AeroFunctions.getCylinderCrossFlowCd_ZeroBaseDrag(Mach) LEthickness = self.leadingEdgeRadius*2 elif self.leadingEdgeShape == "Blunt": leadingEdgeCd = AeroFunctions.getBluntBodyCd_ZeroBaseDrag(Mach) LEthickness = self.leadingEdgeThickness # Adjust for leading edge angle and convert reference area to rocket reference area - Barrowman Eqn 4-22 leadingEdgeCdAdjustmentFactor = LEthickness * self.span * cos(self.sweepAngle)**2 / Aref leadingEdgeCd *= leadingEdgeCdAdjustmentFactor # Trailing edge drag coefficient - simpler method from Niskanen section 3.4.4. Corrected to use only the trailing edge area, not the full fin frontal area # more intricate method available in Barrowman baseDragCd = AeroFunctions.getBaseDragCoefficient(Mach) if self.trailingEdgeShape == "Tapered": TEthickness = 0 # Zero base drag elif self.trailingEdgeShape == "Round": TEthickness = self.trailingEdgeRadius # 0.5 base drag elif self.trailingEdgeShape == "Blunt": TEthickness = self.trailingEdgeThickness # Full base drag # Convert to standard rocket reference Area trailingEdgeCd = baseDragCd * self.span*TEthickness/Aref # Thickness / Wave Drag #TODO: This section doesn't seem to be working quite right if Mach <= 1: # Thickness drag, subsonic thicknessDrag = 4*skinFrictionCoefficient*((self.thickness/self.rootChord)*cos(self.midChordSweep) + \ (30 * (self.thickness/self.rootChord)**4 * cos(self.midChordSweep)**2) / \ (self.subsonicFinThicknessK - Mach**2 * cos(self.midChordSweep)**2)**(3/2)) else: # Supersonic wave drag # Using simplistic method from Hoerner - assumes diamond profile (pg 17-12, Eqn 29) # TODO: Implement method from Barrowman's FIN program thicknessDrag = 2.3*self.aspectRatio * (self.thickness / self.MACLength)**2 thicknessDrag *= self.planformArea/Aref pressureDragCoefficient = leadingEdgeCd + trailingEdgeCd + thicknessDrag # Total Drag -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- totalDragCoefficient = pressureDragCoefficient + skinFrictionDragCoefficient localFrameRocketVelocity = AeroParameters.getLocalFrameAirVel(rocketState, environment) axialPositionRelCG = self.position - CG finVelocityDueToRocketPitchYaw = rocketState.angularVelocity.crossProduct(axialPositionRelCG) airVelRelativeToFin = localFrameRocketVelocity - finVelocityDueToRocketPitchYaw # The negative puts it in the wind frame CPXPos = self._getCPXPos(Mach) #### Transfer info to fins #### return PreComputedFinAeroData(airVelRelativeToFin, CPXPos, totalDragCoefficient) def _getCPXPos(self, Mach): ''' Finds the chordwise position of the center of pressure, relative to the tip of the root chord (self.position) Methods from Tactical missile design by Fleeman through Niskanen ''' if Mach < 0.5: XF = self.XMACLeadingEdge + 0.25*self.MACLength #As per open rocket documentation elif Mach >= 2.0: beta = AeroParameters.getBeta(Mach) CPCalc = lambda AR, B : (AR*B - 0.67) / (2*AR*B - 1) #Eq 3.35 of open rocket documentation (greater than M = 2) XF = self.MACLength*CPCalc(self.aspectRatio, beta) + self.XMACLeadingEdge #As per open rocket documentation else: #Between the two extremes is a polynomial curve fit #Fifth order polynomial fit as per Niskanen Eqn 3.36 (Originally from Fleeman) # Old code: XF = np.polyval(self.x, Mach)*self.MACLength + self.XMACLeadingEdge # Evaluate polynomial manually for maximum speed (8.5x improvement for 6 coeffs) # Speed test in test/speedTests/ polyval = 0 nTerms = len(self.x) for i in range(nTerms): polyval += self.x[i]*Mach**(nTerms-1-i) XF = polyval*self.MACLength + self.XMACLeadingEdge # Polyval defines the fraction of the MAC that the Cp is behind the leading edge return XF def getChord(self, y): ''' Returns chord at y, where y==0 is at the root chord, and y==span is at the tip chord ''' return (self.tipChord - self.rootChord) * (y/self.span) + self.rootChord def plotShape(self): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt BodyTubeDiameter = self.bodyRadius*2 SubComponentPos = self.position.Z span = self.span rootChord = self.rootChord tipChord = self.tipChord sweepAngle = self.sweepAngle Xvals = [] Yvals = [] Xvals.append(SubComponentPos) Yvals.append(BodyTubeDiameter/2) Xvals.append(Xvals[0]-span*math.tan(sweepAngle)) Yvals.append(Yvals[0]+span) Xvals.append(Xvals[1]-tipChord) Yvals.append(Yvals[1]) Xvals.append(Xvals[0]-rootChord) Yvals.append(Yvals[0]) Xvals.append(Xvals[0]) Yvals.append(Yvals[0]) plt.plot(Xvals,Yvals, color = 'k') if self.numFins == 4: Yvals = [-1*i for i in Yvals] plt.plot(Xvals,Yvals, color = 'k') Yvals = [0*i for i in Yvals] plt.plot(Xvals,Yvals, color = 'k') elif self.numFins == 3: Yvals = [] Yvals.append(-BodyTubeDiameter/2*math.sin(math.radians(30))) Yvals.append(-(BodyTubeDiameter/2 + span)*math.sin(math.radians(30))) Yvals.append(Yvals[1]) Yvals.append(Yvals[0]) Yvals.append(Yvals[0]) plt.plot (Xvals, Yvals, color = 'k')
- FixedMass
- RocketComponent
- ActuatedSystem
- abc.ABC
def getAppliedForce(self, rocketState, time, environment, CG)
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def getAppliedForce(self, rocketState, time, environment, CG): #### If control system exists, use actuator deflections 1:1 to set fin angles #### if self.controlSystem != None: # Update fin angles for i in range(self.numFins): self.finList[i].finAngle = self.actuatorList[i].getDeflection(time) #### Pre-calculate common properties for all child Fins #### precomputedData = self._getPreComputedFinAeroData(rocketState, environment, CG) #### Add up forces from all child Fins #### aeroForce = ForceMomentSystem(Vector(0,0,0), self.position) for fin in self.finList: aeroForce += fin.getAppliedForce(rocketState, time, environment, CG, precomputedData) # TODO: Correct for sub/transonic rolling moment fin-fin interference from a high number of fins # Apply fin-body interference factor to total forces in the normal (X/Y) directions and moments totalInterferenceFactor = self.bodyOnFinInterferenceFactor * self.finNumberInterferenceFactor aeroForce.force.X *= totalInterferenceFactor aeroForce.force.Y *= totalInterferenceFactor aeroForce.moment.X *= totalInterferenceFactor aeroForce.moment.Y *= totalInterferenceFactor return aeroForce
def getChord(self, y)
Returns chord at y, where y==0 is at the root chord, and y==span is at the tip chord
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def getChord(self, y): ''' Returns chord at y, where y==0 is at the root chord, and y==span is at the tip chord ''' return (self.tipChord - self.rootChord) * (y/self.span) + self.rootChord
def getLogHeader(self)
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def getLogHeader(self): header = " {}FX(N) {}FY(N) {}FZ(N) {}MX(Nm) {}MY(Nm) {}MZ(Nm)".format(*[]*6) if self.controlSystem != None: for finNumber in range(1, self.numFins+1): header += " {}Fin{}Angle(deg)".format(, finNumber) return header
def plotShape(self)
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def plotShape(self): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt BodyTubeDiameter = self.bodyRadius*2 SubComponentPos = self.position.Z span = self.span rootChord = self.rootChord tipChord = self.tipChord sweepAngle = self.sweepAngle Xvals = [] Yvals = [] Xvals.append(SubComponentPos) Yvals.append(BodyTubeDiameter/2) Xvals.append(Xvals[0]-span*math.tan(sweepAngle)) Yvals.append(Yvals[0]+span) Xvals.append(Xvals[1]-tipChord) Yvals.append(Yvals[1]) Xvals.append(Xvals[0]-rootChord) Yvals.append(Yvals[0]) Xvals.append(Xvals[0]) Yvals.append(Yvals[0]) plt.plot(Xvals,Yvals, color = 'k') if self.numFins == 4: Yvals = [-1*i for i in Yvals] plt.plot(Xvals,Yvals, color = 'k') Yvals = [0*i for i in Yvals] plt.plot(Xvals,Yvals, color = 'k') elif self.numFins == 3: Yvals = [] Yvals.append(-BodyTubeDiameter/2*math.sin(math.radians(30))) Yvals.append(-(BodyTubeDiameter/2 + span)*math.sin(math.radians(30))) Yvals.append(Yvals[1]) Yvals.append(Yvals[0]) Yvals.append(Yvals[0]) plt.plot (Xvals, Yvals, color = 'k')
def precomputeProperties(self)
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def precomputeProperties(self): self._calculateSweepAngles() ### Compute Other Simple Properties #### self.planformArea = self.span * (self.tipChord + self.rootChord) / 2 self.wettedArea = 2*self.planformArea self.aspectRatio = (2*self.span)**2/self.planformArea # Aspect ratio of the wing that would be created by reflecting the fin about its root chord (Fleeman/Niskanen) self.stallAngle = 15 * (1 + 1.1/self.aspectRatio) # Compute stall angle from Hoerner, 'Fluid Dynamic Lift' for low aspect ratio wings # Get the body radius where the fin is mounted stageTopZ = self.stage.position.Z distanceFromTopOfStageToTopOfThisFinSet = stageTopZ - self.position.Z self.bodyRadius = self.stage.getRadius(distanceFromTopOfStageToTopOfThisFinSet) self._calculateInterferenceFactors() self._calculateMACProperties() self._splitFinsIntoSlices() self._precomputeSubsonicFinThicknessDrag() self._precomputeCPInterpolationPolynomial() # Initialize all the child fins in the self.finList list self._initChildFins(self.componentDictReader, self.rocket, self.stage)
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